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Geneon Titles - Several First Impressions and Mini Reviews

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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:04 am Reply with quote
Thanks to the recent Geneon sales at various websites I've had a chance to get to know several new series and revisit some old ones. Here are some thoughts as I've been going through them.

First, the mainstream titles...

Fushigi Yugi - This silly and serious series has been lots of fun so far. The plot and charcters have really pulled me in and yet the story has left me relatively clueless at what exactly is going to happen next. It's a great feeling and it's exactly what I keep coming back to anime for. Even the opening theme has really struck a cord with me. The only thing I don't like about this series so far is the surprisingly poor transfer the R1 release received. I had no idea that it would rivial the original Slayers series for worst transfer ever. Oh, man, what an unfortunate condition it's in. As for the perversion factor, it's actually pretty light compared to many newer series.

The Wanderers El Hazard - A great family-friendly plot that merges pseudo-reality, sci-fi technology, fantasy magic, and ever-present comedy to make for a rather enjoyable series that should appeal to a lot of viewers. You've got a bit of a harem theme going on, but it doesn't dominate the whole series and the perversion factor is really limited to just a bit of cleavage and a few skin-tight outfits. All in all I'd say this series is right up there with other wide-appeal series like Slayers and the like. If you enjoy fantasy settings with a sci-fi component then this series will be right up your alley. It's also required watching for the next story arc called the Alternative World, where you get to go through the whole process all over again, but with many of the original elements already in place and moving along.

The Wanderers Alternative World - In theory this is the Holy Grail of anime series in my view. You have a great original series with a decent ending and then along comes another series that picks up right where the last one left off. How cool is that? Very cool, in my view, but it's also hard not to notice the differences. The backgrounds are drawn in a new style and the perversion factor has been kicked up a notch or three. I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about this series when all is said and done, but I'm still interested enough to find out.

Captain Herlock - I have no idea why they spelled it like that, but I'm still enjoying the series a lot. The rough crowd characters, gloomy sci-fi visuals, and jazzy soundtrack make for a very good combination not unlike that of Cowboy Bebop. The connection to the new-old world of Galaxy Express just brings the series that much closer to my heart. There are many things that I want to see in this series that may or may not actually be there, but I'm enjoying it unreservedly at this point. The only thing I don't like about this series so far is the fact that it reminds me that we still don't have an English language version of GE999 on DVD after all these years. What the hell is taking so damn long? Why won't anybody re-license this and give it a proper release on modern media?

And now for the 'other' Geneon releases..

Melody of Oblivion - This series is really not my style so far. It's very unrealistic, both in regard to the plot and the character motivations, and it is without a lot of redeeming qualities in my view. The plot just can't seem to hold me and the character motivations don't interest me much. I think I'll be passing this over to someone else eventually. The perversion factor seems to be a little high as well, but very little is explained in the first volume.

Mermaid Forest - Wow, I've really been enjoying the mood and the music of this series so far. I've been drawn to the concept of one solitary man standing his ground in a sea of greed and corruption ever since I was a young child. So far this series seems to be right up my alley and I'm wishing it was much longer. Even though I don't usually get very excited about superstitions and old wives tales this series has still managed to keep my interest up nonetheless. The pacing and visuals are well done for this type of series and the voice acting has been above average as well.

Chobits - Ah yes, the lolita complex plot disguised as an android series. It's funny. It's cute. It's also rather sick, if you really think about it. The android aspect is both a pillar of the plot and a ready-made deflection to any accusations of overt perversion. In my view, it's hard to see Chii as anything but a young girl in many scenes and I'm inclined to believe that this is exactly how it was intended to be viewed. Amazingly, some anime fans actually consider Chii to be too old looking to be truly lolita, but that's the kind of thing only someone who watches a lot of provacative anime could possibly say. To the average American, at least, Chii looks very much like a young child and the sort of situations she finds herself in are easily seen as either directly or indirectly perverted.

