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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:08 am Reply with quote
Chantelise is definitely one of the best games I have bought this year. Here's why:

1. I have put more hours into this $10 game then I have into most $60 games I have bought lately.

2. It actually challenged me at first, and then again during the last boss fight. I know I may be in the minority, but I cant STAND how easy most games are these days. You basically just press a button to continue until the ending credits roll.

3. Despite the difficulty, the game is actually very forgiving. When you die you just reappear back in town, with all the levels unlocked and all the items and money you had collected still intact. Really all you lose is some time.

4. After repeatedly getting my ass kicked, I was only more determined to win (which is a sign of how much I enjoy actually playing the game, which for me has been getting rarer and rarer over the years sadly).

5. I was driven to be a completionist and do everything the game has to offer (got all the hidden treasure, hidden miniboss fights, all 60 floors of the survival dungeon, etc.).

It definitely ain't Recettear, but since Chantelise is the game that Recettear was built off of, that is understandable.

I agree completely about the controls, I don't know how long I would have stuck with the game if I didn't have a 360 controller to use. It was such a pain in the ass using the keyboard or a controller that didn't have dual analogs.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:47 pm Reply with quote
I have to hand it to Carpe Fulgur again for another impeccable translation job. The likability of the characters really comes through. And you can really tell how much attention to detail they put into the translation. But its not just in the translation, they did everything with in their power to make the American release of Chantelise an even more enjoyable experience than the original Japanese experience.

I really suggest reading the blog post about some of the changes they made.
I also suggest reading their blog post about the methodology of their translation.

Both are interesting reads to anyone who is a fan of the localization process.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:16 pm Reply with quote
I swear, Nintenblow's friggin' stupid this year. Their stocks are down because of a lack of a games, and what do they do, but refuse to release games people actually want to play. It's like Seiken Densetsu 3 all over again. Rolling Eyes I'm beginning to think that company only rebounded five years ago because it nailed Sony during an off-year. At least SEGA had an excuse on Shenmue 2.

Last edited by GATSU on Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:24 pm Reply with quote
o.o I don't care about the game, I want that red Classic Controller PRO.
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:54 pm Reply with quote
Nintendo, you remember how people keep saying that you need to bring more JRPGs and core games to America? YOU HAVE ONE THAT IS ALREADY FINISHED IN ENGLISH! Bring it here... if it becomes clear that they will never bring it here then I will just import it. I hacked the hell out of my Wii already and it is no longer region locked.

Chantelise sounds interesting... I shall consider getting it.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:28 pm Reply with quote
I'm not sure if some people wonders the same thing as me or maybe I have grown bit cynical of this game industry nowadays regarding the release of Xenoblade and fast becoming the critic's darling and increasingly demanded game from a lot of gamers. I cannot help but think if it had been available from the beginning, it woudn't have been made such a commotion despite being such an exceptional game. It was such a calculating move for Nintendo to refuse releasing this game worldwide otherwise it would probably made a quiet splash and fade into an obscurity like the fates of many Sega games such as Valkyrie Chronicles and the recent Shadow of the Damned.

Lately gamers are taking grant of the innovative games that are readily available and instead looking elsewhere for that new game they cannot get.

And I wish they release psn version of Chantelise as I heartily support the indie devs. I don't really play too many pc games, so it's unlikely I'd ever get to buy it, let alone through Steam. It's a pity.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:54 pm Reply with quote
i agree with you todd, ELise is freaking fragile! on early game but later you get used to it. is one of the game that doesn't rely on grinding (other than money grinding) and more to strategy

oh on related news BRS is coming to US!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:23 am Reply with quote
Its not just Xenoblade, which is one of the best reviewed rpgs in a long time. They are not releasing last story, which is only made by a bum who created a couple of crappy works called lost odyssey and final fantasy, blue dragon. And theres is Pandora's Tower which I know the least of, but some say is better than the other two.

But hey at least Nintendo graced us with another release of a game that every and their mother has probably played by now, ocarina of time.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:57 am Reply with quote
Now, I'm a lot less familiar with the video game distribution industry than the anime industry so maybe I'm missing something. However, this is what I don't get about the whole Xenoblade/Last Story/Pandora situation: Why not release them in North America if they're already localizing them in English? Isn't that the bulk of the work right there? I mean, to say it's not worth localizing them is one thing but to say it's not even worth releasing these already localized games is mind boggling to me.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:10 am Reply with quote
Reggie Fils-Aime has single-handedly ruined Nintendo of America (NoA) and I firmly believe he is the reason why these games are not being imported.

The guy is off his rocker. A walk through his past interviews and press statements will have you scratching your head.

My favorite, to this day, remains his bold statement the Wii (Revolution, before it was officially released) will "surpass the PS2 in worldwide sales".

Following this was the "promise" developers would return because the Wii was "easy to code for". Spoken from someone who has never coded a game in his life, because as he was making this statement, developers were upgrading their code for HD, which the Wii does not support.

Get rid of Reggie, and Nintendo may have a chance with the WiiU.

Otherwise, it'll go down in history as the fourth console ignored by developers.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:30 am Reply with quote
Eh, I still have Elevator Action Returns on my Taito Legends 2 pack.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:44 am Reply with quote
Hmm, I saw Chantelise on Steam and was tempted to pick it up but now that I've read this review I think I'll definitely be doing that.

Nintendo's refusal to bring Xenoblade to North America is insulting, short-sighted, and just bizarre. What can they possibly be thinking? Crying or Very sad
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:58 am Reply with quote
irishninja wrote:
Nintendo's refusal to bring Xenoblade to North America is insulting, short-sighted, and just bizarre. What can they possibly be thinking? Crying or Very sad

They are not thinking.

I don't care though, I am just gonna mod/hack my Wii and import the UK game. Then in the off chance they get their act together and eventually release the game here (I am not gonna hold my breath...) I will be sure to hand-write them a nice letter explaining how they screwed up and missed their chance, and how everyone who would have wanted the game already got it the same way I did.

I am sure the European Nintendo branch appreciates this though, think of all the awesome extra business Nintendo of America 's incompetence is sending their way!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:19 pm Reply with quote
Xenoblade Chronicles: Nintendo is never going to pull their heads out of their proverbial butts anyway. I'm certain the North American branch is completely convinced that "the Wii wasn't made for RPGs" and "RPGs aren't a Wii thing", which is why they will never bring the game here unless some kind of epiphany occurs. It's hard to have faith in any company when we look at them hopefully for a game we want badly and all they do is give you the middle finger while they continue coming up with shovelware.

You know what's really scary? The fact that we have to actually rely on hacking our consoles just to enjoy games we'll never get (and sorry if I sound like a goody two-shoes, but I can't stand piracy or hacking). Is this really what's it come to? What happened to the love the companies had for their consumers? I hate to sound ominous or overly dramatic, but if they continue at a pace like this, I can only see the video game industry crashing down on itself.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:35 pm Reply with quote
I nabbed Chantelise on Steam right away when it became available. I always liked those more simple old school action RPG's and Chantelise is a great throw back to those days. It is definitely hard at the start when monsters tend to hit you for a large chunk of your health and healing goods seem few and far between.

While the graphics and audio are a bit of a throwback as well, and can't really compete with most modern games; it's still easily worth the $10 on Steam. Controller support is great too and works flawlessly with my Logitech gamepad.
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