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NEWS: Angel Beats Game's 1st Volume Slated for Next Spring

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:21 am Reply with quote
As a fan of Angel Beats! I am definitely excited about this. Spring needs to come faster~
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Joined: 27 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:16 am Reply with quote
For more information about the game, here's some translated information from Dengeki G's.

And it'll be in several volumes. It's gonna be a long tearjerking trip.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:29 am Reply with quote
I can't wait! The anime was so rushed and way too short. It will be awesome to see it all fleshed out!
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Joined: 03 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:22 am Reply with quote
You'll definitely want to make sure you check out the translated article - I think the best line was this one:

"-At the beginning of the game, Otonashi’s tastes are plain. But depending on your choices, Otonashi can become a homo who crushes on Hinata or Noda, a yuri-lover, or incredibly idiotic. The other members will have unique reactions to each of Otonashi’s personalities."

Looks like this game is going to be SUPER long too - hopefully someone's willing to translate this game as it goes along - I don't know if I can wait til 2020 to see the final English translated version of this.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:26 am Reply with quote
FlamingFirewire wrote:
Looks like this game is going to be SUPER long too.

It's PR speak. The real reason for splitting the game is to counter weakening visual novel sales. That way, the customer doesn't have to commit as much money per purchase, but the overall cost is higher if he or she chooses to collect every volume. Baba has been talking about this for a while now, so he was going to go this route no matter what (and unsurprisingly, Maeda doesn't seem as keen on the idea).

That said, they'll have to make sure that fans are happy with each purchase in terms of volume and presentation.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:41 am Reply with quote
Given that Key put out an official English release of Planetarian for iOS a few years back, I'm going to hold out the tiniest sliver of hope that the Angel Beats! VN will get a Western release. It is arguably their best-known and best-loved title among anime fandom here (i.e., plenty of people who hate Clannad actually like Angel Beats!).

That said, if Planetarian was meant to "test the waters", then it's possible the any-price-is-too-high crowd that refuses to pay for apps — to say nothing of the well-organized VN translation and patching crowd — may have already inadvertently proved that that an official AB! release would be a non-starter.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:00 am Reply with quote
shiranehito wrote:
For more information about the game, here's some translated information from Dengeki G's.

-As a “visual novel by Maeda Jun”, this can be considered his posthumous work.

I do have to admit this got a chuckle out of me. Oh Maeda, you're such a tsundere about writing scenarios for VNs.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:04 am Reply with quote
Megiddo wrote:

I do have to admit this got a chuckle out of me. Oh Maeda, you're such a tsundere about writing scenarios for VNs.

"I- It's not like I want to return to writing scenario, you know!"

Now you got me chuckled / imagining tsundere Maeda.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:25 am Reply with quote
invalidname wrote:
Given that Key put out an official English release of Planetarian for iOS a few years back, I'm going to hold out the tiniest sliver of hope that the Angel Beats! VN will get a Western release. It is arguably their best-known and best-loved title among anime fandom here (i.e., plenty of people who hate Clannad actually like Angel Beats!).

That said, if Planetarian was meant to "test the waters", then it's possible the any-price-is-too-high crowd that refuses to pay for apps — to say nothing of the well-organized VN translation and patching crowd — may have already inadvertently proved that that an official AB! release would be a non-starter.

If Planetarian was meant to test the waters, they did a pretty terrible job of it. Don't get me wrong, the translation was surprisingly great and I loved it, but I didn't even know about the English release until a couple months ago. I think most KEY fans who would otherwise love to play it are unaware the translation exists (Doesn't help that many KEY fans are unaware the game itself even exists!)

My hopes were that they would actually "test the waters" with Kanon or Air, which are similarly on IOS (though in Japanese only) for pretty cheap, and they're in much higher demand. Regardless it'll be interesting to see if anything comes of the KEY novels in English. But unless it's one of the older games on IOS, I get the feeling that if KEY does release their catalog in English... we're going to be paying the same prices for them as the Japanese, and I'm not sure how people who are used to getting them for free would react.

-Clannad had several minor scene branches, but AB! will take that even further.
We don’t like choices that have no meaning (no effect on the story branching), so every choice will result in some sort of branch or scene variation.