Strawberry Eggs - So far the only single guys not trying to unashamedly satisfy their urges to be with young school girls are the school aged boys. There's something really wrong with that in my view. The initial premise of supposedly teaching a cold old hag that average men can be as responsible, warm and caring as any woman was quickly lost in all the 'dirty old man' plot points.

Popotan - This series has a lot of excessive nudity and the original source material is down right sick in some ways, but there was a surprising amount of care used in crafting the plot and it managed to keep my interest up regardless. Who would have known that a lolicon H-game could become a credible anime series with real character development? I have to give it extra points just for making the trip from game to series in such an unexpected fashion.

Strawberry Marshmallow - This series would be completely harmless if not for the actions of the older sister occasionally playing the role of 'dirty old man' and the fact that there is just so little else going on to draw your attention away from it. In the end this series seems to fall really flat, no pun intended. I mean, it's just so much fluff without any real development or plot.

Koi Kaze - This provactive series quickly sidesteps the usual superficial gag routine and dives right into pure uncompromising madness. Koi Kaze is truly unlike anything I've ever seen in anime before. A twisted plot combined with a troubled mind and deep-rooted perversions come together in rare form to present a series that's surprisingly difficult to watch. We're talking about content so far removed from mainstream plot development that only a handful of domestically released hentai titles and the random limited release arthouse film ever tread here for more than a moment. The silly and irreverent clips sprinkled inbetween the main plot points only serve to further highlight just how solemn and sober the actual core of the show truly is. Even though the subject matter is already rather difficult to stomach all by itself, it's the massive mood swings and in-your-face visuals that really enhance the shock factor. There's nothing vague or hidden about what's going on here. You have a man who is deeply troubled by his own desires and lack of control and as a result he pities himself while pulling away from and lashing out at those around him. This is the sort of series I'll probably never openly recommend to anyhone unsolicited. At least Geneon managed to give it a 16+ age rating.

Last edited by daxomni on Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:19 pm Reply with quote
I have nothing relevant to add to your thread other than a thanks for the mention of Chobits (which I ordered), and Popotan. I'm going to do some searches for some pictures from those two series that I can incorporate on to the walls of my "otaku" bedroom.

I hope my Burn-Up Scramble DVD's have some fanservice images that I use also.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:28 pm Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:
Popotan - This series has a lot of excessive nudity and the original source material is down right sick in some ways, but there was a surprising amount of care used in crafting the plot and it managed to keep my interest up regardless. Who would have known that a lolicon H-game could become a credible anime series with real character development? I have to give it extra points just for making the trip from game to series in such an unexpected fashion.

You think the original game didn't have any sort of plot? That's very far from the truth. Actually, the game's better imo, since it goes into a lot more detail (in more than one way) than the anime and actually explains some things that the anime never even touched upon.

Also, why do people always assume that hentai games are not "credible" and have no "character development"?... well, I guess hentai anime is to blame for that... but hentai games are often a lot different, with the most popular examples having probably some of the best storylines I have seen (better than most anime, imo). I guess people will always have this view because of hentai anime though...

daxomni wrote:
Chobits - Ah yes, the lolita complex plot disguised as an android series.

Chi is most definately not loli (or at most, extremely borderline). She doesn't have the correct body type. Contrary to what some people think, loli is judged by body type, not age (most characters with the body type are around the ages 7 to 13 though). Which is why you see Osaka (who is over 18 by the end of the series) as well as Flonne and Etna (who are supposed to be over 1000 years old) regularly posted on loli boards. They don't fit the age, but they have the correct body types.

daxomni wrote:
Amazingly, some anime fans actually consider Chii to be too old looking to be truly lolita, but that's the kind of thing only someone who watches a lot of provacative anime could possibly say. To the average American, at least, Chii looks very much like a young child and the sort of situations she finds herself in are easily seen as either directly or indirectly perverted.

So people who are in no way familiar with the subject are the ones who decide what she is classified as, as opposed to people who view and are familiar with the subject. Sounds kind of backwards to me.

