Kurokami: The Animation (Dub.Blu-ray 3 of 6)
Title: Kurokami: The Animation
Volume: Dub.Blu-ray 3 / 6
Running time: 100
Distributor: Bandai Entertainment
Release date: 2010-10-05
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+
SKU: 80486
UPC: 669198804861
Unknown to most people, the Doppeliner System controls the destinies of every person living in this world by splitting the amount of luck or life energy, called "Tera," of an individual between three identical beings. Of these three, the one who possess the most Tera is called the Root and the two others are called the Subs. Should these people ever meet, the one with the lesser amount of Tera dies and the Root absorbs their Tera.
When only the Root remains alive, they become a Master Root, gain an enormous amount of luck, and lead a life with success at every turn. The Doppeliner System maintains what is known as the "Coexistence Equilibrium," and is overseen by a powerful race of beings called the Tera Guardians. This is a tale of battle that began with the meeting between a human boy named Keita and a young Tera Guardian girl named Kuro...
Contains episodes 9-12.
(added on 2011-03-31, modified on 2011-03-31)
- Encyclopedia information about Kurokami The Animation (TV)