Mary Elizabeth MCGLYNN
Also known as:
Abbey Normle
Charlotte Bell
Lucy Todd
Melissa Williamson
Date of birth:
New Jersey, USA (birthplace) & Los Angeles, CA, USA (residence)
172 cm
Non-anime roles:
Abigail Brand in "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes"
Additional voices in "Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War" (VG) (uncredited)
Additional voices in "Omega Boost" (VG)

Alex Wesker in "Resident Evil: Resistance" (VG)
Barbara Richards in "Mom's Outta Sight" (Movie, 1998, as Melissa Williamson)
Betty and Mondo's Mom in "Killer is Dead" (VG)
Birdramon in "Digimon Racing" (VG)
Bordeaux in ".hack//G.U. Vol. 1 Rebirth" (VG)
Bordeaux in ".hack//G.U. Vol. 2//Reminisce"
Bordeaux in ".hack//G.U. Vol.3//Redemption" (VG)
Bordeaux in ".hack//G.U.: Last Recode" (VG)
Captain Dolce in "Eternal Sonata" (VG)
Cetrion in "Mortal Kombat 11" (VG)
Doctor Angelicus in "Baroque" (VG)
Doctus in "Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra" (VG)
Dr. Maheswaran in "Steven Universe"
Echidna in "The Bouncer" (VG, 2000, as Melissa Williamson)
Ekaterina in "Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption" (VG)
Eliza in "Baroque" (VG)

Elwen in "Radiata Stories" (VG) (uncredited)
Emma Wielant in ".hack//INFECTION" (VG)
Emma Wielant in ".hack//MUTATION" (VG)
Emma Wielant in ".hack//OUTBREAK" (VG)
Emma Wielant in ".hack//QUARANTINE" (VG)
Evangeline and Arena in "Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony" (VG)
Evil Rose in "Rumble Roses XX" (VG) (uncredited)
Fatima in "Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance" (VG) (uncredited)
Gatomon and Angewomon in "Digimon All-Star Rumble" (VG)
Gatomon and Nefertimon in "Digimon Rumble Arena 2" (VG)
Gatomon in "Digimon Racing" (VG)
Gatomon, Takato Matsuki and Magnadramon in "Digimon Rumble Arena" (VG)
Girl Naruto in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2" (VG)
Helba in ".hack//INFECTION" (VG)
Helba in ".hack//MUTATION" (VG)
Helba in ".hack//OUTBREAK" (VG)
Helba in ".hack//QUARANTINE" (VG)
Hilda and Queen Allucaneet in "Brave Fencer Musashi" (VG, as Anna Top)
Hisano Kuroda in "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4" (VG)
Hydaelyn/The Mothercrystal in "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn" (VG)

Irene Quatro in "Trauma Center: New Blood" (VG) (uncredited)
Jenna Angel in "Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga" (VG)
Jessica Drew and miscellaneous voices in "Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - Amazing Allies Edition" (VG)
Jessica Jones and Moondragon in "Marvel Heroes" (VG)
Jill in "The Kid with X-ray Eyes" (Movie, 1999)
Jinana in "Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga"
Kika/Jeane in "Suikoden IV" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi and Mei Terumi in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi and Mei Terumi in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi and Shima in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi in "Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi, Shima, Katsuyu and Tsunade in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi, Tsunade and Katsuyu in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3" (VG)
Kurenai Yuhi, Tsunade and Katsuyu in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm" (VG)
Lady Noh in "Samurai Warriors" (VG, 2004, uncredited)
Latona Rodiona Vasilev in "Front Mission 4" (VG, 2003)
Major Motoko Kusanagi in "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex" (VG)
Malice in "Riviera: The Promised Land" (VG)
Maria Hill and Queen Veranke in "Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth" (VG)
Marietta Lixiss in "Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana" (VG)
Marta Schevesti in "Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy" (VG)
Mary Shepherd-Sunderland and Maria in "Silent Hill 2" (HD Collection redub) (VG)
