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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:37 pm Reply with quote
This very well could backfire. The overall price of the Gantz releases (2 episodes per a disc) will be a bit more expensive than a six dvd release, but since ADV wants to drain our wallets it would probably be an eight DVD release. The eight DVD release would be more expensive than the thirteen DVD release at the lowered MSRP. Griping on a forum will most likely not change anything, so it is up to the individual whether or not to buy Gantz. I myself probably will. I could see bootlegs becoming a big problem, but ADV has the balls to sue people (Like they did [This URL is a known Fansub Distribution website]).
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:13 pm Reply with quote
ganzo wrote:
I am not pleased about the review, how did the B get in there, this one deserve a A, no matter what.


As for this series, gonzo acheived a lot. One is the proper 2d 3d mix as in 3d was used in the proper place like the ball and the walls.

The Italian ganster did a solid work here, they deserve a A.

Italian Gangster?

Anyways, I have to say that I disagree with you. Personally I wouldn't have even have given the animation the B+ that Bamboo gave it. At some points the mix of 2D and 3D is absolutely horrid. For example the wide shots in the subway station in episode 1. It looks like the people are cardboard cutouts.

Overall, the animation is decent, but there's the occasional moment when it's really sub par. I'd have given it a C+ or B-

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Joined: 09 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:42 pm Reply with quote
Okay, so about the content of the show!
appleturbo wrote:
IMO the show sucked and no matter how much blood or boobs you put in it won't make up for a bad story. The point that really nailed it was the part about the dog giving oral to a woman. Please that crosses the line.


Alright, I can handle violence and naked breasts, but this bit about the dog... Anime cry I don't want to see that...Can someone please expound on how graphically detailed this show is? (I mean a severed head can mean a head rolling and a spray of blood, but it can also mean an unwanted anatomy lesson.) I read the review and I think the premise sounds interesting. But I don't really enjoy excessive and uber-detailed blood, guts,and gore... at least not for the entirety of the program. The review makes it sound like there is an actual story and that it's good, but I don't like being disgusted...also, amidst all the information I've seen about this show (%98 talk about the release platform and price, %2 about content Confused ) The only other review I've read that wasn't spoiler-laden said the character designs were ugly and the animation and story were beyond sub-par, in other words, as appleturbo pointed out, it sucked. I'd really like to hear more about the character designs and what those aliens are like...I have to search some more...

I don't know what I'm going to do; I'm a bit torn. Gantz sounds intriguing (the ideas of delving into the minds of the characters and the exploration of human nature) and I'd like to check out how its handled; but I also don't want to vomit when I see it. I really don't care about how many discs it is since the price is lower; and the only thing that upsets me about the two episodes per disc is having to wait so long for the whole story if they do a bi-monthly release (I haven't heard ADV's plans, but was there a possibility that two discs will be released at a time like with Gundam Seed?). Regardless, the time will go by anyway, and eventually it will be complete.

Last edited by wanderer on Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:48 pm Reply with quote
darkhunter wrote:

But back to the topic, I somehow see this backfire. I notice a lot of people who buy hk bootlegs always complain how low the episode count are on R1 (I think 4 is fine). It's already happening in the fansub community using Gant's release as example of bad greedy releases.

Indeed, I can't help but wonder how many people will be apprehensive in buying it. At the same time, I can understand the idea of wanting to experiment to turn a casual fan who only watches stuff on TV into a fan that starts buying DVD's. While it may not benefit the more "hardcore" fans like you and me, I can't help but think that there is this large, growing mass of fans due to things like cartoon network and the like. I can't help but suspect that the decision is in part to appeal to that "Adult Swim" crowd. After all, it's a cheaper DVD, so maybe it will sell more. (At least, I think that's what ADV is hoping for.)

Ah well, it really means (even moreso now) to me that it's a borrow (or rent) series since I never did see it while it was an easy grab on the fansub circuit. If I like it, I may still buy it and get them at the cheapest possible cost. (thanks for deepdiscountdvd)
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:59 pm Reply with quote
wanderer wrote:
Alright, I can handle violence and naked breasts, but this bit about the dog... Anime cry I don't want to see that...Can someone please expound on how graphicly detailed this show is?

When it comes to violence, it was quite graphic. Body parts get cut off, in great detail and so on...

When it came to nudity and sex, it was only T&A.

You don't see the dog actually doing its thing, and it was rather funny, not graphic at all.

None of the graphic scenes in the first 2 episodes (the only ones I've seen) were actually gratuitous IMHO. The same scenes could have been done with less detail, but the detail isn't out of place.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:41 am Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
ganzo wrote:
I am not pleased about the review, how did the B get in there, this one deserve a A, no matter what.


As for this series, gonzo acheived a lot. One is the proper 2d 3d mix as in 3d was used in the proper place like the ball and the walls.

