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Interview: President of NIS Sohei Niikawa

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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:48 pm Reply with quote
I do not envy anyone attempting to interview a Japanese executive. Those guys are pretty tight-lipped.

Anyway, I was loving NISA under its old president so I am concerned what this change of leadership may mean for the future. I'm not thrilled that the two jobs: NISA president and NIS president have been merged into one position. NIS Japan is a giant; NISA is a much smaller proposition. It's hard not to think that a person holding both jobs is going to naturally pay more attention to the bigger concern.

Well, we'll just have to see how it all shakes out.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:12 pm Reply with quote
Still won't buy from them unless they either start dubbing their anime or they lower their price.

I refuse to pay more than 29.99 for sub-only anime. Not now, not ever. And no amount of ludicrously large cardboard boxes, hard-bound yet wafer-thin art books filled with screenshots, or pickle-shaped stress dolls is gonna change that. Confused
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:24 pm Reply with quote
Well, to be fair, most of the anime they get isnt really anime that needs a dub. Would I have loved Anohana and Bunny drop to have one? Yes. But its not like say Blue Exorcist a couple years back where a dub woulda been perfect but they didn't make one for the DVD release at the time (I imagine the dub is gonna be included in a bluray rerelease)

Saying they overprice for sub only releases though, thats a little more understandable. I got a few things from them, 2 that are the big limited editions. I got Bunny Drop cause I loved it enough to pay for it, and Anohana was a bit of an impulse buy at AX.

At the very least, hell, at least they dont go as far as Aniplex. I know thats not saying much, but I suppose it could be worse
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:16 pm Reply with quote
publicenemy333 wrote:
Well, to be fair, most of the anime they get isnt really anime that needs a dub. Would I have loved Anohana and Bunny drop to have one? Yes. But its not like say Blue Exorcist a couple years back where a dub woulda been perfect but they didn't make one for the DVD release at the time (I imagine the dub is gonna be included in a bluray rerelease)

Saying they overprice for sub only releases though, thats a little more understandable. I got a few things from them, 2 that are the big limited editions. I got Bunny Drop cause I loved it enough to pay for it, and Anohana was a bit of an impulse buy at AX.

At the very least, hell, at least they don't go as far as Aniplex. I know thats not saying much, but I suppose it could be worse

It's saying a lot lol. Aniplex charges (MSRP) 300-500 dollars for 13 episodes. Myfriend just bought 24-26 episodes of Natsume's Book of Friends for around 70dollars directly from NISA. It's out of stock now, but that's a HUGE difference. Aniplex wants near 1000 dollars for all of Fate/Zero.

I respect NISA for all the collectors stuff add in there, I just wish they would actually release a regular version for like half the price without all the extra stuff that I can't afford. They also seem to be lacking bluray versions of most of their shows.

One question I LOVED from this interview though;

Do you see NIS America and the American market in general influencing NIS at all on the creative side?

I'm really happy and excited that NIS America has such core fans in America. But I believe that if the only thing I think about is making sure that American fans will like it, I feel that it wouldn't go as well. The fans we have right now appreciate and like the fact that we bring the Japanese culture here, and I believe that that is the way we should continue. Not changing our style for the American audience but creating from a Japanese perspective, so what we've been doing all along. We can't make God of War or Grand Theft Auto or Batman or anything like those American franchises.

Finally, a Japanese developer that gets it. That knows their audience. I'm tired of Square Enix making crappy westernized RPGs and such because they think that's what people want...
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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:26 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
I respect NISA for all the collectors stuff add in there, I just wish they would actually release a regular version for like half the price without all the extra stuff that I can't afford. They also seem to be lacking bluray versions of most of their shows.

NISA has released standard editions for some of its older releases like Toradora!, Our Home's Fox Deity, Persona - Trinity Soul -, Pandora Hearts, Wagnaria! and, more recently, Occult Academy. It's just they wait until all the Premium Editions sell out first. Also, they have released 8 titles so far that have been either BD-only or BD/DVD combos, which represents a pretty fair chunk of their existing output.

(P.S. TRSI still has copies of Natsume's Book of Friends in stock.)
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:43 pm Reply with quote
Just one thing-- THANK YOU FOR LICENSING NATSUME. (Now give it to me on BD too so I can triple dip on my favorite series! XDDD ...Maybe in a year or two??)
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:56 pm Reply with quote
SpacemanHardy wrote:

I refuse to pay more than 29.99 for sub-only anime.
Actually $29.99 and above is usually the msrp for most of Sentai's sub only releases as well. Just sayin, its not as bad as Aniplex's prices. I'm not here to start arguing about anime pricing schemes so ill leave it at that. Anyway, great interview, as i like NIS quite a bit. And i too await the day when Prinny surpasses even Mickey Mouse in terms of popularity Very Happy
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Joined: 05 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:57 pm Reply with quote
I have never been disappointed with a purchase from NISA. Their products are fantastic, and they tend to pick high quality shows to license. I didn't see Toradora! until after the first volume premium edition had been sold out for a long time. I emailed them a question about whether or not they would be doing another print run of that volume, having already purchased the volume 2 premium edition when it went on sale last Christmas. I also asked if they had any intention of putting out Toradora! on BluRay, or obtaining the rights to the OVA episode that appeared on the Japanese BluRay release. The reply was quick, polite, and informative. They told me that they had no plans to re-issue the premium editions of Toradora!, that there were no plans for a BluRay, but said they would keep me informed if anything changed.