Masked Emperor in "Soul Calibur Legends" (VG)
Medusa in "Castlevania: Lament of Innocence" (VG, 2003, uncredited)
Mei Terumi in "Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker" (VG)
Melvina in "Growlanser: Heritage of War" (VG)
Mikaela in "Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner" (VG)
Mir in "Ar tonelico" (VG)

Miscellaneous Voices in "Spider-Man: Web of Shadows" (VG)
Mom and Elenor in "Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories" (VG)
Motoko Kusanagi in "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online" (VG)
Narrator in "Las Vegas SWAT" (Documentary)
Narrator in "Starz Inside: Anime: Drawing a Revolution" (Documentary)
Nerf Sausage Vendor in "Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (VG)
Nevan in "Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening" (VG)
News Announcer in ".hack//G.U. Vol.1//Rebirth" (VG) (uncredited)
News Announcer in ".hack//G.U. Vol.2//Reminisce" (VG)
News Announcer in ".hack//G.U. Vol.3//Redemption" (VG)
Nina Williams (Cutscenes voice) in "Tekken 5" (VG, PS2)
Nina Williams and Emma Kliesen in "Tekken Tag Tournament 2" (VG)
Nina Williams in "Death by Degrees" (VG) (uncredited)
Nina Williams in "Tekken 6" (console version endings) (VG)
Nina Williams in "Tekken 7" (VG)
Nina Williams in "Tekken 8" (VG)
Noble Rose in "Rumble Roses XX" (VG) (uncredited)
Nora Estheim in "Final Fantasy XIII" (VG)
Noriko Kashiwagi in "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4"
Pandora in "Xena: Warrior Princess" (TV)
Pisa in "Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines" (VG)
Queen Jayne in "Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin" (VG)
Red Shadow in "Bushido Blade 2" (VG)

Rosso in "Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII" (VG)
Salamander in "Drakengard" (VG) (uncredited)
Salome in "Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome" (VG)
Sandy Collier in "Invisible Dad" (OAV, 1997)
Sandy in "Billy Frankenstein" (Movie, 1998, as Melissa Williamson)
Shijimi in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja" (VG)
Sienna and Narration in "Phantom Brave" (VG)
Sif and Valkyrie in "Lego Marvel Avengers" (VG)
System Voice in "Guilty Gear 2: Overture" (VG, English)
The Polecats in "Afro Samurai: The Video Game" (VG)
Toru Uike in ".hack//G.U. Vol.2//Reminisce" (VG)
Toru Uike in ".hack//G.U. Vol.3//Redemption" (VG)
Tsubaki Amamiya in "Gods Eater Burst" (VG)
Tsunade (new dialogue) and Kurenai Yuhi in "Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2" (VG)
Tsunade and Assistant (Black Shadow Arc) in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4" (VG)
Tsunade in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2" (VG)
Tsunade in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress" (VG)
Tsunade in "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes" (VG)
UEF General Clarke in "Supreme Commander" (VG)
Valkyrie in "Marvel Future Revolution" (VG)
Valkyrie in "Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order" (VG)
Virtuous in "Soul Nomad & the World Eaters" (VG)
Vocalist in "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME/Festival (home versions)" (VG)
Woman in Confession Booth in "Silent Hill 3" (HD Collection redub) (VG)
Zahra Hydris in "The Legend of Vox Machina"
Non-anime staff credits:
Co-Voice director for "Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code"
Director (US Voice Over Recording) for "Digimon Rumble Arena" (VG)
English ADR director for "Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War" (VG)
English ADR director for "Castlevania: Curse of Darkness" (VG)
English ADR Director for "Devil May Cry 3" (VG)
English ADR Director for "Devil May Cry 4" (VG)
English ADR Director for "Disaster: Day of Crisis" (VG)
English ADR Director for "Killer is Dead" (VG)
English ADR Director for "Rumble Roses XX" (VG)
English voice director for "Castlevania: Lament of Innocence" (VG)
