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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:28 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:58 pm Reply with quote
So Shaheed was accepted. But let's not start this crap up again about games being under attack again. Both Fox and MSNBC need to concentrate on REAL issues and leave stuff that doesn't have any effect on those THAT CAN HANDLE IT...ALONE. Because last year's sh*tstorm, which is still going on has had me really pissed off. I'll leave it at that.

That game for PS Vita looks promising. I've seen this artist before.

I wish there was some news on Persona 5. I guess gaming news is pretty slow. Hopefully we'll be picking up soon. So no news on Final Fantasy XV.

Last edited by Chrno2 on Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 May 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:01 pm Reply with quote
What used to bring gamers together was usually video games being attacked by the media like with Jack Thompson, but the last year saw the opposite, rather you had supporters for those kinds of people. Even when games like GTAV and Hatred were being pulled and censored away, people did not unite to stop it, but rather some celebrated it. Gaming is too mainstream now for it to truly be united on issues anymore, it's no longer marketed just for nerds and gamers, but all kinds of people with varying opinions and lifestyles. Virtually every game generates controversy these days within the community, where as back in the 90s and early 00s it was outside media forces that generated the controversy. Today, those outside media forces are now found within the community themselves.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:36 pm Reply with quote
Did Ciolek miss all the whinging over games full of cheesecake like Dragon Crown? If some know-nothing blowhard wants to censor games for having boobs in them, they'll find plenty of company among those who should know better than to invite the suppression of the medium.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:37 pm Reply with quote
Boy, this one was completely off-base. Metroid stayed silent all through the year, unless you count Samus Aran's appearances as a Super Smash Bros. character and Amiibo collectible. Rumors of a new Metroid game remain unfulfilled, whether they suggest a fresh Metroid Prime or another game from oft-upbraided series co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto. Fans seem to favor another Prime, considering how Sakamoto turned Samus Aran into a fragile mockery of herself with Metroid: Other M. Yet last year didn't bring either.

Um, no, you're wrong... http://kotaku.com/nintendo-is-planning-a-future-for-both-2d-and-3d-metroi-1590142491
Though not confirmed to be in development, this is a lot more concrete than Miyamoto's recent comments on F-Zero, so they've hardly been 'silent' about their intentions...
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:37 pm Reply with quote
The year was great for the WiiU, with not only great releases but also a laid out future plan. Sure, we got Bayonetta 2, Smash, Cpt Toad, MarioKart, and so on, but we were also shown a new Yoshi, Kirby, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, and more. Will it eventually get some crap games? Yes, but every console does. It won't hurt it, and it won't have near the shovelware that the Wii did. The most popular console always is littered with shovelware. Seriously, the PS2 had plenty, I assure you, and the Wii had some real diamonds in its library. The WiiU is on the rise, but it will be a while before we see shovelware in any significant fashion, and even then it will be outshined by the solid releases. I'm not saying it will be the next PS2, loved by all gamers and selling like hotcakes, but I do think that it will be a solid console, probably follow a similar pattern to the 3DS's launch. It's also the one console that actually tries to be a videogame console out of the three.

The Vita is something more to worry about. It has no exclusives. Ports are fine and good, but why buy a new console to play a game when I already have one to play on? With the 3DS, while it had a very slow start, it's doing great now. Nintendo was willing to drop the cash to produce content for it's own system, which increased sales, which helped drive third parties to begin producing for it, which increased the library, which further increased sales, and so on until it became profitable. The Vita on the other hand is receiving no such support. It's expensive to develop for, nobody wants to take the risk since nobody owns the console, and nobody owns the console because nobody is developing for it. Nintendo broke this loop by self producing games, while Sony is not. All the Vita has is Gravity Rush, Tearaway, and a handful of enhanced ports (Persona 4, Disgaea 3/4, so on)... and regular, non-enhanced ports.

Unless a company does something to really stir up ill-will (Microsoft's first unveiling of the Xbox One comes to mind), I never want to see a platform fail. I like Sony, but the games have to be there. I hope they can pull something out of their bag at E3 to convince me to get one. I have had P4 Golden for a year now and still need another reason to pick up a Vita before doing so.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Sin Run Caligula?

EnigmaticSky wrote:
It's also the one console that actually tries to be a videogame console out of the three.

Which isn't enough to drive it's sales up to 18 million.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:50 pm Reply with quote
EnigmaticSky wrote:
The Vita is something more to worry about. It has no exclusives. Ports are fine and good, but why buy a new console to play a game when I already have one to play on? With the 3DS, while it had a very slow start, it's doing great now. Nintendo was willing to drop the cash to produce content for it's own system, which increased sales, which helped drive third parties to begin producing for it, which increased the library, which further increased sales, and so on until it became profitable. The Vita on the other hand is receiving no such support. It's expensive to develop for, nobody wants to take the risk since nobody owns the console, and nobody owns the console because nobody is developing for it. Nintendo broke this loop by self producing games, while Sony is not. All the Vita has is Gravity Rush, Tearaway, and a handful of enhanced ports (Persona 4, Disgaea 3/4, so on)... and regular, non-enhanced ports.

There are some more Vita exclusives (some make it over here, others do not). Already I have Danganronpa (and still need to get 2), Freedom Wars, Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, Soul Sacrifice, Touch my Katamari, and Mind 0 (and that's not counting Gravity Rush and Tearaway which you are already listed). And I still need to get Sword Art Online HF and Monster Monpiece. And there's others headed this way (just look at Neogaf's "upcoming Vita games" thread).