Also, I thought you were talking about the actual series in this post. What you posted about Chobits mostly has nothing to do with the content. Rather, just some complaint you have about how "Chii is loli".
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:14 pm Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:
Chobits - Ah yes, the lolita complex plot disguised as an android series. It's funny. It's cute. It's also rather sick, if you really think about it. The android aspect is both a pillar of the plot and a ready-made deflection to any accusations of overt perversion. In my view, it's hard to see Chii as anything but a young girl in many scenes and I'm inclined to believe that this is exactly how it was intended to be viewed. Amazingly, some anime fans actually consider Chii to be too old looking to be truly lolita, but that's the kind of thing only someone who watches a lot of provacative anime could possibly say. To the average American, at least, Chii looks very much like a young child and the sort of situations she finds herself in are easily seen as either directly or indirectly perverted.

I completely disagree on Chobits. I tried, I really did, and yet until the very end of the series, I could not think of Chii as a girl in the slightest bit. Not to mention the fact that the plot was as predictable as Scooby Doo and barely deeper than Teletubbies. I also disagree that she is a "loli" character, even if she does look young, she is much closer in body build to a skinny asian girl than a kid; though her temperment and innocence is quite reminiscent of loli, which is probably why you're coming to that conclusion. It sounds like you just didn't like the idea that she was loli, which in my opinion really doesn't say much of anything about the story itself.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Have to agree with PantsGoblin about Chobits. I never saw Chii in the "loli" mode and found the series to have some surprisingly deep and insightful things to say about human relationships. Yeah, there's some racy elements (the on/off switch is WHERE?), but it did also have one of the most delightfully cute supporting characters ever in Sumomo. Not a great series, but a good one.

daxomni wrote:
Koi Kaze - This provactive series quickly sidesteps the usual superficial gag routine and dives right into pure uncompromising madness. Koi Kaze is truly unlike anything I've ever seen in anime before. A twisted plot combined with a troubled mind and deep-rooted perversions come together in rare form to present a series that's surprisingly difficult to watch. We're talking about content so far removed from mainstream plot development that only a handful of domestically released hentai titles and the random limited release arthouse film ever tread here for more than a moment. The silly and irreverent clips sprinkled inbetween the main plot points only serve to further highlight just how solemn and sober the actual core of the show truly is. Even though the subject matter is already rather difficult to stomach all by itself, it's the massive mood swings and in-your-face visuals that really enhance the shock factor. There's nothing vague or hidden about what's going on here. You have a man who is deeply troubled by his own desires and lack of control and as a result he pities himself while pulling away from and lashing out at those around him. This is the sort of series I'll probably never openly recommend to anyhone unsolicited. At least Geneon managed to give it a 16+ age rating.

Most of what you say is true (although I think you overstress the supposed shock value), but it's also one of the best-written anime series I've ever seen. Totally uncompromising, totally believable, and highly emotional. I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who thinks they could handle a truly great story of forbidden love that just happens to be about incest. (Although I'll admit I wouldn't feel right recommending it to my sister who occasionally watches anime. Rolling Eyes )
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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:21 pm Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:
You think the original game didn't have any sort of plot?

No, I said I thought it was somewhat sick. I can't read Japanese, but the promo pictures gave enough away all on their own.

PantsGoblin wrote:
Chi is most definately not loli (or at most, extremely borderline). She doesn't have the correct body type.

Nonsense. Show Chii to anyone outside of the realm of devout anime fandom and they'll tell you it's a drawing of a young child.

PantsGoblin wrote:
So people who are in no way familiar with the subject are the ones who decide what she is classified as, as opposed to people who view and are familiar with the subject. Sounds kind of backwards to me.

Chobits has some redeeming qualities, yes, but that doesn't change the basic fundamentals. Accepting the fact that it's a glossed-over loli series takes an open mind and a clear conscience.

PantsGoblin wrote:
Also, I thought you were talking about the actual series in this post. What you posted about Chobits mostly has nothing to do with the content. Rather, just some complaint you have about how "Chii is loli".