The Italian ganster did a solid work here, they deserve a A.

Italian Gangster?

Anyways, I have to say that I disagree with you. Personally I wouldn't have even have given the animation the B+ that Bamboo gave it. At some points the mix of 2D and 3D is absolutely horrid. For example the wide shots in the subway station in episode 1. It looks like the people are cardboard cutouts.

Overall, the animation is decent, but there's the occasional moment when it's really sub par. I'd have given it a C+ or B-


well if you are so particular,as for the subway part, then I cannot say much, but it looked ok to me, most of the 3d 2d mix are pretty smooth and I am not saying always.

I don't know which anime you are comparing with, but with all the anime I have watched, this one stands out quite well. And as for the 3d part, in my opinion, as long I can feel minimal mixture of 3d, it is fine, for example GITS innocence. I mean I do feel the 3d but I was not shocked at how bad it was. I have not seen much series that is doing 3d mixture altogether, and I have seen anime movies that did this and did a horrifying job. Yet I do realize that people have different taste.

Italian gangster I am refering to gonzo.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:15 am Reply with quote
Juniper wrote:
ganzo wrote:

But I was going say is that this one did it, I am not pleased about the review, how did the B get in there, this one deserve a A, no matter what.

Did you... even *read* the review? The reviewer EXPLAINED where the Bs came from. Is it not clear to you from reading the text?

Before shooting your mouth off on a forum, you should try to try reading the reviews to find out how the B "got in there." Also, you have to realize that a B is NOT a bad score. In fact, it got B+s!!! At this point, I am completely *speechless* at why you're upset because a review gave a show a B+ in two things instead of As.

Dude, the world does not revolve around you. Reviewers can't just give As to everything because you like something. Get a grip, and get some logic.

yea I did read the review. I just want to see the review because the series was pretty good and I did not particularly remember the place that the review said that this is why B was given, but I am not writing a essay here either, so do calm down.

I like opinions as in words, so I guess I was too sensitive about the letter B among the As. But after all, I don't really care, I just say what I want to say and I respect the reviewer and his/her reviews and even if I do not agree with it.

hehe, and I do think you should calm down since I don't care how many B+ was there, and I don't know how speechless can you be by reading my little comment. I think everyone knows "the world does not revolve around you. Reviewers can't just give As to everything because you like something.", but I do not have to agree with the review either, so I am just saying what I want to say, thats all.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:39 am Reply with quote
the only thing that upsets me about the two episodes per disc is having to wait so long for the whole story if they do a bi-monthly release (I haven't heard ADV's plans, but was there a possibility that two discs will be released at a time like with Gundam Seed?). Regardless, the time will go by anyway, and eventually it will be complete.

Actually this is my problem as well. There are at least two series that I would like to buy, but the idea of having to wait two months for the next release is intimidating. Does anyone know whether ADV's production time will be quicker or should I wait two years until the series is actually out?

I don't really think the way they are releasing the disks is that awful. It seems all of the companies are moving toward seven disk releases (i.e. GITS: Stand Alone Complex, Wolf's Rain, Last Exile), and it's only $30 more in the form they are releasing it in. And if it's a good series (which it looks like it will be) an extra $2 a disk won't kill me. [/quote]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:19 pm Reply with quote
Juniper wrote:
appleturbo wrote:
Hey everyone cut Ken-san some slack.

You should realize that he has to say good things about ADV and try to defuse internet FLAMES even though he knows he is wrong because if he doesn't ADV won't send him anymore DVD's.

I mean think about it, he would have to be a complete moron to not have read the press release on the website that he writes for.

... No. This is a HUGE misconception about the anime press. People are not obligated to say only nice things about anime companies, because then that would be 1) ass-kissing and 2) unprofessional. If there is something to criticize, they will do it.
Also, even if you give a company bad reviews, or criticize them for something, they will still send screener discs. Assuming that people have to say nice things about companies in order to keep getting screeners is a HUGE mistake, and completely undermines any integrity that anime websites and publications have.

Don't be so naive. And please, pay these writers some respect. What you have said is very insulting. The integrity of writers and website owners is worth far more than screeners.

Thank you very much Juniper. No I do not (nor should any self-respecting writer) pander to companies when writing reviews. That practice is heavy-handed and generally regarded as a wordy advertisement paid for by the company. (Check out IGN, they're full of pandering reviews) Essentially when anime companies send you something, they want your honest opinion, since they trust us to deliver them our best impression of how *YOU* the masses might percieve a product so that they may license accordingly.

ADV's been sending me DVD's for years, even when I was semi-retired from doing this writing thing. Currently, I am not on ADV's Press Release list (a snafu with email addys) so I never recieved the Gantz notice. However, when someone makes a mistake, no one has the right to descend the immaturity ladder to dish out insults to someone. Especially when said person even owns up to it with full explinations.

