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NEWS: Square Enix to Localize Final Fantasy Agito

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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:21 am Reply with quote
A Type-0 localization would get a TON of support by FF fans in general, even for the PSP. I already bought it in Japanese (haven't actually beat it yet and I do plan on re-starting it, now that I understand the gameplay system a bit more), so I can't say I will buy the English version, but I'll definitely be spreading the word to my friends who I know are very interested!
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:52 am Reply with quote
Well I certainly want Type 0 more than Agito, but after this long wait I thought an updated version for like the Vita, 3DS, or whatever would have been in the cards for both Japan and the world. I'll take it whatever way I can get it, but a digital PSN release is kind of lame.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:48 am Reply with quote
I rather have a vita version of a physical release come on square enix give the western audience what they want please
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:11 pm Reply with quote
I would normally criticize the decision to release something so popular as a digital-only product, but to be perfectly honest, the PSP is "dead" enough in the West to warrant any future localization releases being digital-only here. A physical release would be nice, but it really doesn't look like it would sell well outside of the few people (at least, in comparison to the usual wide consumer base for similar products) who want a physical copy.

A Vita port would also be nice, but it's also a whole new investment--something they obviously are prioritizing for other Vita/3DS projects in the works. And I have no problem with that, assuming they actually do something with those projects.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:40 pm Reply with quote
a digital psn release for a big game like this?! next thing they bring FF 15 as digital only as well....idiots
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:31 pm Reply with quote
Ambimunch wrote:
a digital psn release for a big game like this?! next thing they bring FF 15 as digital only as well....idiots

what do you expect them to do?? The psp is all but dead in the west doing a physical release makes no sense. I know the game is very massive "3.30gb" but i really don't see this game making here any other way. Keep in mind this should also work on the vita giving those recently bought the system something to look forward to.

I'm just thankful that square is finally thinking about bringing this over, I just hope the price isn't above 30 dollars us for the digital download.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Ambimunch wrote:
a digital psn release for a big game like this?! next thing they bring FF 15 as digital only as well....idiots

The only reason it's a digital-only release is because it's a PSP game and, thus, is not expected to be a physical-release hit in the West. You do NOT have to worry about FFXV being digital-only. And no, they aren't idiots for doing this. This is quite natural at this point in time for the PSP's life span. Why? Well...

They only released about eight or so games on the PSP in North America in all of 2012. Three of them were big-money Western sports games. The others were localized games that were either digital-only or sold only moderately well or to a very niche audience. The games I can find are:

-Gugnir (June 6th)
-Unchained Blades (June 26th) *Digital-only
-Growlancerser: WoT (July 31st)
-Fifa '13 (September 25th)
-NBA 2K '13 (October 1st)
-Pro Evolution Soccer (October 25th)
-Ragnarok Tactics (November 6th)
-Hakuoki title (???)

Meanwhile, in 2013, the only two NA games I can find that were released so far have been "Class of Heroes II," which was first and foremost a digital release, but shipped physical copies only to people who pre-ordered from their shop before its release in June, and "Black Rock Shooter: The Game," which had been licensed long ago when it was first announced in Japan, so was a long time coming. After that, I've heard rumors of "Legend of Heroes" and "God Eater II" being localized, but I haven't found proof or any indication of either of them having physical releases in the West.
["Sweet Fuse: At Your Side" was also released to a niche audience]

Physical releases on the PSP just don't work well anymore. Thus, the only way they can guarantee that it would be worth localizing would be to leave it as a PSN digital-download-only title. :/

[EDIT] Fixed dates and added one release for 2012. In actuality, there are probably more, but I cannot find them, so let me know if I need to add any or modify existing data.

Last edited by Juno016 on Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Juno016 wrote:

They only released SEVEN games total on the PSP in North America in all of 2012. Half of them were big-money Western sports games. The other half were localized games that were either digital-only or sold only moderately well. The games were:

-Black Rock Shooter (April 23rd) *Digital-only, because they had already bought the rights to localize it and decided to just release it.
-Gugnir (June 6th)
-Unchained Blades (June 26th) *Digital-only
-Fifa '13 (September 25th)
-NBA 2K '13 (October 1st)
-Pro Evolution Soccer (October 25th)
-Ragnarok Tactics (November 6th)

It was 8 actually. You left Growlanser IV. There was also Hakuoki released. I'm pretty sure BRS was THIS year too, not 2012.

Gotta give Sony credit; they sure as hell don't know how to support handhelds in NA.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:09 pm Reply with quote
Kinda excited that Type-0 is coming to the US. I hope they can make a enhanced version for the Vita.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:15 pm Reply with quote
"free"? No thanks.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:
It was 8 actually. You left Growlanser IV. There was also Hakuoki released. I'm pretty sure BRS was THIS year too, not 2012.

Gotta give Sony credit; they sure as hell don't know how to support handhelds in NA.

Thanks! Trying to find complete data for this is quite impossible, no matter where I look. Advertising is definitely the culprit here, though I will admit that it would be weird for them to advertise a PSP game now that the Vita is the main handheld...
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Joined: 21 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Juno016 wrote:
Ambimunch wrote:
a digital psn release for a big game like this?! next thing they bring FF 15 as digital only as well....idiots

The only reason it's a digital-only release is because it's a PSP game and, thus, is not expected to be a physical-release hit in the West. You do NOT have to worry about FFXV being digital-only. And no, they aren't idiots for doing this. This is quite natural at this point in time for the PSP's life span. Why? Well...