I don't own the thread; feel free to add whatever you want about Chobits, just don't expect me to do it for you.

I even happened to enjoy the series myself, but after seeing several posters talk about it as though it were nothing out of the ordinary really surprised me. Chobits is fun to watch on a superficial level but it also goes a bit too far in the perversion department to be considered routine and ordinary. Don't forget that your previously stated views are well outside of the mainstream, both here in the US and in Japan. To most people I know, your definition of lolicon is needlessly specific and ignores the blatantly obvious. If that's a stand you're really determined to defend, then so be it, but you'll never convince me that it's not absurd.
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Wolverine Princess

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:40 pm Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:
Chi is most definately not loli (or at most, extremely borderline). She doesn't have the correct body type. Contrary to what some people think, loli is judged by body type, not age (most characters with the body type are around the ages 7 to 13 though). Which is why you see Osaka (who is over 18 by the end of the series) as well as Flonne and Etna (who are supposed to be over 1000 years old) regularly posted on loli boards. They don't fit the age, but they have the correct body types.

Quoted for truth.

Mister daxomni, have you ever seen a set of these?

(original image here)

These are called BOOBIES. Chi clearly has the chest of a girl in her late teens, and it's a well-known fact that loli characters are severely lacking in the booby department. Here, let me give you another image to compare.

This is Kururu from Bottle Fairy. Now, THIS is an archetypal loli character. Notice her lack of boobage? Lolis simply cannot have boobies. The two are about as incompatible as a "woman" with no breasts and a penis. (Insert futanari joke here.)

I'll give you one thing, though. Chi is may not be loli, but she is unquestionably moe. But the thing is, moe knows no age and it is genderless. Everyone's opinion of what they find moe is different. Some think toddler-con is moe. Some think Bridget from Guilty Gear is moe. I think Shuuji from Saikano is moe (I dig the geek look.) Ohno-san from Genshiken thinks this guy is very moe.

And by the way, your (prejudiced) thoughts on Chobits weren't really a “review". That paragraph was more like you taking advantage of an opportunity to express your dislike for loli characters.

EDIT: Quoted the wrong person.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:01 pm Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:
To most people I know, your definition of lolicon is needlessly specific and ignores the blatantly obvious. If that's a stand you're really determined to defend, then so be it, but you'll never convince me that it's not absurd.

It's not just my stance, it's what 99% of lolicon communities agree upon. And quite frankly, they really should be the ones who decide on what qualifies as loli.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Wolverine Princess wrote:
These are called BOOBIES. Chi clearly has the chest of a girl in her late teens, and it's a well-known fact that loli characters are severely lacking in the booby department.
This is Kururu from Bottle Fairy. Now, THIS is an archetypal loli character. Notice her lack of boobage? Lolis simply cannot have boobies. The two are about as incompatible as a "woman" with no breasts and a penis. (Insert futanari joke here.)
And by the way, your (prejudiced) thoughts on Chobits weren't really a “review". That paragraph was more like you taking advantage of an opportunity to express your dislike for loli characters.

Hey, if even the jailbait says so, it must be true. Laughing Though for the record, Armstrong doesn't wear glasses, so you can't really be sure about Ohno's stance there Wink (though you're probably right)
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:33 pm Reply with quote
Wolverine Princess wrote:
These are called BOOBIES. Chi clearly has the chest of a girl in her late teens, and it's a well-known fact that loli characters are severely lacking in the booby department.
This is Kururu from Bottle Fairy. Now, THIS is an archetypal loli character. Notice her lack of boobage? Lolis simply cannot have boobies. The two are about as incompatible as a "woman" with no breasts and a penis. (Insert futanari joke here.)

