Blue Submarine #6 month at Akadot
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Anime News Service parent, to sport special Blue Submarine No. 6 features all month
Excert from press release:
January 5 will officially kick off's "Blue Submarine #6" month. Each Friday of the month akadot will post exclusive production notes from the groundbreaking Bandai release "Blue Submarine No. 6." Received from Japan's Gonzo Digimation, these images have never before been released in America, and include detailed mechanical specs as well as character design sketches.
January 5 will officially kick off's "Blue Submarine #6" month. Each Friday of the month akadot will post exclusive production notes from the groundbreaking Bandai release "Blue Submarine No. 6." Received from Japan's Gonzo Digimation, these images have never before been released in America, and include detailed mechanical specs as well as character design sketches.