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Seven Seas Licenses The Greateset Wolf of My Life Manhwa/Webtoon Series

(March 12, 2025) – Seven Seas Entertainment is pleased to announce the license acquisition of the full-color manhwa webtoon series The Greatest Wolf of My Life by Ran and BG. One girl's dead-end life takes quite a turn when she gets involved with a pop idol and an old crush from her past! Illustrated by the artist of Reborn Rich—also available from Seven Seas.

Eunbyul's life isn't perfect—she's working a dead-end job at the local convenience store and has zero romantic prospects—but at least she has her own cozy space. But her peace is instantly ruined when a pair of boxers float over to her roof. As if a landmine has been set off, Eunbyul's thrown into a number of crazy scenarios: an unfortunate misunderstanding with her new next-door neighbor, who also happens to be a pop idol in hiding, a surprise reunion with an old crush, and a literal run-in with an old family friend! With so much going on, Eunbyul's life is far from comfortable and full of the unimaginable. Will she be labeled a perverted stalker forever, or will all these bad situations lead to some good fortune?

The Greatest Wolf of My Life Vol. 1 will be released for the first time in print in the English language in November 2025 for $21.99 USA / $28.99 CAN, with the series available in single large-trim editions as part of the Seven Seas Webtoons label. Ebook editions will also be available on digital platforms.

About Seven Seas Entertainment
Established in 2004, Seven Seas Entertainment is an award-winning publisher that specializes in bringing the best of Japanese manga and light novels to English-language audiences alongside the hottest danmei, webtoons, and other books from around the globe, as well as producing audiobooks, original comics, and youth literature. All of Seven Seas' print book imprints are distributed throughout the world by Penguin Random House Publisher Services. For more information, visit sevenseasentertainment.com

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