A few months later, I got another email from them. I got it on a Monday, informing me that on Thursday of that week, they were going to announce that several copies of Toradora! Volume 1 Premium Edition had been found in a warehouse somewhere and were available for sale. Their rep offered to save one for me if I replied to her e-mail!

That, my friends, is service! Now I have my favorite high school romantic comedy in the most complete form I can get it in the US without importing the astoundingly expensive Japanese BluRays (which don't have subtitles anyway), and the company personally invited me to have an early shot at getting one of the "found" copies! I have nothing but respect and admiration for NISA! I look forward to seeing what high quality title that has slipped past the big two (three if you count Aniplex) they are going to pick up and given the royal treatment it deserves. I love my Zakuro and Toradora! discs to death. (Two of my top 6 of all time!) and I am sorely tempted by several other offerings they produce. Alas, my budget won't allow it at this time! After all, there is Steins;Gate and Ano Natsu de Matteru to pick up in the next three months! Smile
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:38 pm Reply with quote
I am definitely glad NISA exists and licenses the anime it does, releasing the way it does!!!

Seriously, Premiums without premium price = awesome. Blu-ray = awesome. Sub-only = profit!
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:04 pm Reply with quote
I appreciate the quality of the anime NISA licenses. I do not have a problem buying their series subbed; a dub is an expensive endeavor. I will be more upset about if they did not offer BD's.

The only thing I dislike from NISA is their humongous LE boxes. I do not need to be enticed with an art book to pay their prices. I would have gladly paid ($70 MSRP) for my AnoHana BD's, even if they had come in a bare bones box (ala Sentai).

In general, I am glad NISA is selling anime in R1.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:16 pm Reply with quote
I love NISA. I only discovered them this past year but I bought House of Five Leaves, Ano Hana, Bunny Drop, and my favorite Natsume.

My only disappointment is they haven't made any recent announcements of series I want (well except season 3 & 4 of Natsume, can't wait for that)
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:58 pm Reply with quote
I remember when NISA licensed Natsume. I felt like someone had just surprised me with a lavish gift, or I had won the lottery.

I can't thank NISA enough for my #1 most hoped for license. So happy to have the set, I'm ordering another one today and sharing the love. Can't wait for your future Natsume sets! I will order two, thank you.

I love the premium editions. Most of these titles I really had no hope of ever owning, but thanks to you - LUCKY ME!!! Titles like Bunny Drop, and House of Five Leaves. NISA premium boxes are the treasures of my collection.

In addition to what I've mentioned above, I've bought both premium sets of Pandora Hearts, Our Home's Fox Diety, Persona Trinity Soul, Katanagatari, and Arakawa, all three premium boxes of Kimi ni Todoke, and your beautiful single premiums of Anohana and Zakuro.

I even built a special shelf to accommodate them (which now can only fit about 4 or 5 more sets).

Looking forward to building a new shelf in the future! Very Happy
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:25 pm Reply with quote
@ tuxedocat - your post warmed the cockles of my stony, dark heart, fellow NISA-lover. I intend to own a Premium Edition copy of every title NISA puts out.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:25 pm Reply with quote
Well, SpacemanHardy, it's nice of you to chime in, but methinks that NISA isn't really the vendor you seek.
And they know it.
I think they have a helluva good handle on the niche they wish to occupy, and they are tops in there.

To paraphrase some guy I saw on TV once: "They do the Job, and they get Paid."

By structuring business over here this way, they sell their titles well, they include extras, and they get a strong rep and following.
In short, this is the way you build a business. A lot of people thought they were nuckin futz to even enter the market in anime a few years ago, here.
I can tell you that I would take a hard look at whatever they release, simply because they are that good. Essentially bought Katanagatari sight unseen, and wasn't disappointed.

And when I plunked down 3X as much to buy Bakemonogatari from those other guys, not only did it sting, but how I wished it had been NISA that had gotten it.

This is called brand loyalty, and you BUILD that, you don't buy it.
And if it's too much to plunk down the cash, then it's too much. If someone does an equal job for cheaper, then buy from them... it's OK, it's called the market.
But I would think {the way the wind is blowing} that people like me, who actually want a hard copy DVD/BD in their hand and maybe an interesting companion book, will patronize companies like this. While much else will end up on streaming services.

In any case I'd like to thank Mr. Sohei Niikawa for taking the time for the interview, and for continuing the work that NISA is doing. It's a good strategy, and hopefully it will remain so.

I have the following titles:
Toradora! LE 1 & 2
Katanagatari LE 1 & 2
Zakuro LE
AnoHana LE
Future: potentially angling for Arakawa, and Usagi Drop for Christmas Wink
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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:04 pm Reply with quote
Damn, I didn't think to mention the sets I already own:

Arakawa Under the Bridge S1 & 2
Bunny Drop
Ghastly Prince Enma Burning Up
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl (pre-ordered)
Katanagatari 1 & 2
Kimi ni Todoke 1, 2 & 3
Occult Academy
Our Home's Fox Deity 1 & 2
Pandora Hearts 1 & 2
Persona ~ Trinity Soul ~ 1 & 2
Toradora! 1 & 2
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