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Anime music that you consider nostalgic.

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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:11 pm Reply with quote
It's probably very unlikely that an obscure American RPG book would be picked up by a Japanese animation studio to adapt as part of one of their TV shows. I think it's just Robotech fans grasping at straws.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:02 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, Digimon, big time. I was watching my nice new DVD set late last year, and man, I just ate it up! And I still liked the tunes! Most of them, the "Hey, Digimon!" theme that played during special battles in the second half was stoopid imo. A lot of the songs might not be perfect mood fitters, yet I somehow don't care. I also fondly remember many of the 02 songs. And the songs from the movie, even though they were almost all licensed, that was where I first heard most of those songs.

Actually, now that I think about it, Digimon came out right around the time Pokemon black and white 2 came out. Now, this is a game, but there's also that 2BA Master soundtrack that I totally have a copy of in my car and listen to regularly. "I wanna be the very best", in many nerd places, that will cause a spontaneous dance number. Back in college, numerous times, I burst into the Pokerap with people. Obviously, this is because those songs were designed by someone who makes cracktastic songs. "I wanna be the very best" is at least as cracktastic to me as Gangnam Style, and I know I'm not alone.

I can't tell if I have nostalgia for Robotech's music if only because it wasn't something that got me into anime, I was already into it. But I adored that series despite the occasional fugly scenes (like the one that plagued the Max vs Miriya fight). But! I have seen all three series in original too. And I find that I actually liked Robotech's music better. Maybe only slightly for Macross and New Gen, but way better for Southern Cross. So the other two I think might be nostalgia. Parts of the soundtrack are just as 80s sounding as possible, and I was only born in late 88, so I'm not overly familiar with why there's all these guitar riffs and brand new awesome 80s synths, but I find it charming. Now, for Minmei's songs, definitely liked the originals better (or when Lancer/Yellow sings them, anything is better than English Minmey singing them), but for the rest of the soundtrack, I just find it so charmingly a product of its time that I somehow love it. It's like I only like cheesy 80s music when it's charmingly used like "yep, this is awesome!"

I also might have a copy of an Outlaw Star soundtrack for my car. It's like, when I hear Pokemon or Digimon soundtracks (yep, got a Robotech one for the car too), it just reminds me of the show and how I fondly remembered watching it. Outlaw Star has an awesome soundtrack to begin with, and I credit it as the series that got me into anime (like many, I didn't know Digimon or Pokemon were anime when I was young), and the soundtrack reminds me of how much fun the series is, so yeah, I love it and am nostalgic for it!
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Joined: 15 Feb 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:47 am Reply with quote
When someone says anime music, the first thing that comes to mind is the music from the Macross series, That's a given. But then there is also tunes like the intro "Tank!" from Cowboy Bebop (All that Jazz<3) or Red Fraction, the intro to Black Lagoon.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:00 pm Reply with quote
The Yu Yu Hakusho soundtrack brings some fond childhood memories of Rede Manchete (defunct Brazillian TV channel that thrived in anime & tokusatsu) & Cartoon Network/Toonami, specially the first opening theme and the first ending theme.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:48 pm Reply with quote
The main themes from Digimon Adventure: Butterfly (both in Japanese and the Latino dubbed version), the Evolution Theme and I wish (mostly the Latino dub) They're so full of passion and hope and sense of adventure and they bring forth some really happy childhood memories. I loved Pokemon too (and the first opening will always make me nostalgic), but Digimon's characters were so much closer to my heart, and it was really sad saying goodbye to them when the series ended

I also recently found myself tearing up a little when hearing the Latino version of Pegasus Fantasy, though I'm not sure if it was nostalgia (I watched Saint Seiya when I was 13-ish, not really a kid anymore) or because the dub guy's voice was so amazing
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:05 pm Reply with quote
Bashcraft wrote:
When someone says anime music, the first thing that comes to mind is the music from the Macross series, That's a given. But then there is also tunes like the intro "Tank!" from Cowboy Bebop (All that Jazz<3) or Red Fraction, the intro to Black Lagoon.

Yeah 'Tank' is on my list too. For some reason I remembered the Sailor Moon English Opening. I remember rushing home in gr.2 so I can catch an episode that aired at 3:30.

Another nostalgic anime opening for me is Inuyasha intro for season 1, titled 'Change the World'---ah the good days of the 90s and early 2000s
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:28 pm Reply with quote
I think Ootake Kaoruku's entire soundtrack for Bartender reinforces the sense of nostalgia that is the dominant emotion in that show. I know that's not what people are talking about in this thread, but I thought I'd throw out a different sense of nostalgia.

The soundtrack that makes me the most nostalgic for a particular show is Dennou Coil. So many of the themes in Tsuneyoshi's score are tied so tightly to the events in that show that hearing any of them usually conjures up images of Coil in my mind.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop music really hit the nostalgia button for me. Tenkuu no Escaflowne as well.

Those three were some of the earliest titles I watched so hearing music from their respective soundtracks takes me back.

The Bebop soundtracks remind me of college because we had an exchange student from Japan that was thrilled with my love for anime.
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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:54 pm Reply with quote
I also find music from Space Battleship Yamato to be quite nostalgic, especially since it was the first anime music that I've ever heard. I was exposed to it through Star Blazers since they kept the bgm intact from the Japanese version.
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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:20 pm Reply with quote
Outlaw Star. I think it has to do with me being like 9 years old at the time staying up late to watch old Bugs Bunny cartoons on Cartoon Network. Then this would come on before I'd be asleep. Awww
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:03 am Reply with quote
Any theme song sung by Megumi Hayashibara, the first season of Slayers in particular.