YES! My favorite part of Clannad was how many silly little side branches there were. Found something new every time I played. I was sad to see that kind of thing go in Little Busters and Rewrite.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:53 am Reply with quote
invalidname wrote:
Given that Key put out an official English release of Planetarian for iOS a few years back, I'm going to hold out the tiniest sliver of hope that the Angel Beats! VN will get a Western release. It is arguably their best-known and best-loved title among anime fandom here (i.e., plenty of people who hate Clannad actually like Angel Beats!).

That said, if Planetarian was meant to "test the waters", then it's possible the any-price-is-too-high crowd that refuses to pay for apps — to say nothing of the well-organized VN translation and patching crowd — may have already inadvertently proved that that an official AB! release would be a non-starter.

Probably because Angel Beats! had guns. Not even kidding. That's how sad our audiences are here. Short attention spans could be another reason. As for Planetarian, iOS was probably the worst place they could've tested their waters, besides Linux. Still waiting for android release -_-
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:46 am Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
Probably because Angel Beats! had guns. Not even kidding. That's how sad our audiences are here. Short attention spans could be another reason.

I don't follow. Practically every US game of significance nowadays is a shooter. And I don't necessarily agree with your assertion about "short attention spans" when it comes to gaming; aside from mobile gaming, do you really see console and PC gamers preferring short games? If anything, I feel like I regularly see complaints that games are too short and therefore not worth their price.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:10 am Reply with quote
rizuchan wrote:
If Planetarian was meant to test the waters, they did a pretty terrible job of it. Don't get me wrong, the translation was surprisingly great and I loved it, but I didn't even know about the English release until a couple months ago. I think most KEY fans who would otherwise love to play it are unaware the translation exists (Doesn't help that many KEY fans are unaware the game itself even exists!)

The game's release was noted with news stories on ANN, Crunchyroll and elsewhere (I thought I saw it on Touch Arcade too, but can't find a link now). But no, it's not like Key bought a bunch of banner ads or anything.
My hopes were that they would actually "test the waters" with Kanon or Air, which are similarly on IOS (though in Japanese only) for pretty cheap, and they're in much higher demand.

But those are also much longer than the three-hour Planetarian, and therefore would be far more expensive to translate.
Regardless it'll be interesting to see if anything comes of the KEY novels in English. But unless it's one of the older games on IOS, I get the feeling that if KEY does release their catalog in English... we're going to be paying the same prices for them as the Japanese, and I'm not sure how people who are used to getting them for free would react.

Yeah, that gets into a bigger and more difficult question of how Key (or anybody else) could develop a market in the West for VNs… there are a few truly devoted fans here, making do with what comes out through legit channels and even making their own games (like the stuff from Winter Wolves). But it seems like it's only enough now to support a few very small releases from MangaGamer/JAST/PeachPrincess/etc., mostly eroge and mostly PC-only, and I think I saw that MangaGamer said they were disappointed by sales of ef, which should have been a big hit considering that the audience was already prepped by Sentai having previously put the two anime series out. Then atop this you presumably have huge translation costs (a GameFAQs thread claims that Clannad is over 700,000 words, which would be longer than Les Misérables, War and Peace, or Atlas Shrugged). So now you have high costs and low potential revenue, and unless we're all prepared to pay a couple hundred bucks for Angel Beats! — and I totally would — it might be impossible to cover its costs.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:19 am Reply with quote
Angel Beats is one of my top 5 anime of all time, so I would certainly pay a couple hundred dollars for all the volumes. But like you said, I doubt many others over here would... especially with how easy pirating is. That seems to be the biggest issue with these localized VNs, they just seem to get pirated so much given that the market they are aiming towards are people who just pirate anime like its second nature.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:26 am Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
Angel Beats is one of my top 5 anime of all time, so I would certainly pay a couple hundred dollars for all the volumes. But like you said, I doubt many others over here would... especially with how easy pirating is. That seems to be the biggest issue with these localized VNs, they just seem to get pirated so much given that the market they are aiming towards are people who just pirate anime like its second nature.

Good point about piracy, but here's a thought: what if Key did a Kickstarter for it? Then they could get the money up front, pre-piracy, and only move ahead if/when the needed funds were raised.

Heck, look how much "Clannad Man" raised for his would-be Key documentary Kickstarter before he got shut down.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:07 pm Reply with quote
Depending on how it's released, there's a group I'm a part of that is already considering this translation to be their next project, but we want to support the official release and prevent piracy, so we need to find a way to program it to only work with legitimate copies AND find a way to point people to where they can buy such legitimate copies around the world. Or make it as difficult to patch without a legitimate copy as possible. And none of our team is equipped for going that far... :/
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