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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:11 am Reply with quote
^ I definitely like this idea! A Most Bloodthirsty or Most Battle-Hungry Tournament would be great! We'd have to choose between them though because those two terms would produce different results eg: I'd call Goku battle-hungry but definitely not bloodthirsty and Gluttony from FMA is literally bloodthirsty but not battle-hungry.
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A Mystery

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:05 am Reply with quote
Ah, I like the Most bloodthirsty/Battle hungry tournament too Twisted Evil. But Most outstanding world building series, Best Pervert, Best Slacker and Most improved character all sound like so much fun, how am I supposed to choose?

The idea of Most improved character might be a bit too spoilerific, but on the other hand... who doesn't want to watch a story with amazing character development? It would be a great choice to make people fall in love with series they otherwise wouldn't have seen. I don't think the biggest Pervert of all time would necessarily make a good recommendation for a series, but coming up with clear rules for nominations won't be difficult.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:09 am Reply with quote
I would like a Most improved character, but I would reword it to something else, like Most changed or developed. Characters don't necessarily improve in the course of the series, but their development can still be fascinating. Also improvement for some may be a regression for others. Most outstanding world building would also be interesting to me. I'm more or less neutral to other possibilities, but would personally be skeptical towards Most cerebral.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:33 am Reply with quote
If a vote becomes required, may I be bold enough to suggest using IRV? (of course, a vote might not be necessary.....)
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)

In a traditional first-past-the-post election, the winner of the election may receive far less than a majority of the votes. To ensure that the winner of the election has broad support among the voters, some governments hold a second election, called a runoff election, where the winner of the first election has less than a majority of the vote.

Instant runoff voting provides the benefits of runoff voting but with only one election. Each voter ranks the candidates in order of preference. The votes are first distributed to the candidates according to their first choices. If no candidate has a majority of the votes, then the candidate with the fewest number of votes is eliminated and those ballots are transferred to their next choices. This step is repeated until either a candidate has a majority or only two candidates remain.

Instant runoff voting is also known as ranked-choice voting in the United States and as the alternative vote in the United Kingdom and Australia. Historically, instant runoff voting has also been known as majority preferential voting, English preferential voting, the Hare system, the Ware system. Instant runoff voting is currently used in several cities in the United States (Minneaoplis, MN; Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, and San Leandro, CA; and Takoma Park, MD), Australia, and Ireland.

OpenSTV allows you to implement instant runoff voting for your own elections.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:56 am Reply with quote
jl07045 wrote:
I would like a Most improved character, but I would reword it to something else, like Most changed or developed. Characters don't necessarily improve in the course of the series, but their development can still be fascinating. Also improvement for some may be a regression for others.

That would defeat the whole purpose of making it "Most Improved." The idea was never intended to be about the best-developed character, and I would firmly resist any attempt to broaden that.

And while Most Outstanding World-Building does sound like a neat idea (I think that one got discussed in the Interest Survey thread, too), that will have to wait for next time, as we're going back to a character-focused one this time unless there's a clear consensus to the contrary.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:02 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
That would defeat the whole purpose of making it "Most Improved." The idea was never intended to be about the best-developed character, and I would firmly resist any attempt to broaden that.

Fair enough. Would that include characters who don't grow all that much, but the information that is revealed about them along the way allows us to see them in a more positive light? Because people sometimes don't see a difference between the two.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:52 pm Reply with quote
I'll support Best Leader, but I also will be happy with Most Improved Character and Best Love Triangle.

I have come up with the idea of Best character-driven show, but that would not be exactly a character-focused tournament.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:04 pm Reply with quote
jl07045 wrote:
Fair enough. Would that include characters who don't grow all that much, but the information that is revealed about them along the way allows us to see them in a more positive light? Because people sometimes don't see a difference between the two.

That would be decided by consensus on a case-by-case basis during the Character Nominations phase. (IOW, whether people are willing give them positive votes or lodge significant numbers of negative votes against them.) My guess is that some such individuals would clear the process but not end up standing as top competitors.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:35 pm Reply with quote

Wow, not much discussion about the concept this time. Since it's been close to a week now since the last posting on the issue, let's go to the voting.

The top concepts seem to be:

Best Love Triangle - A challenge matching up complicated, multi-sided romantic entanglements. As stated before, titles with more complicated love geometry must be reduced to one or more triangles for sake of this tournament.

Most Improved Character - For characters that start out weak, pathetic, unlikeable, and/or underdeveloped but become better and more likeable as their title progresses.

Best/Most Effective Leader - For those who lead by authority or example. (And please indicate which angle on this one you'd prefer.)

For voting this time, I'm going to take up nbahn's suggestion about Instant Runoff Voting. For your vote, rank these three in order of preference. Initially only #1 votes will be looked at. If no candidate has the majority based on #1 votes alone then the worst performer will be dumped and the #2 votes for that performer will be added to the totals for the survivors. With only three options, this should insure a victory by the second pass at the latest and still make 2nd place votes potentially relevant.

EDIT: Oh, and voting will run through Friday or until we go 24 hours without an additional vote, whichever comes first.

Last edited by Key on Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Oh, and my ranking will be as follows:

#1 - Most Improved
#2 - Best Love Triangle
#3 - Best Leader
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He started it

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:42 pm Reply with quote
i will go with:
#1- Most improved
#2- Best Leader
#3- Best Love Triangle
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:42 pm Reply with quote
Here we go:

#1 Best Love Triangle
#2 Best Leader
#3 Most Improved
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:45 pm Reply with quote
#1 - Best Love Triangle
#2 - Most Improved
#3 - Best Leader

Best Leader would have too many characters that we've already seen before, whereas the other two tournaments would allow new characters to shine. And while I'm not the biggest fan of love triangles, Best Love Triangle does look like it could be a fun tournament.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:48 pm Reply with quote
#1 - Best Love Triangle
#2 - Most Improved
#3 - Best Leader
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Joined: 20 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:56 pm Reply with quote
1. Best Love Triangle
2. Most Improved
3. Best Leader
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