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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:50 am Reply with quote
Well, what did anyone expect on the new Korra game. There hasn't been a game based on some animated franchise that has ever been any good. It's just to make a quick buck. You buy it, rent it and when you're done you sell it.

I really would like to see another 'Darkstalkers' game. It's been so long.

Glad to see that GGX is doing well.

There's always more room for Castlevania.

As for the RE series, I guess it's time to re-release the series one mo' time, but in HD this time. I'll be curious to see what they improve compared to the GC/Wii versions.
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Joined: 08 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:06 pm Reply with quote
The Korra game is actually pretty good, though I don't think it will do a good job of representing the show (that I've not seen, but am sort of interested in now because of the game).

I've seen some combos that are pretty hype online, but so far the best thing I can do is twirly tornadoes into tracking fire chain combo.

Also, I still don't quite understand how you can continue down a combo chain using different elements... I seem to only be able to do it in one direction.

(actually, the battle system would have been nicer had I been able to switch to any element on the fly as opposed to the thing next to it on the element wheel... unless I derped and this is actually possible)

I also think that dodge offset (like in Bayonetta) exists, but I'm not sure how I did it.


Not that I'll have enough time to experiment given that actual Bayonetta comes out in a few days.

Still, I already finished the game on Extreme difficulty, though I kinda handicapped my playthrough because the one item that gives you infinite chi is kinda busted lol

(I also feel like the game is more interesting when you have to charge your chi: you're always looking for an opening to do it in)

ANYWAY, I would recommend it to action game fans (dog sections are kinda bad, actually... especially that one section on extreme), though, like I said, the game will probably be like an ass representation of the show.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:07 pm Reply with quote
EDIT: double post, please remove

Last edited by DKL on Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:09 pm Reply with quote
The games in the Cotton series are great games for Halloween if you have a Saturn or lucky to have a PC capable of handling ST-V, you should try Cotton 2 and Boomerang out. Cotton Fantastic Night Dreams and Marchen Adventure Cotton 100% can be easily emulated or bought for cheap on the JP PSN for the PS3 or Vita. Panorama Cotton is easily emulated on a MD emulator (it's not cheap to buy at all nor is the Turbo CD version of Fantastic Night Dreams which has 10/10 music compared to the PS1 version).
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Joined: 22 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:14 pm Reply with quote
Am I the only one who thinks they should've stuck with the in-dev title for Freedom Wars, "Panopticon"? I mean, the characters are prisoners...
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:24 pm Reply with quote
I wish they'd release some of the Snes stuff on the 3DS too, like Super Metroid.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:59 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
There hasn't been a game based on some animated franchise that has ever been any good.

If you believe that then you can't be very old... Dozens of 16 bit era games spring to mind. More recently, the first Adventure Time game, whilst very easy, was a brilliant homage to both the show and Zelda II.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:28 pm Reply with quote
Speaking of Freedom Wars, the list of Panopticons available in the North American and European versions of the game is up:


Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sydney, Australia
Perth, Australia
Vienna, Austria
Manaus, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Edmonton, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Santiago, Chile
Hong Kong, China
Copenhagen, Denmark
Galapagos, Ecuador
Nairobi, Kenya
Helsinki, Finland
Paris, France
Berlin, Germany
Athens, Greece
Reykjavik, Iceland
Mumbai, India
Jakarta, Indonesia
Rome, Italy
Tokyo, Japan
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mexico City, Mexico
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wellington, New Zealand
Oslo, Norway
Lima, Peru
Manila, Philippines
Lisbon, Portugal
Bucharest, Romania
Moscow, Russia
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Dakar, Senegal
Singapore, Singapore
Cape Town, South Africa
Seoul, South Korea
Madrid, Spain
Stockholm, Sweden
Taipei, Taiwan
Bangkok, Thailand
London, United Kingdom
New York City, NY, United States
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Honolulu, HI, United States
Anchorage, AK, United States
Chicago, IL, United States
Houston, TX, United States
Caracas, Venezuela
Hanoi, Vietnam
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:36 pm Reply with quote
DKL wrote:
The Korra game is actually pretty good, though *snip*.

Well, that's good to know.

lizardking461 wrote:
Chrno2 wrote:
There hasn't been a game based on some animated franchise that has ever been any good.

If you believe that then you can't be very old... Dozens of 16 bit era games spring to mind. More recently, the first Adventure Time game, whilst very easy, was a brilliant homage to both the show and Zelda II.

Well, I'm more referring to more recent games that have been based on movie franchises. And a good number of them often rate poorly. Some of the factors that come up is content and game mechanics. More than likely I'm generalizing based on what I have seen or heard. But if there are games based on popular animated shows that are good then I'll need to see more. As far as the Adventure Time game, well look at who we are dealing with? A team of creators that seem to know how to incorporate what they love and grew up with. So it's no surprise. But at the same time it could've gone wrong. But we do know that even some games that have issues it still can come off as a hidden underrated gem.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
Well, what did anyone expect on the new Korra game. There hasn't been a game based on some animated franchise that has ever been any good.