They only released eight games total on the PSP in North America in all of 2012. Half of them were big-money Western sports games. The other half were localized games that were either digital-only or sold only moderately well. The games were:

-Gugnir (June 6th)
-Unchained Blades (June 26th) *Digital-only
-Growlancerser: WoT (July 31st)
-Fifa '13 (September 25th)
-NBA 2K '13 (October 1st)
-Pro Evolution Soccer (October 25th)
-Ragnarok Tactics (November 6th)
-Hakuoki title (???)

Meanwhile, in 2013, the only two NA games released so far have been "Class of Heroes II," which was first and foremost a digital release, but shipped physical copies only to people who pre-ordered from their shop before its release in June, and "Black Rock Shooter: The Game," which had been licensed long ago when it was first announced in Japan, so was a long time coming. After that, I've heard rumors of "Legend of Heroes" and "God Eater II" being localized, but I haven't found proof or any indication of either of them having physical releases in the West.

Physical releases on the PSP just don't work well anymore. Thus, the only way they can guarantee that it would be worth localizing would be to leave it as a PSN digital-download-only title. :/

[EDIT] Fixed dates and added one release for 2012. In actuality, there are probably more, but I cannot find them, so let me know if I need to add any or modify existing data.
You also forgot sweet fuse at your side the otome game by aksyss.It came out last month on the psp and it had a physical release.
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Joined: 15 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:56 pm Reply with quote
I'm taking a big guess that most likely the delay in announcing a Western release is because they are up-porting it to the Vita with additional content and this version will be the one the West gets for Vita-only, thus a Western announcement will coincide with the Japanese announcement of the new Type-0. Probably also have some 4 player co-op mode.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:48 pm Reply with quote
Why are people talking like the Type-0 release is OK? It isn't OK, it's "about time" and "finally", but it's far from OK. The game should have been released in physical form two years ago in 2011 when the PSP still retained a little viability and the Vita hadn't been released yet. It would have been an ideal holiday release since I'm pretty sure there wasn't a major FF release that year. SE screwed us over and the only reason they're even talking about possibly releasing it outside of Japan is because it ties to Agito. If not for that it's doubtful they'd even be considering it now.

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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:52 pm Reply with quote
That PSP release list posted up is missing quite a lot, predominantly on the digital side:

- Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom (Aksys, Digital + UMD)
- Unchained Blades (XSEED, Digital)
- Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time (Atlus, Digital + UMD)
- Gungnir (Atlus, Digital + UMD)
- Final Fantasy III (Square Enix, Digital)
- I Am An Air Traffic Controller: Airport Hero Tokyo (Sonic Powered, Digital)
- Ragnarok Tactics (Aksys, Digital + UMD)
- Elminage Original (UFO Interactive, Digital)
- Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension (Sony Computer Entertainment America, Digital)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013(Konami, Digital + UMD)
- FIFA 13 (Electronic Arts, Digital + UMD)
- NBA 2K13 (Take2, Digital + UMD)
- MLB 2K13 (Take 2, Digital + UMD)

- Stick Man Rescue
- Mecho Wars
- Gold Medalist
- Bermuda Triangle
- Hungry Giraffe
- Touchdown Fever
- Trailblazer
- Ducati Challenge
- SAR: Search And Rescue
- Idiot Squad
- Farm Frenzy 2
- Canabalt
- Defenders of the Mystic Garden
- Ikari III: The Rescue
- Golf Mania
- Floating Cloud God Saves The Pilgrims
- Knight Fortix 2
- Velocity
- Kaleidoscope
- Arcade Pool
- Wizorb
- Time Soldiers
- I Kill Zombies
- Gang Wars
- Farm Frenzy 2
- Feisty Feet
- Breakquest: Extra Evolution
- Jetpack Joyride
- Enchanted Cavern
- Hotel Mogul

- Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (XSEED, Digital)
- Hakuoki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi (Aksys, Digital + UMD)
- Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection (NIS America, Digital)
- Carnage Heart EXA (Natsume, Digital)
- Black Rock Shooter (NIS America, Digital)
- T.A.C. Heroes: Big Red One (Hoplite Research, Digital)
- Class of Heroes 2 (Gaijinworks, Digital + UMD)
- Mystic Chronicles (Natsume, Digital)
- Geronimo Stilton in the Kingdom of Fantasy (Sony Computer Entertainment America, Digital)
- Geronimo Stilton: Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy (Sony Computer Entertainment America, Digital)
- Sweet Fuse: At Your Side (Aksys, Digital + UMD)
- FIFA 14: Legacy Edition (Electronic Arts, Digital + UMD)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (Konami, Digital + UMD)

Pick of the Crop

Via: Sony Entertainment Network

The retail market for PSP games is pretty much dead, as evident by the list I just posted. However, I can't imagine Sony not pushing for Type-0 to be ported to Vita and that would warrant a retail release.
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