English voice director for "Drakengard" (VG)
English voice director for "Resident Evil 5" (VG)
English voice director for "Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles" (VG)
English voice director for "Soulcalibur Legends" (VG)
English voice director for "Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri" (VG)
Recording Director for "Naruto: Clash of Ninja" (VG)
Theme Performance for "Top Gun: Fire At Will!" (VG/PSX/Danger Zone remix)
Vocalist for "Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War" (VG)
Vocalist for "Silent Hill 3" (VG)
Vocalist for "Silent Hill 4: The Room" (VG)
Vocalist for "Silent Hill" (movie)
Vocalist for "Silent Hill: 0rigins" (VG) (as Mary Elizabeth)
Vocalist for "Silent Hill: Homecoming" (VG) (as Mary Elizabeth)
Vocalist for "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories" (VG)
Vocalist for "Silent Hills: Origins" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden Legends: Akatsuki Rising" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Dragon Blade Chronicles" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Ninja Council 3" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Ninja Destiny" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Path of the Ninja" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Rise of a Ninja" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja" (VG)
Voice Director for "Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories" (VG)
Voice Director for "Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle" (VG)
Voice Director for "The Legend of Vox Machina" (Western animation)
Voice Director for "Wild Animal Baby Explorers"
Voice over director for "Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles" (VG)
News: Show:
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Dub Actors (Dec 22, 2005)
Convention report:
Anime Expo 2007 - Closing Ceremonies (Jul 6, 2007)
Press Releases:
Otakon Vegas Welcomes Voice Actress Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Dec 11, 2014)
Actress Mary Elizabeth McGlynn & Trifecta for Zenkaikon (Apr 18, 2014)
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn from Ghost In The Shell at Katsucon (Feb 13, 2014)
Other articles: Show:
as Abbey Normle
Non-anime roles:
Nina Williams in "Street Fighter X Tekken" (VG)
Sharea Aarde in "Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine" (VG)
as Lucy Todd
Non-anime roles:
Alex Wesker in "Resident Evil: Revelations 2" (VG)
Hydaelyn in "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn" (VG)
as Melissa Williamson
Non-anime roles:
Computer Voice (Ending Sequence) in "Omega Boost" (VG)
Red Shadow in "Bushido Blade 2" (VG)
Renee Hearn and Nash Lynyrd in "Phase Paradox" (VG)
Non-anime staff credits:
Director (ZRO Limit Productions) for "Phase Paradox" (VG)
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(English version)
Appleseed (movie) : ADR Director, ADR Screenplay
Arc the Lad (TV) : ADR Director, ADR Script, ADR Script Editing
Blade (TV) : Voice Direction (eps 4-12)
Bleach (TV) : Voice Direction (eps 230-234)
Blue Dragon (TV) : Voice Direction
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie : ADR Director
Digimon Frontier (TV) : Story Editor, Voice Direction
Digimon Frontier Movie : ADR Director
Digimon Fusion (TV) : Voice Direction
Digimon Tamers (TV) : Script (eps 4, 25), Story Editor, Voice Direction
Digimon Tamers Movie 6: The Runaway Digimon Express : ADR Director, Script
Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle (movie) : ADR Director
Flint: The Time Detective (TV) : Voice Direction
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 (ONA) : Voice Direction
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) : ADR Director
Glitter Force (TV) : ADR Director, Voice Direction
Iron Man: Rise of Technovore (OAV) : Voice Direction
(The) Last: Naruto The Movie : Voice Direction
Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers (TV) : Voice Direction
MegaMan NT Warrior (TV) : Story Editor (eps 1-5, 9-24)
Metropolis (movie) : ADR Script
Naruto (TV) : ADR Director
Naruto Shippūden (movie) : ADR Director
Naruto Shippūden (TV) : ADR Director, Voice Direction
Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds : Voice Direction
Naruto Shippūden: Blood Prison (movie) : Voice Direction
Naruto Shippūden: The Burning Chūnin Exam! Naruto vs. Konohamaru!! (movie) : Voice Direction
Naruto Shippūden: The Lost Tower (movie) : Voice Direction
Naruto Shippūden: The Will of Fire (movie) : Voice Direction
Naruto Special: Battle at Hidden Falls. I Am the Hero! (OAV) : ADR Director
Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (movie 3) : ADR Director, Commentary
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel (movie 2) : ADR Director, Commentary
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow : ADR Director
Naruto: Konoha Sports Festival (movie) : ADR Director
Pokémon Concierge (ONA) : Dubbing Director
Resident Evil: Degeneration (movie) : ADR Director
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie : Voice Direction
Shinzo (TV) : Voice Direction
Stitch! (TV) : Casting Director, Voice Direction
Stitch!: Itazura Alien no Daibōken (TV) : Casting, Voice Direction
Stitch!: Zutto Saikō no Tomodachi (TV) : Voice Direction
Tachikomatic Days (OAV) : Director
Tenkai Knights (TV) : Voice Direction
Wolf's Rain (OAV) : ADR Director, ADR Script
Wolf's Rain (TV) : ADR Director, ADR Script
Staff in:
Blood: The Last Vampire (movie) : Dialogue Coach
Staff in:
(English version)
(under the name of Melissa Williamson)
Cowboy Bebop (TV) : Director
Cast in:
(English version)
Argento Soma (TV) as Apartment Super; Auntie; Countdown Announcement; News Anchor; Scarlet; Stacey
B-Legend! Battle Bedaman (TV) as Meowmigo #2; Terry (eps 1-6)
Blade (TV)
Bleach (TV) as Ikumi Unagiya; Zabimaru (Baboon: Zanpakuto Saga)
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (TV) as Koharu Utatane; Kurenai Sarutobi; Mei Terumi
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection (movie) as Cornelia Li Britannia
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) as Cornelia Li Britannia
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) as Cornelia Li Britannia
Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture (TV); Cornelia Li Britannia (eps 4, 9, 12)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie as Chris Riley
Digimon Adventure 02 (TV) as Blossomon (ep 31); Cat (ep 46); Dokugumon (2nd voice); Female Reporter (ep 9); Floramon (Catherine's); Kiwimon; Mrs. Hida; Syakomon (ep 40); Yuehon
Digimon Frontier (TV) as Burgermon (ep 39); D-Tector; Ophanimon; Otamamon; Palmon; Pipismon; Salamon
Digimon Fusion (TV) as Chocomon; LadyDevimon; Mrs. Kudo; PawnChessmon; Pickmons; Queen; Shakkoumon; ToyAgumon
Digimon Tamers (TV) as Masahiko Katou (first appearance only); Pajiramon; Rika's Mother
Digimon Tamers Movie 6: The Runaway Digimon Express as Lopmon; Rumiko Nonaka
Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle (movie) as Rika's Mother
Digimon: Data Squad (TV) as Sarah Damon
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (movie) as Police woman
Eureka Seven (TV) as Maurice; Mischa
Eureka Seven - good night, sleep tight, young lovers (movie) as Mischa
Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution (movie series) as Mischa Stravinskaya
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) as Briggs Doctor (ep 34); Doctor's Wife (ep 44)
Geneshaft (TV) as Lily; Sofia Galgalim
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (movie) as Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: Arise (OAV) as Kurutsu
