Digital Manga Adds More Boys-Love, Adult Manga Titles
posted on by Jennifer Sherman
The North American publisher Digital Manga announced via Twitter on Tuesday that the company has licensed the one-volume boys-love manga The Man I Picked Up (Otoko Hiroimashita) by CJ Michalski. The graphic novel was originally published by Takeshobo in 2009. Digital Manga plans to publish the manga in print, but did not announce a release date. The company previously released Michalski's That Was Good manga.
Digital Manga had announced on February 13 that it licensed Sachi Murakami's Sleepless Nights (Nemurenu Yoru wa Dare no Sei) boys-love manga. The title will be available in digital and print format, but the company has not announced a release date.
Digital also confirmed that it licensed the eighth and final volume of The Tyrant Falls in Love. Besides boys-love, Digital Manga will publish Ponkotsu Works' Colorful Harvest and An Ideal Day to Fall in Love (Kanojo Biyori) in print under its Project-H imprint for adult hentai manga.
[Via Kuriuosity]
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