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NEWS: Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club

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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:38 pm Reply with quote
So "Magic Girl Pretty Sammy" is to be resurrected and repackaged. It seems AIC have run out of ideas and are relying on their old catalogue to get along. And who is AIC Spirit then? Nothing has been mentioned at AIC's English website yet.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:53 pm Reply with quote
I first heard about this yesterday on Anime News Service, when it was all speculative, but, now that it's official and I can look at the website... HOLY FREAKIN' CRAP! Yet another Pretty Sammy continuity? Does the world really need three different Pretty Sammy alternate universes (and that's not counting the Tenchi Muyo sub-continuities where Pretty Sammy appears once)? They couldn't just have continued where one of the other two Pretty Sammy series left off?

And I'm a little disturbed that they actually made them younger this time around, considering that some of the official art for Pretty Sammy TV/Magical Project S, like this pencil board included with the second Magical Project S set, was already fairly creepy. I hope it's only cute and not an all-out "moe"-fest.

EDIT: Reading the Japanese text, Sasami is a fifth-grade student, so she's more or less the same age as in the older series. She just looks younger. Must be that damn Sister Princess vibe I'm getting from the artwork.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:52 pm Reply with quote
I like Sasami, so I'll be looking forward to this series.

I find this odd though:

With characters like Sasami, Washu and Mihoshi, it may seem like another Tenchi Muyo! spin-off, but VAP Sasami went out of Tenchi Muyo! and was reborn as a new character.

What the heck is this sentence supposed to mean? It seems to say "despite having a bunch of Tenchi characters, it isn't a spin-off series," which makes no sense.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:45 pm Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
I like Sasami, so I'll be looking forward to this series.

I find this odd though:

With characters like Sasami, Washu and Mihoshi, it may seem like another Tenchi Muyo! spin-off, but VAP Sasami went out of Tenchi Muyo! and was reborn as a new character.

What the heck is this sentence supposed to mean? It seems to say "despite having a bunch of Tenchi characters, it isn't a spin-off series," which makes no sense.
Yeah, I believe it looks like a bad translation of the Japanese report. They must have used Bablefish, or summat. Wink

(Looks at the thumbnail) Yep. It's a moe fest. Rolling Eyes
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:03 pm Reply with quote
So let's see, we have the Mihoshi Special Appearance, the Tenchi TV appearance (which is on the only Universe DVD I own), the actual Sammy OVA's and TV series, and now this Mini-Sammy branch series which may be just homaging the Tenchi canon without actually using it.

As funny as I originally thought Pretty Sammy was, it's gettin kinda old now, and it probably won't be able to hold a candle to UFO Princess Valkyrie.

I certainly hope Kujibiki Unbalance doesn't get this out of hand, too (although it would be slightly ironic if it did)
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Professor Genius

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:33 pm Reply with quote
The first I'd heard of this was when they interviewed one of the guys who worked on Tenchi and he made specific reference to them making this program, but another series he said was a work in progress was one he couldn't name, but hinted that it was about "a parallel world"? So, what comes to mind? Dual! Anyone heard more news about progress on that?

As for Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club, I am sooo looking forward to it. Personally, I was hoping for a continuation of Magical Project S, because it was a great series, but what the hell! Bring it on!!! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:01 pm Reply with quote
From what I'm reading, I get the general idea that, what Pretty Sammy/Magical Project S was to Sailor Moon, Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club shall be to Mahou Tsukai Tai/Magic User's Club.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:29 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
From what I'm reading, I get the general idea that, what Pretty Sammy/Magical Project S was to Sailor Moon, Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club shall be to Mahou Tsukai Tai/Magic User's Club.

That's exactly what came to mind when first reading the title, but if that's true then what an odd choice for a series to borrow from. Magic User's Club was a lot of fun, but only seemed to be a moderate success, not really worth trying to imitate. I think I'd rather have a new season of MUC or Pretty Sammy over this.

And I'm no fashion designer (thank god), but those have to be a few of the most hideous magical girl uniforms ever!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:32 pm Reply with quote
Looking at the title, I thought of Magic User's Club as well. Wonder if the connection there is intentional (in Japanese, MUC is titled "Mahou Tsukai Tai!" but the club in the show is called "mahou club"). That gives me reason to look foward to it, though cause Magic User's Club is my all-time favorite series, not to mention that I really like Pretty Sammy TV (Magical Project S) too (the "great four" mahou shoujo anime: MUC, Tutu, MPS, and CCS :)) The creative staff doesn't seem too impressive, but I'm definitely willing to give it a try.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:39 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:

I think I'd rather have a new season of MUC or Pretty Sammy over this.

Ah... it would be so great if more MUC were ever made. The ending of the TV series seemed to leave room for a sequel, so I've always hoped for it. Been so long, though. I'd really like to have more Sae. :(

Seems that the shounen-style fanservicey magical girl shows have done really well in recent times. Both Komugi and Nanoha did well enough on their releases to receive more episodes or another series, so I assume must be doing decent at least.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Professor Genius wrote:
The first I'd heard of this was when they interviewed one of the guys who worked on Tenchi and he made specific reference to them making this program, but another series he said was a work in progress was one he couldn't name, but hinted that it was about "a parallel world"? So, what comes to mind? Dual! Anyone heard more news about progress on that?

I seriously doubt is will be Dual!. It should be Saint Knights Tale which will star Tenchi's half-brother. It will be a mecha title and I'm thinking it will end up in another universe (like Dual!, but K-sensei has stated that all of his universes are linked at the corner). So it will be another Tenchi spinoff. Thus far, K-sensei has done one doujinshi with the boy in it. He'll grow up knowing about cabbits and aliens apparently. Anime smile

As for Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club, I am sooo looking forward to it. Personally, I was hoping for a continuation of Magical Project S, because it was a great series, but what the hell! Bring it on!!! Very Happy

I'll watch just to see where they go. I wonder if they are going to bring on new seiyuu for the parts. It is very clear that VAP/AIC want to seperate this from the rest of the Tenchi spinoffs.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:18 am Reply with quote
AstroNerdBoy wrote:

I'll watch just to see where they go. I wonder if they are going to bring on new seiyuu for the parts. It is very clear that VAP/AIC want to seperate this from the rest of the Tenchi spinoffs.

I really hope they don't start over from scratch with the voice cast, as they've been so good at maintaining continuity so far. I would rather not have something as jarring as ep. 17 of FUNi's Tenchi GXP dub on the Japanese side of things scratch. All the regulars need to be back, and I'd hope Rumi Kasahara will voice Misao as well.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:30 am Reply with quote
I thought there already was a Mahou Shoujo Tai anime or something like that.

I really can't look at that main pic. It's eye-jarring.

I still think it looks like SD Sammy or something to that effect.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:48 am Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
I thought there already was a Mahou Shoujo Tai anime or something like that.

Oh yeah, that's Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu / Tweeny-Witches.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:33 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
From what I'm reading, I get the general idea that, what Pretty Sammy/Magical Project S was to Sailor Moon, Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club shall be to Mahou Tsukai Tai/Magic User's Club.

It looks to me like they're trying to emulate/parody Clumsy Witch Doremi (Magical Do Re Mi in America) more than Magic User's Club. Doremi was a huge hit in Japan, after all, and is widely considered the successor to Sailor Moon as the magical girl show to beat.

I don't know what they're thinking with these insane character designs. Sasami is one of the most well-known and successful anime characters around-why would you change her so much as to make her unrecognizable? If someone hadn't told me that was supposed to be Sasami I would have had no idea it was even her.

Oh, well, at least they brought back Misao. Hope that means more Pixy Misa.
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