Chrno2 wrote:
But if there are games based on popular animated shows that are good then I'll need to see more.

Some of the Yu-Gi-Oh Gameboy,DS, & PSP games.

DragonBall Z Budokai 3

DragonBall Origins 2

Transformers War For Cybertron
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Joined: 03 May 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:12 pm Reply with quote
Heck, I recently picked up the next-to-most-recent Naruto game on Steam; it's a bunch of fun, and I'm not even a Naruto fan (though this might be my gateway drug). The recent Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game was pretty sweet, too, though I'm much more of a Jojo's fan than a fighting game expert. There's a ton of manga/anime-based games that never even receive a fan translation. This hurts my heart as a huge Gintama fan, as that series' reliance on dialogue means most of its spinoffs' value will be lost to me. Then again, the Akagi and Saki games are both a lot of fun both as straight mahjong games and when they incorporate their inspirations.

Also: I really hope Sunset Overdrive eventually gets ported to other systems. It looks great but I can't think of anything that'd make me buy an Xbox One, now or in the future.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:27 pm Reply with quote
I don't think it's fair to condemn the Korra game, just because it's based on an existing TV show and yes, most of those games do suck and the games for the original series were certainly terrible. But Platinum Games is an actual game developer and they did make a short but enjoyable experience if you ask me. I thought the story was so-so, but the gameplay was fun and I enjoyed the animated cutscenes and references to both shows (in things like items, collectibles, and achievement/trophy names). It's definitely made for fans of the show. Sure, so were the original series games, but I rented the second one from the library and damn was that a painful experience. Do I think liking the show blinds me a little? Maybe, but this game was actually pretty good, and for the length of time, it doesn't overstay its welcome either. It's not game of the year, but it's definitely a fun diversion worthwhile for fans of the show.

Not sure why you had trouble switching elements, you could rotate the wheel either way with R1 or L1. You just had to hit it twice to get the opposite element. R1 rotated it in the way the show said the elements should be learned in properly (for Korra, it's water, earth, fire, air) and L1 just went the opposite way. I never really had any trouble getting the element I wanted right away (and even if I ended up with the wrong one, I could usually manage). And the game would keep registering hits, even when you switch elements. Which you could do even when you're on the air on a water spout and suddenly start shooting other elements.
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Joined: 20 May 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:35 pm Reply with quote
I have not watched Korra much, but the clips of the game I've seen have some of the most emotionless and stilted voice acting I have ever seen. There also only seems to be 4 different enemy types. I suppose that is to be expected for a very small budget game.

Licensed games seem to be good if they have creative talent behind it. Amazing developers like Sunsoft and CAPCOM handled a lot of the best licensed games for the NES, while LJN was notorious for producing nothing but trash when it came to licensed games. A lot of current anime games tend to be pretty nice, like the Naruto fighting games, the Yu-Gi-Oh card games, and even some of the One Piece games are decent. I also enjoyed Sword Art Online's, Oreimo's and other otaku oriented PSP games. I can not speak for games based on western cartoons, though, but most of them being handled by obscure companies who only make licensed games indicate they might not be very good.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:41 pm Reply with quote
There's no reason a competent studio can't make a good game on a long running show. Case in point - War for Cybertron and the Capcom JoJo fighters. Hell, the first Naruto game for Xbox was a major advancement in cell shading. But Nick seems to want to drag Korra out back and put a bullet in it anyway, so this cheap cash grab is not surprising.

Last edited by Beatdigga on Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:46 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:

Not sure why you had trouble switching elements, you could rotate the wheel either way with R1 or L1. You just had to hit it twice to get the opposite element. R1 rotated it in the way the show said the elements should be learned in properly (for Korra, it's water, earth, fire, air) and L1 just went the opposite way. I never really had any trouble getting the element I wanted right away (and even if I ended up with the wrong one, I could usually manage). And the game would keep registering hits, even when you switch elements. Which you could do even when you're on the air on a water spout and suddenly start shooting other elements.

My actual problem was not being able do continue down a combo chain (switching to what I want wasn't the issue, which you kinda need to do for the last boss), which I assumed would be remedied if you had only one input necessary to get what you want, but now that I'm experimenting a bit, it's mostly going out of water that's the issue.

(it seems like you have to switch elements on the third hit of water to continue the chain)

For example, the last 3 hits of air light attack are the most useful and you would preferably want to start on that right away once you switch out from tracking fire attack.

That said, to be honest, I probably should have experimented more after I got all the elements, but then I was mostly focused on leveling up elements and extreme difficulty at that point lol

Last edited by DKL on Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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