"...victory will be mine!" {cue song}.

I also love the power up music to that season "the sword of light leads to victory" or something. It's very epic at the end of the season when the power theme keeps trying to start with the echoing piano notes failing again and again to go anywhere until...
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Mai Yukino

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PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Too many to name, so I'll just go with a top 10...

Bubblegum Crisis OVA-From "Konya Wa Hurricane" to "Chase the Dream", BGC has quite the plethora of great songs and many of them are catchy and represent what was so cool about 80's-early 90's anime songs.

Devil Hunter Yohko-I also enjoyed the songs from this anime series sung mainly by Aya Hisakawa, and one of my favorites is "Touch My Heart" where Hisakawa sings for her characters as the protagonist Yohko and her spoiler[look-alike cousin Ayako] in a duet song.

Dirty Pair Flash-This series was one of the first ones to draw me into anime songs when I first saw the series so many years ago, and I loved the OP and ED songs for Missions 2 & 3 by Kei and Yuri's seiyuu, Rica Matsumoto & Mariko Kouda respectively.

Gundam Wing-Loved all the songs done by TWO-MIX and I enjoyed the image songs sung by the seiyuu of the characters, namely Treize and Zechs' image songs. I find it ironic that Noin didn't have an image song though considering her seiyuu, Chisa Yokoyama was a popular idol seiyuu at that time and has sung a number of songs for anime.

Kimagure Orange Road-I also feel nostalgia listening to these songs, especially from the very 80's sounding "Orange Mystery" and "Kagami no Naka no Actress". I still find it hard to believe the seiyuu for Rurouni Kenshin's Makoto Shishio, Masanori Ikeda sang the 1st OP song, "Night of Summerside", quite a catchy song though.

Macross and Macross Plus-From the pop tunes of Lynn Minmay to the eclectic vibe of Sharon Apple, I loved the songs featured in both of these series.

Megazone 23-I'm partial to songs of the first OVA including "Senaka Goshi Ni Sentimental" and "Kaze no Lullaby".

Ranma 1/2-This series has quite a few songs I love, such as CoCo's "Equal Romance" and "Omoide Ga Ippai", the songs sung by DoCo (consisting of the seiyuu of Female Ranma, Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi, and Shampoo), and also "The Ballad of Ranma and Akane" sung by Kappei Yamaguchi and Noriko Hidaka, I love the latter because it is a song that speaks of the feelings Ranma and Akane have for each other.

Record of Lodoss War OVA-The OP and ED songs sung by Sherry are truly melodic, passionate, and beautiful and I listen to those two songs all the time.

Sakura Wars-Like Bubblegum Crisis, this series also has a plethora of awesome songs and seeing these songs performed in the videos of the stage shows by the seiyuu of the characters make it even more enjoyable.
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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:53 pm Reply with quote
That's a pretty nice set of music you mentioned, mai. Several pieces of music that you mention are currently in my ipod collection of music, so I hear a lot of those songs quite often.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:47 am Reply with quote
"Destroy" is like implying the person isn't a human or something! We normally use the verb when we're talking about objects!
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victor viper

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:06 pm Reply with quote
Here goes.

My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai from the Ah My Goddess OVA. When I was first getting into anime, I watched these episodes over and over and over, and I never got tired of hearing that opening theme. Plus, Animeigo's DVD included a lyric sheet. A real paper sheet with the lyrics. Could you believe it? Smile

"Yamerarenai", the closing theme from Tenchi in Tokyo. Although I'm not as much of a Tenchi fan as I once was, this song evokes nostalgia. As a graduate student, I decided to splurge on a complete set of all 8 Pioneer DVD's of the series, which circa 2001 was not an inexpensive proposition. I remember the box from Rightstuf arriving on a snowy afternoon and I settled in for the evening to start watching the show. Then, this weird countrified theme comes out of nowhere.

Moonlight Destiny, closing theme from the Sailor Moon S movie. It's such a lovely song, and this was the first anime DVD I ever bought.

The Power of Love, from the Sailor Moon R movie. I'm not really a big Sailor Moon fan, but for some reason this song evokes fond memories, much more so than the original Japanese song that it replaced (Moon Revenge).

I Want to be Your Number One, sung by Ruri Hoshino in episode 19 of Martian Successor Nadesico. I remember watching this episode long ago and I remember thinking what an odd idea it was to have a musical episode. Then, the normally reserved and unemotive Ruri delivers such a heartfelt rendition of this gentle ballad. It's been a favorite ever since.

One More Time, One More Chance from 5 Centimeters per Second. Like the protagonist in the movie, I suppose we all have that one person who once was very close to us, and has since drifted away. It's not exactly a happy song, but it is nostalgic in its own sort of way.

A Farewell Song/If Dreams Came True from the Air movie. Air was the first anime that ever induced me to bawl my eyes out, and it became a favorite, and these two songs really encapsulate the show/movie in a nutshell.

Red Fraction, opening theme from Black Lagoon. I was once a member of an anime club, where Black Lagoon was a club favorite. Every time the opening credits rolled, it became a mildly-deranged sing-along. Good times.
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