Besides, ports can be useful. Rayman Legends, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Arcana Heart 3, Injustice, and Blazblue CP have been invaluable as they provide good choices to play while waiting on food or something else where I only need to play for a short period. So I have justification why I would want to own both the handheld and console version.

EnigmaticSky wrote:
I'm not saying it will be the next PS2, loved by all gamers and selling like hotcakes, but I do think that it will be a solid console, probably follow a similar pattern to the 3DS's launch.

I imagine it will be remembered similarly to the Dreamcast. I imagine its lifespan will be short than the Wii's, but it will be good while it lasts. Hopefully ignorance won't dominate the history of the console (sorta already happened with the Wii, I hear tons of "all the third-party titles were shovelware!" PAHLEASE, there were plenty of solid third-party titles for the system, heck I have about 30 Wii games and still have plenty left on my wish-list. I actually just managed to find Calling (a fairly good horror game) and One Piece Unlimited Adventure at Gamestop last weekend for a good price).

Last edited by doctordoom85 on Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Seems like video games are one of the least important thing for a video game console these days. At least that's how I see it given the PS4 would rather hype up Twitch integration and media streaming than make some sodding games for the console. Nintendo can boast as much backwards compatibility and exclusive games as they want, but the real selling point is if it can't play Blu-rays. What a market we live in these days.

I'd rather have a new 2D Metroid than a 3D one. 3D says to me an FPS game like the Prime series, which I'd rather Metroid not go back to. I replayed Fusion thanks to the Virtual Console and remembered how much fun it was and how much it improved and built upon the 2D formula. That was over 10 years ago so I'd love to see how much more it could be improved upon with modern technology. Though Zero Suit Samus in Smash Bros makes me wonder what a spectacle fighting game could be like. Maybe hire Platinum to work on one and make it like Bayonetta since that's how ZSS plays like essentially. Or a stealth game like the ending segment in Zero Mission, done up as some kind of MGS-style game. There's plenty of 3D Metroid directions to go, but I have a feeling Retro would just make another Prime game because they're not very original going by Tropical Freeze.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:58 pm Reply with quote
doctordoom85 wrote:

There are some more Vita exclusives (some make it over here, others do not). Already I have Danganronpa (and still need to get 2),

Danganronpa 1 & 2 are ports.

doctordoom85 wrote:
Freedom Wars, Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, Soul Sacrifice, Touch my Katamari, and Mind 0 (and that's not counting Gravity Rush and Tearaway which you are already listed). And I still need to get Sword Art Online HF and Monster Monpiece. And there's others headed this way (just look at Neogaf's "upcoming Vita games" thread).

You can add Shinibido Revenge Of Zen to that list. I mean really if want exclusive games for the Vita you got go to Japan since the system has far more exclusive games than America and Europe.....for some reason.
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Joined: 29 May 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:20 pm Reply with quote
Honestley, I really enjoyed Lightning Returns. The gameplay was great and the whole costume customization was really fun (then again, I am a sucker for those kinda things in games) Never really got the totally overblown hatred for the XIII series. Oh well.

Even as a port machine, I still think the Vita is a great system, been getting a lot of playtime with Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, Toukiden, and Tales of Hearts R. I do agree that Sony desperately needs top up its game plan for it this year.

Anyways the only real thing I'm hoping for this year is less silly controversies like the whole Gamergate nonsense last year.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:55 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
doctordoom85 wrote:

There are some more Vita exclusives (some make it over here, others do not). Already I have Danganronpa (and still need to get 2),

Danganronpa 1 & 2 are ports.

But only the Vita versions were released outside Japan, so for many people they might as well be Vita exclusives. And I forgot about it, but one could say Tales of Hearts R could count as well since the Vita version was the first to be released outside Japan. Thanks for the reminder, Dmysta3000.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:03 pm Reply with quote
They were saying after the PS4 that Sony wants to do away with consoles. Pay to play service like a Netflix or an Sony App instead of physical systems anymore, which would be in everyone's interest except for major collectors and of course evil entities like GameStop that profit off the dead.

For the record I've still yet to finish FF13 (I'm at the END), unwrap 13-2 or Lightning returns. I just stopped caring at some point. I'm anticipating 15's Demo though. Gonna trade in Type-0 while in line, if it has a stand alone voucher.

@gloverrandal You mean Facebook and Twitter? Those are all bark and no bite media sites filled with toxic opinions, instigator and click bait feeds.

It only looks bad if you lose yourself within the text and focus directly on it. It's a scam/gimmick and people get paid that way. First party and third party game makers still continue on as if absolutely nothing is happening.

The small time Indies on the otherhand can argue out against the masses all day. They do not have to answer to multiple people.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:15 pm Reply with quote
Fedora-san wrote:
Seems like video games are one of the least important thing for a video game console these days. At least that's how I see it given the PS4 would rather hype up Twitch integration and media streaming than make some sodding games for the console. Nintendo can boast as much backwards compatibility and exclusive games as they want, but the real selling point is if it can't play Blu-rays. What a market we live in these days.

That is something that baffles me; people keep gushing about the PS4, saying how it's sold millions in its debut year. And my first thought is "what are people using it for?" because the releases for it have been pretty tepid or disappointing so I doubt it's for games.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:18 pm Reply with quote
Still no news on that new Wild Arms I take it?
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