Well, there is a bit of a divide for the boobs thing. Some people think *any* amount means they aren't loli, while others will consider a little bit to be alright. But however much may be alright, Chii has too much. Chii may be childlike in nature, but not in body.

selenta wrote:
Hey, if even the jailbait says so, it must be true. Laughing Though for the record, Armstrong doesn't wear glasses, so you can't really be sure about Ohno's stance there Wink (though you're probably right)

Actually, Ohno wouldn't like him because he still has some hair on his head.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:05 am Reply with quote
I'm not blind to what you folks are saying, but you need to look at it from the viewpoint of non-anime fans. To most Americans who are not intimately familiar with anime, these are pictures of children. The fact that you can point to the chest and see something doesn't really change that.

You folks need to take a step back, remove the rose colored glasses, let your eyes become accustomed to normal light levels and then take another look. The issue isn't so much about what is considered loli as what is considered mainstream, and Chobits is hardly mainstream in the eyes of most Americans, regardless of what name you choose to give it.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:26 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Most of what you say is true (although I think you overstress the supposed shock value), but it's also one of the best-written anime series I've ever seen. Totally uncompromising, totally believable, and highly emotional. I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who thinks they could handle a truly great story of forbidden love that just happens to be about incest. (Although I'll admit I wouldn't feel right recommending it to my sister who occasionally watches anime. Rolling Eyes )

I stand by my view that the plot and character actions are indeed shocking. However, I also agree that Koi Kaze is not just another cookie cutter series to trudge through and that it deserves respect for its ability to break new ground while avoiding the tired clichés and watered down sub-plots of so many who came before it. This series grabs you by the gut and doesn't let you off the hook with "almost related" characters who might be older/younger or more alien/robotic/beastly than they initially look.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:36 am Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:
I'm not blind to what you folks are saying, but you need to look at it from the viewpoint of non-anime fans. To most Americans who are not intimately familiar with anime, these are pictures of children.

To most Americans not familiar with anime, ALL series are about 10-year-olds. It's the big eyes.

I don't think it's appropriate to classify a character as part of a sub-group (loli) of a sub-group (hentai/shoujo?) of a sub-group (japanese animation), becuase people whose experience doesn't delve into that genre (non anime fans) will see it that way. That's like saying colors should be classified by the blind... they simply don't have the knowledge of the subject matter to make the call.

daxomni wrote:
You folks need to take a step back, remove the rose colored glasses, let your eyes become accustomed to normal light levels and then take another look. The issue isn't so much about what is considered loli as what is considered mainstream, and Chobits is hardly mainstream in the eyes of most Americans, regardless of what name you choose to give it.

I think you should take a step back in an realize this isn't a question of what's mainstream. Anime, in general, is not mainstream, and we know it. The question at hand is defining chobits (specifically Chi) within the realm of our own fandom, so people know if they want to pursue the series. And the 'chi is loli' concept just isn't the right definition.
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Wolverine Princess

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:22 pm Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:
To most Americans who are not intimately familiar with anime, these are pictures of children. The fact that you can point to the chest and see something doesn't really change that.

Let's put your theory to the test. I have this wall-scroll that I bought at Toys 'N Joys hanging in my room. (It was a major pain in the ass to hunt the internet to that picture, let me tell you.) I instigated the following conversation with my father, who knows nothing about anime and thinks Samurai Jack is a cartoon from Japan.

Me: Daddy, how old is the girl in the middle?
Dad: The blonde one? I'd say... maybe sixteen or seventeen?
Me: Actually, she is only twelve years old.
Dad: You're pulling my leg. She's got pretty big hooters for baby.

Looks like your hypothesis failed. But, you know, maybe that was just my dad. I have a challenge for everyone reading this right now: I want you all to print out this picture of Chi. (I specifically chose this one because it showcases her large breasts. If you print out a picture of Chi with her back to the camera or her arms covering her rack, you are CHEATING.) Show this image to your non-anime-savvy parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, and random strangers on the street. Ask them how old "this blonde girl" is, and post your findings in this thread. Try this out on as many people as you want, because the more data you collect, the better.

Ready, steady, go.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:31 pm Reply with quote
What? No Read or Die. How about Kannazuki no Miko? Twisted Evil
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