That being said. I still think the show rocks. I've read volumes of the manga and the "shock" parts (gratuitous boob shots and head flying) become more woven into the story. It becomes nearly intoxicating. I'd at least give it till episode 6 before making your final decision.
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Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:48 pm Reply with quote
Iniksbane wrote:
the only thing that upsets me about the two episodes per disc is having to wait so long for the whole story if they do a bi-monthly release (I haven't heard ADV's plans, but was there a possibility that two discs will be released at a time like with Gundam Seed?). Regardless, the time will go by anyway, and eventually it will be complete.

Actually this is my problem as well. There are at least two series that I would like to buy, but the idea of having to wait two months for the next release is intimidating. Does anyone know whether ADV's production time will be quicker or should I wait two years until the series is actually out?

I don't really think the way they are releasing the disks is that awful. It seems all of the companies are moving toward seven disk releases (i.e. GITS: Stand Alone Complex, Wolf's Rain, Last Exile), and it's only $30 more in the form they are releasing it in. And if it's a good series (which it looks like it will be) an extra $2 a disk won't kill me.

yea waiting for the release is a pain, and once you got it you already feel behind, even if you pay extra its still useless, cause thats the rule, but there are ways around it. But that depend how you want to watch the anime, if you want to keep it on disc for collection then you just have to wait, if you want to just watch it or burn it to disc yourself you can always get the tv rip ones that go along with the airing, its like watching tv, how illegal can that get.

And the anime stuff they show on tech tv and cartoon network are just horrifying, they are all more than 2 years old and the way they show it season by season make it impossible to finish a series within one year.

GITS SAC and wolf rain are out there you should check them out and last exile was out long time ago, I don't know if you can still get them, but its a pretty bad series anyway.

As for the 3d mixture in anime, I want to name a few that I did not have time to mention. For series there are many doing 3d mixture that did not do a pleasant job such as "burst angel", "GITS SAC", "last exile", "macross", and I think they just use too much of it, and especially on the robots and the jets. I felt like I was in between 2d and 3d and it was kind of awkward. There are series that can acheive more without doing 3d design but still doing very complex animation, such as "planetes", "gungrave", "texhnolyze", "paranoid agent", but of course the latter ones do have a better story.

As for gantz, I do not think they use a lot of 3d at all. The ones that stand out to me will be the buddhist statues in second stage rather than the subway tempest mentioned(since the subway was only in the first episode), and those 3d statues stand out pretty well.
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:47 pm Reply with quote
ganzo wrote:
yea waiting for the release is a pain, and once you got it you already feel behind, even if you pay extra its still useless, cause thats the rule, but there are ways around it. But that depend how you want to watch the anime, if you want to keep it on disc for collection then you just have to wait, if you want to just watch it or burn it to disc yourself you can always get the tv rip ones that go along with the airing, its like watching tv, how illegal can that get.

I believe that it is technically illegal to record stuff off of TV and radio, but since they have no real way to regulate it, it has never been enforced. Still, it's always more legal to buy the official versions and not just tape the TV versions.

ganzo wrote:
And the anime stuff they show on tech tv and cartoon network are just horrifying, they are all more than 2 years old and the way they show it season by season make it impossible to finish a series within one year.

GITS SAC and wolf rain are out there you should check them out and last exile was out long time ago, I don't know if you can still get them, but its a pretty bad series anyway.

What are you talking about? While a lot of series are not "brand new" and are still trickling in with good ratings (like Yu Yu Hakusho), there are plenty of very recent shows. Fullmetal Alchemist, Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Gundam SEED and InuYasha; while it is no longer new, Big O II came out very shortly after its Japanese release. In fact, I remember that SD Gundam Force (the crappy 3D one) came out here before it came out in Japan. And though some series are crawling along on the now once a week Toonami and Saturday's Adult Swim, Monday-Thursday's Adult Swim burned through its Case Closed/Detective Conan, Witch Hunter Robin, and new InuYasha episodes, only stopping new episodes because they had to wait for the companies to finish dubbing the next ones. (Case Closed went through 52 episodes, two seasons' worth, in 13 weeks.)

It's not practical to expect TV channels to air new anime immediately after it aired in Japan. If an anime is coming to American TV quickly, it will usually take at least 1-2 years for translating and dubbing, plus the time it takes for TV executives to decide if the anime will pull in the ratings. And when given a choice between a brand-new show and an older show, they may still pick the older show if it's of higher quality or will do better in the ratings than the new show. For a (poor) example, Dragonball GT is pulling in extremely high Toonami ratings (despite the mindlessness of the show) and Yu Yu Hakusho is showing similar results. There were probably some newer shows that weren't aired because the TV execs new Yu Yu Hakusho would likely do well, and DBGT would also do better than some other shows because of past experience with DBZ ratings.

