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AnimEigo, Justin Sevakis Produce Documentary Interviews on Western Anime Industry Figures

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
The Anime Business interviews to debut on AnimEigo's YouTube channel "in the next few weeks"

AnimEigo announced on Monday that it is releasing The Anime Business, a documentary series of interviews with major figures in the Western anime industry. The trailer below features US Renditions' Robert Napton, Central Park Media's John O'Donnell, and the ourstarblazers.com website's Tim Eldred.

AnimEigo will begin releasing the series on its YouTube channel "in the next few weeks," with new videos coming monthly.

Justin Sevakis, the CEO of MediaOCD and AnimEigo (and founder of Anime News Network), has been working on the documentary for the past few years.

Sources: Email correspondence, AnimeEigo's livestream and Bluesky account

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