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 (ONA) as Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 (ONA 2) as Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Sustainable War (movie) as Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) as Chroma (ep 9); Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (TV) as Chroma (eps 35, 45); Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society (movie) as Motoko Kusanagi
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie as Kurutsu
Glitter Force (TV) as Brooha; Lady Euphoria

God Eater (TV) as Tsubaki Amamiya
.hack//Liminality (OAV) as Asaba
.hack//SIGN (TV) as Helba
.hack//Unison (OAV) as Helba
Iron Man (TV) as Sandra (ep 9)
Karas (OAV); Tsuchigumo
Kekkaishi (TV) as Aihi; Fuzuki (ep 19); Hizuki (eps 19-20); Mizuki (eps 19-20)
Kurokami The Animation (TV) as Masagami (ep 21); Mikami Hojo
(The) Last: Naruto The Movie as Head Maid; Katsuyu; Kurenai Yuhi; Mei Terumi/Fifth Mizukage
Lupin III: Part II (TV) as Cocodad Singer C (ep 65)
Metropolis (movie) as Public Announcement Voice
Naruto (TV) as Brunette (ep 63); Fuki (ep 41); Honey Maid (ep 194); Inn Hostess (ep 101); Kasumi (ep 41); Katsuyu (ep 161); Koharu Utatane; Kurenai Yuuhi; Natsuhi (Singing Voice); Okyō's Friend B (eps 54-55); Onbaa (ep 185); Orochimaru (as Grass Ninja); Orochimaru's Previous Body (ep 71); Sexy Jutsu Naruto (ep 177); Shiore (Orochimaru's Disguise); Star Genin C (eps 181, 183); Susuki (eps 86-87); Suzume; Tsunade (young; ep 185); Tsunami (ep 162); Yunosoto Greeter (ep 97)
Naruto Shippūden (movie) as Old Lady
Naruto Shippūden (TV) as Academy Student D (ep 277); ADR Director (omake; eps 108, 121); Aho Crow (omake; ep 163); Akamaru (eps 236, 240); Armadiko (armadillo; eps 254-255); Backup Allied Shinobi C (ep 273); Backup Allied Shinobi F (ep 273); Barbe-Q Proprietress (3 episodes
eps 82, 193, 232
); Bean Jam Saleslady (ep 271); Bidders (preview; ep 25); Boy C (ep 239); Cat (ep 33); Choji's mother (ep 82); Cloud Mourner D (ep 282); Cloud Trainee E (ep 282); Demons (ep 246); Dumpling Shop Owner (ep 129); Gamatama (ep 162); Gossiping Woman B (ep 166); Hina (ep 121); Housewife B (ep 176); Ibara (Sakura's flashback; ep 9); Inn Hostess (ep 37); Inn Waitress (ep 36); Koharu Utatane; Kōta (gossiping student; ep 176); Kukuo / Five-Tails; Kurenai Yuuhi; Leaf Academt Student B (ep 177); Leaf Villager C (ep 198); Little Girl B (ep 82); Maki; Medical Ninja A (ep 159); Mei Terumi / Fifth Mizukage; Nekobaa; News Anchor (preview; ep 23); Old Housewife (ep 220); Old Taoist (ep 281); Ostrich Chicks (ep 185); Oyone (female medic ninja; Pain's Invasion); Pranked Villager D (ep 257); Sand Mother (ep 7); Sand Watcher D (ep 5); Sexy Jutsu (ep 178); Shima; Shiore (Orochimaru's grass ninja disguise; flashback); Silver-Haired Waterfall Kunoichi (ep 178); Suzume (eps 176, 178); Tadpole (ep 162); Tezuna (ep 129); Tobio (topknot genin; ep 179); Tou; Tsume Inuzuka; Uhei; Whispering Leaf Villager A (ep 353)Naruto Shippūden: Blood Prison (movie); Mabui (uncredited)
Naruto Shippūden: The Lost Tower (movie) as Seeramu
Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (movie 3); Tourist Announcer
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel (movie 2) as Nomad Mother (uncredited)
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow as Production Crew Member
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective (TV) as Witch
Persona 4: The Animation (TV) as Hisano Kuroda; Naoto Shirogane; Noriko Kashiwagi
Planetes (TV) as Insurance saleswomen (ep 3)
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal (ONA 2015) as Queen Metalia (ep 14)
Princess Mononoke (movie) as Tatara Women's Song
Resident Evil: Degeneration (movie) as Aunt
Resident Evil: Vendetta (movie) as Zack White
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie as Bean Jam Saleslady; Female Toad; Mother A; Tsume Inuzuka
Sailor Moon (TV) as Chubby Girl (5 episodes
eps 4, 8, 13, 17, 36
); Frau (ep 3); Jewelry Store Customer (ep 1); Monster A (ep 13); Rie Gotō (ep 4)Sailor Moon R (TV) as Luax (ep 82)
Shinzo (TV) as Ungra