Oh, and I can't believe you didn't like Ghost in the Shell: SAC; I think it's a phenomenal show so far, and Wolf's Rain was decent. And though I haven't seen it, I heard that Last Exile got good reviews. But, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, I guess.
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Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 1:24 am Reply with quote
Necros Antiquor wrote:
ganzo wrote:
yea waiting for the release is a pain, and once you got it you already feel behind, even if you pay extra its still useless, cause thats the rule, but there are ways around it. But that depend how you want to watch the anime, if you want to keep it on disc for collection then you just have to wait, if you want to just watch it or burn it to disc yourself you can always get the tv rip ones that go along with the airing, its like watching tv, how illegal can that get.

I believe that it is technically illegal to record stuff off of TV and radio, but since they have no real way to regulate it, it has never been enforced. Still, it's always more legal to buy the official versions and not just tape the TV versions.

ganzo wrote:
And the anime stuff they show on tech tv and cartoon network are just horrifying, they are all more than 2 years old and the way they show it season by season make it impossible to finish a series within one year.

GITS SAC and wolf rain are out there you should check them out and last exile was out long time ago, I don't know if you can still get them, but its a pretty bad series anyway.

What are you talking about? While a lot of series are not "brand new" and are still trickling in with good ratings (like Yu Yu Hakusho), there are plenty of very recent shows. Fullmetal Alchemist, Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Gundam SEED and InuYasha; while it is no longer new, Big O II came out very shortly after its Japanese release. In fact, I remember that SD Gundam Force (the crappy 3D one) came out here before it came out in Japan. And though some series are crawling along on the now once a week Toonami and Saturday's Adult Swim, Monday-Thursday's Adult Swim burned through its Case Closed/Detective Conan, Witch Hunter Robin, and new InuYasha episodes, only stopping new episodes because they had to wait for the companies to finish dubbing the next ones. (Case Closed went through 52 episodes, two seasons' worth, in 13 weeks.)

It's not practical to expect TV channels to air new anime immediately after it aired in Japan. If an anime is coming to American TV quickly, it will usually take at least 1-2 years for translating and dubbing, plus the time it takes for TV executives to decide if the anime will pull in the ratings. And when given a choice between a brand-new show and an older show, they may still pick the older show if it's of higher quality or will do better in the ratings than the new show. For a (poor) example, Dragonball GT is pulling in extremely high Toonami ratings (despite the mindlessness of the show) and Yu Yu Hakusho is showing similar results. There were probably some newer shows that weren't aired because the TV execs new Yu Yu Hakusho would likely do well, and DBGT would also do better than some other shows because of past experience with DBZ ratings.

Oh, and I can't believe you didn't like Ghost in the Shell: SAC; I think it's a phenomenal show so far, and Wolf's Rain was decent. And though I haven't seen it, I heard that Last Exile got good reviews. But, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, I guess.

I still think rip something from tv is like taping a show that you want to watch and there is nothing illegal about that and of course buying them on dvd/vhs is an option, but not all of them come to dvd. OVA and movies should follow the rule you are regarding with.

Well, as you can see my list, gundam, conan, alchemist, DBZ, inuyasha are sort of anime I avoid, and I do think toonami and adult swim play some the worst anime ever.

It is true it takes time to import foreign shows and especially shows with a different language, but the dubbing part is totally not neccessary, because it takes time and money to do it and the result might still be bad.

GITS/tv was ok but not a particular one that I would enjoy, wolf's rain had a unique story but it takes forever for the characters to reach to paradise and I felt that the story got loose in the later episodes.

Last exile was one I saw long time ago(one year ago I beleive), and I still remember how painful it was for me to keep watching it and the story was so dull that I just give up. The director Koichi Chigira had full metal panic, gate-keepers, blue sub 6 under his name, and I have seen them and they are horrible stuff. Last exile have a lot of 3d stuff on those flying machines and they were not that good. And how sad this is gonzo's anniversary work. I do understand that this one got a all A review, and I disagree with that.
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Haiseikoh 1973

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:52 am Reply with quote
one3rd wrote:
I'd like to just take a moment to remind everyone that despite all of the ADV bashing that goes on everywhere, people still like them. ANN ran two informal polls on the subjects:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:08 am Reply with quote
Haiseikoh 1973 wrote:
one3rd wrote:
I'd like to just take a moment to remind everyone that despite all of the ADV bashing that goes on everywhere, people still like them. ANN ran two informal polls on the subjects:

everything I've heard about NewtypeUSA is its pretty much a money sucking blackhole for ADV. Blah I didn't like it at 10 bucks a issue and I dont like at whatever it is now.
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Haiseikoh 1973

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:32 am Reply with quote

As for the topic at hand, in light of the Newtype Free DVD/Price Hike Debacle (not to mention the timing), this is just slowly building up a case against ADV Films. Perhaps their in a mode of bad business desicions right now?

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