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The X Button - Strategy Gems

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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:44 am Reply with quote
Super Robot Wars OGs 2 is actually the 4th game in the series after OG 1, OG2, and OG Gaiden. This isn't counting the spinoffs like LoE or the 2 endless frontier games.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:52 am Reply with quote
Doesn't the Disgaea series rate a mention within the Strategy RPG roundup, since the fourth entry of the series has been released in Japan?
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:53 am Reply with quote
Dame Ravness was my favourite character, and then spoiler[she got killed in a cutscene] before I could even control her Sad

Tactics Ogre makes me sad.
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Captain Crotchspike

Joined: 23 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:17 am Reply with quote
For one thing, they're handy to have around when some pompous critic makes a show of claiming that traditional Japanese RPGs are all about linear level grinding and unintuitive thinking. That's where strategy-RPGs come in. They're all about planning, positioning, and occasional strokes of chance, so you can throw all of that right in that smug critic's face.

...wellllll, of course they could just say, "But then strategy RPGs are pretty much a completely separate genre altogether, aren't they?", ssssso...
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Generic #757858

Joined: 03 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:52 am Reply with quote
rojse wrote:
Doesn't the Disgaea series rate a mention within the Strategy RPG roundup, since the fourth entry of the series has been released in Japan?

Like Todd said, Disgaea has already been mentioned in the previous status checks. Ditto for SMT, Sakura Wars and Final Fantasy.

Anyway, thanks for this feature Todd, much appreciated. Just a shame to see that the future of so many of these great series seems pretty muddy. I'm especially saddened by Fire Emblem and Front Mission, hopefully they'll some day return with new, proper HD sequels (though handhelds would be acceptable too). At least SRT still keeps going strong, good thing they still decided to go with sprites instead of 3D.

And AW: Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict didn't even get released in Japan? That's odd and certainly doesn't bode well for the franchise's future.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:38 am Reply with quote
Super Robot Taisen: I never did get what the big hype was with this series, but I suppose if I were more of a giant robot fan it would be of more interest to me. Though crossovers are always cool, it's always the licensing issues that prevent them from coming here.

7th Dragon 2020: More than anything I only want to know about the dragons in these games. What do they look like, and why are they always making trouble?

Announcements: I still need to finish my first run of Atelier Rorona before I can get Totori (thanks in no small part to those infamous freezes that Gust never takes the time to clean out properly). As for Innocent Sin coming here, all I can say is it's about damn time. I'm very happy to hear this news. It's better than yet another P3 remake Very Happy

-Status Checks-

Fire Emblem: Isn't it kind of sad how it took a zany fighting game in order for us to even know what FE even is? Truth be told, I haven't played any of them due to not being able to add any new games to my library (I've got too many to play as it is) but from what people tell me, it's a pretty good series. Thanks in part to exposure from Melee and Brawl, Marth has become very popular here now.

Shining Force: Shining Force has been dead here since 2007 when we got our very last Shining game, EXA. Ever since the gameplay changed from strategy to action RPG, people have long since loathed the series, claiming it's lost everything it used to represent. One of the best things about the Shining series was the various races alongside the humans; the only other series that made this a fun factor was Suikoden (before it started to suck so bad). As a result, we never got Wind (I so wanted to play this!) and the Shining name has lost all meaning in the RPG community. A shame too since I was really starting to get into this series. And yes, Hearts is really dumb with its affection system. What happened to fighting under an actual cause? Giving people bread gifts to make them like you so you have access to special powers? What? Shining has gone to the dogs, or in this case, the moe catgirls.

Ogre: I am ashamed to admit that as an avid player of both regular and strategy RPGs, I have not yet sampled a single Ogre game. I've heard many glowing reports about these, so I must add them to my collection as soon as possible. I read how you can recruit monsters to your side and the variety seems even better than what FFT had to offer so there's even more incentive for me to play. The moral decision system also is a very realistic concept, something not many RPGs try to implement much.

Front Mission: Seems I joined the train too late on this one. Long ago, I saw my friend play Front Mission 3 and it looked genuinely unique and fun. I have not touched upon any of the games in this series and it looks like I may not get a chance to. Despite my vast library, I've managed to skip over some decent games.

Lan & Grow: Once again, a series I have not yet touched for some strange reason. I cannot comment other than the fact I've heard some of the music from the fourth Langrisser game and it's great stuff.