Stitch!: Itazura Alien no Daibōken (TV) as Angry Woman (ep 1); Bonnie (ep 24); Councilwoman (ep 29); Hunkahunka (ep 15); Newslady (ep 12); TV Lady (ep 17); TV Reporter (ep 28); Wada (eps 22, 28); Woman (eps 26-27); Yokai 3 (ep 6); Yuna's Mother (ep 13)
Stitch!: Zutto Saikō no Tomodachi (TV) as Councilwoman (eps 1, 29); Delia; Jumba's Ex-Wife (ep 5); Sprout (small; ep 8); Witch (ep 13)
Tenkai Knights (TV) as Mrs. Dalton
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (movie) as Caroline
Witch Hunter Robin (TV); Jeanne; Mamoru Kudo (ep 7); Old Lady (ep 7)
Wolf's Rain (TV) as Jagura
X-Men (TV) as Marsh; Riko Nirasaki
Cast in:
(English version)
(under the name of Abbey Normle)
Freedom (OAV) as Anna Marie
Cast in:
(English version)
(under the name of Charlotte Bell)
Tekken: Blood Vengeance (movie) as Mokujin; Nina Williams
Cast in:
(English version)
(under the name of Lucy Todd)
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy (TV) as Hild
Freedom (OAV)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) as Briggs Doctor
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal (ONA 2014) as Queen Metalia
Sailor Moon (TV) as Queen Metalia (Viz Media dub)
Cast in:
(English version)
(under the name of Melissa Williamson)
Ah! My Goddess: The Movie as Urd
Ai Yori Aoshi (TV) as Aoi's Grandmother; Mayu's Mother (ep 12)
Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ (TV) as Mayu's Mother
Appleseed (movie); Alert Announcement; Assailant
Arc the Lad (TV) as Announcer; Boy; Celinda; Couple in Next Room; Elk's Mother; Gene (Young); Woman
Armageddon (Korean movie) as Queen Hera
Battle Athletes (OAV) as Lahrri Feldnunt; Mother (ep 1)
Battle Athletes Victory (TV) as Ayla Vefraska Rosnovsky
Black Jack (OAV) as Doctor (ep 10); Ikehata (ep 6)
Black Jack The Movie as Jo Carol Brane
Catnapped! The Movie; Buburina
Cowboy Bebop (TV) as Computer Voice (ep 19); Dewey (ep 8); Julia; News Reporter; Scratch TV Hostess (ep 23); Twinkle Maria Murdock
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure (TV)
El Hazard: The Alternative World (TV) as Queen Diva; Shayla-Shayla ; Termite Queen
El-Hazard 2: The Magnificent World (OAV) as Queen Diva
El-Hazard: The Wanderers (TV) as Blacksmith Wannabe (student; ep 15); Queen Diva; Shayla-Shayla

éX-Driver (OAV) as Akira; Computer; Director
Fist of the North Star (TV) as Mamiya; Scared Marketgoer B (walla; ep 33); Screaming Boy in Jewel (walla; ep 4); Yulia
Fushigi Yugi (OAV) as Nuriko (ep 3)
Fushigi Yugi (OAV 2) as Nuriko
Fushigi Yugi (TV) as Nuriko
Fushigi Yugi Eikoden (OAV) as Nuriko (ep 4)
Gate Keepers (TV) as Jun Thunders
Giant Robo (OAV) as Youshi Sumenju
Gungrave (TV) as Miranda
(The) Legend of Black Heaven (TV) as Hamil
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (TV) as Cheryl
Mobile Suit Gundam - The Movie Trilogy as Matilda Ajan
Outlaw Star (TV); Hilda; Old Woman (uncredited; ep 23); Reiko Ando; Technician
Perfect Blue (movie) as News Reporter; Rei
Red Hawk - Weapon of Death (Korean movie) as 5 Dragons Martial Artists
Reign: The Conqueror (TV) as Cassandra
Rurouni Kenshin (TV 1996) as Shura (young); Tsunan Tsukioka (young); Waitress
Saber Marionette J Again (OAV) as Bloodberry
Sakura Taisen: Sumire (OAV) as Kanna Kirishima
Sakura Wars: The Movie as Kanna Kirishima
Samurai Girl Real Bout High School (TV) as Mian Cubie; Mrs. Kinomiya
Serial Experiments Lain (TV); Lain's Navi
Sol Bianca: The Legacy (OAV) as Feb
Street Fighter II V (TV) as Dr Hanna (ep 11); Newscaster (Animaze dub)
Tokyo Revelation (OAV) as Airplane Stewardess; Yuriko
Trigun (TV) as Child C (ep 10); Marilyn Nebraska (ep 14); Patricia Nebraska (uncredited; ep 14); Shoemaker's Wife (ep 12)
Vandread (TV) as Jura Basil Elden
Vandread: The Second Stage (TV) as Anri; Jura Basil Elden
Wild Arms - Twilight Venom (TV) as Estelle
X (TV) as Kanoe; Yuziriha's Grandmother
X OAV as Kanoe
Zero Woman: Assassin Lovers (live-action movie 4) as Sayoko
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