Bamboo Blade C (manga)
Plot Summary:
Suzuharu Sakudō is a member of the Hisashinomiya High School Kendo Club and was known as the "zero-win emperor" of his middle school. He wants to quit but his childhood friend Chiko continues to cheer him on. Kiki Asahina, a former top kendo-ka in junior high, challenges Suzuharu to a match. When he defeats her, she offers to coach him to become the very best.
Number of tankoubon:
2013-05-25 to 2016-08-25 (serialized in Big Gangan)
News: Show:
Bamboo Blade C & BB Deformer Manga End (Aug 24, 2016)
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Story: Masahiro Totsuka
Art: Jingu Takao
(none) |
Publisher: Square Enix |
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