Arc the Lad: Isn't this series long since over? RPGFan gave the PSN download of the first game a rather harsh review. By today's standards, yes it's way too simplistic in battles and Arc becomes very powerful easily if he just hogs all the kills, but it set some new precedent for its time right? I honestly want to give this one and its successor a try. I think I'll avoid the PS2 titles though. Btw, that caption for the picture is very sad <=(

And the Rest: Hey hey hey now Todd, be nice! Some of us like IF's Neverland series (despite what little of it actually came here). I know IF has become infamous for their programming flaws, but if you can get past that technical stuff, there's a very unique world full of intriguing characters connected by some pretty insane story points. Personally, I still haven't finished Spectral Souls Resurrection despite having owned the game for nearly 6 years now (still haven't taken any action regarding the slow loading times), but I'm still interested in the impressive gameplay option of choosing to play as one of the three factions at any time and actually determining which way the war goes. Personally I would love to see Generations of Chaos II get localized, but I doubt it. Oh yes, and no Valkyria for me yet either.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:29 am Reply with quote
Captain Crotchspike wrote:
For one thing, they're handy to have around when some pompous critic makes a show of claiming that traditional Japanese RPGs are all about linear level grinding and unintuitive thinking. That's where strategy-RPGs come in. They're all about planning, positioning, and occasional strokes of chance, so you can throw all of that right in that smug critic's face.

...wellllll, of course they could just say, "But then strategy RPGs are pretty much a completely separate genre altogether, aren't they?", ssssso...

I'd consider them a sub-genre myself.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:40 am Reply with quote
I want Sega to remaster all three parts of Shining Force III and put them PSN or Xbox Live in the worst way. I still have my original copy of the first game and it bugs me to no end that it ended on a cliffhanger with no hope of finishing in English. If Guardian Heroes can do it so can SFIII! I did end up buy Neo and Exa, but Neo really made me hat the protagonist and his whining so I stopped playing. Exa looked a lot better, but I still haven't played it. I've got Shining Tears, too, but didn't have a lot of time to play it when I bought it four or so years ago.

Persona 2: Innocent Sin is a buy for sure.

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:47 am Reply with quote
I have the Growlanser games that have been released in english, it's a pretty decent series. Not that great, but not really bad either. Working Designs put a lot into the double release they made of II and III.

Satoshi Urushihara's character designs are decent, but the stuff he's made of other anime and manga characters look pretty funky. I would link some pictures but they're a bit too inappropriate - pretty much everything else he does besides doing art for Growlanser is porn.

I wish Nintendo would make a new Fire Emblem game instead of remaking the really old ones. Or just make another one that's like VI, VII and VIII. I didn't really like the others as much as those three.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:09 am Reply with quote
Sorry, Todd, but you've got it wrong. At this point in Bleach, it's actually bankai arrancar mod souls of the 47'th division.... IN SPACE. O_O

In all seriousness, I really appreciated the write-up on SRPGs, a genre that goes criminally unnoticed in the west. Many an hour has been spent on "Front Mission", "Luminous Arc," and "HoshiGami" throughout my teenage years, and the lack of releases in that particular vein has been troubling to me. Thank you for giving attention to a type of game that needs more attention outside of Japan.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:48 am Reply with quote
Todd, nothing short of a truly amazing review on what is probably one of the best genres in video games.

I forgot who mentioned it on here, but Shining Force was one of those great SRPG's when it was still on the Genesis and Game Gear. One of my all time favorite SRPG and games in general, is Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya. I mean, you get to fight alongside other races and with friends like Graham and Randolf the centaurs, the monk Luke with his bostaff, Jaha with his little axes, I mean come on, you can't find characters like that anymore.

Just wanted to say that this is a great write up and I always look forward to your section Todd. Thanks again.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:04 am Reply with quote
I don't really play strategy RPGs much, but the Queen fan in me can't ingore Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle. I'm trying to get my fiance interested in buying them (he loves a good strat game), just to look over his shoulder for more lyrical nods. Wink
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Joined: 18 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:12 am Reply with quote
Haven't been on the site in a while. Nice featured article. I'll have to jump back and read up on the rest.

The SRW thing confused me for a bit. I thought was another remake of the PS2 or GBA games. But it looks like it's an actual part 2. Which would be cool if we got it but then I would forever long the PS2 version or cry for a port of it via a PSP version. But yeah, I always figured the main hurdle for the SRW OG series would be building a english cast for all the characters. You can only double up roles so far and I think the cast exceeds the average in-house number of VAs in your average gaming and anime company. Sounds expensive already and then you add on all the lines for each attack for each mech for each character even if the player never uses that combination of mecha and pilot. *sigh* I cross my fingers for a SRW miracle and continue my prayers for a PSP or PSN port of the PS2 games.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:57 pm Reply with quote
About Fire Emblem:
Yet the times were changing. RPGs expanded from a niche into their own sector of the market, and Nintendo could not help but notice that.

Actually, from what I recall reading and hearing, Nintendo of America had little to no plans to even release any Fire Emblem games in the USA. Nintendo of Japan didn't even originally plan to keep Marth and Roy in Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube outside of Japan. But once Nintendo of America saw how much positive reaction to Marth and Roy in Super Smash Bros. Melee they had, that helped them take a chance and bring a Fire Emblem game over here to the USA.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Nadesico's underrated.

Word to this. Kids these days gotta see that show. When are we ever going to get that second season, huh? HUH??

Also, I'm surprised Final Fantasy Tactics didn't show up on the SRPG list. I'm still waiting for a proper FF Tactics III that combines all the best aspects of the original game and Advance.
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