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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:27 pm Reply with quote
Well thanks for answering my question zac. Still I do wish there was tad more more horror/thriller anime that messes with your mind.

Well I shall start off the thread with this lovely pic of Anno, enjoy!

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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:41 pm Reply with quote
Reverse import fears on Colorful, this far removed from the Japanese disc release? I'm sure the film did okay, but it's no Eva or anything. I understand the Japanese fears, but there's gotta be a time limit on that stuff.
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:03 pm Reply with quote
I think it would be wonderful to see Sailor Moon streaming on Daisuki, that would bring in a lot of people. Both the old series and the new upcoming series.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:26 pm Reply with quote
Outside of streaming the show your watching I don't see the point of Animesols crowdfunding outside of Kickstarter. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the only successful websites since they have a ton of variety with Kickstarter being hugely successful. If I remember right the only huge success that porno crowdfunder has is that My Little Pony artbook.

The problem with using One Piece video games is simply that the only practical choice is One Piece Pirate Warriors. I think there is only three NA One Piece games that were released and the other 2 are Playstation 2 games from when 4kids tried to make it successful.

The one series I would love to see be remade is Rurouni Kenshin (as long as you don't bring back Furuhashi and try to make it more like the manga) followed by Ranma 1/2 since a ton of that manga was never animated.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:46 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Ranma 1/2 since a ton of that manga was never animated.

Ranma 1/2 doesn't need it because it's literally the same joke for 1000 chapters.

EDIT: Surprised Zac didn't spoil STID. It's the most obvious thing about the movie.

Last edited by Animehermit on Fri May 17, 2013 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:57 pm Reply with quote
Anyone know what the opening music is (not Bucharest)?

You're not excited for "Man of Steel", Zac? Everything about that looks amazing so far.

Last edited by v1cious on Fri May 17, 2013 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 8:23 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
Anyone know what the opening music is (not Bucharest)?

It's from the final level of the game Rez (which for whatever reason is not on the game's soundtrack as it appears in the game, the audio is from the game itself).
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Ojamajo LimePie

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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 8:27 pm Reply with quote
deathfromabove1993 wrote:
I think it would be wonderful to see Sailor Moon streaming on Daisuki, that would bring in a lot of people. Both the old series and the new upcoming series.

It would be awesome to see Sailor Moon streamed on Daisuki, especially since they'd be using the cleaned-up Japanese DVD masters. And while they're at it, Daisuki should grab Sailor Moon successors Ojamajo Doremi and Pretty Cure.

I'm a little disappointed that Daisuki isn't going to be archiving entire series, though. Sad
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Glad you got to my question about Daisuki DVDs, Zac. I do hope that Daisuki does eventually start doing DVDs for the shows that have never been made available internationally before. Being able to potentially see titles like B't X, Layzner, & the Brave Series (all listed on the present survey) on the site with official English subs is cool enough, but being able to own them on DVD for future re-watching and the like, especially if Daisuki won't be archiving older episodes, would be even better.

As for Anime Sols, I still hope for the best. Yeah, from a Kickstarter perspective it's not looking too good right now, but at the same time I think Sam was never really expecting to get a Kickstarter-esque response, i.e. strong start & end surges. Rather, I think Sam is expecting a steady stream of support, with maybe the end (last couple of weeks) getting a surge. Unlike a Kickstarter, where backers only have a single video & some images to go off of, Anime Sols has consistently-updated content in the form of "new" episodes, so Anime Sols is hoping that it can keep getting new backers by having viewers see more & more as it goes on. Word of mouth is, essentially, the most important thing here.

Will it work? We'll see, but I'll remain hopeful. I do wonder what exactly Justin was expecting to see as an initial line-up, though, because he sounded honestly surprised to see titles that would never get licensed in the first place be the debut titles... Which is exactly the idea I got from the site when it was first announced: Bringing over the titles that we wouldn't have gotten normally.
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:18 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for kind of asking my question, though from trial and error and then again the next day after Aniplex fixed their region limits, the answer seems to be that almost all the titles seem to be streaming fairly broadly around world ~ certainly Crunchyroll members in countries like Poland and Portugal that get only a minority of Crunchyroll simulcasts and almost no catalog titles are reporting being able to watch most of Daisuki's current content except for Lupin III.

While the guest may not have articulated it well enough for Zac, the answer seems to confirm one basic difference between Daisuki and the overseas based sites: rather than "why should you get this title?", which makes it harder to get marginal markets (say, sub-Saharan Africa, Scandinavia), its "are there any existing rights that force us to block a country?", which makes it easy to give access to marginal markets.

The Lupin III they have up is older, and is a title where we would expect a range of legacy rights floating around.

Lord Geo wrote:
Unlike a Kickstarter, where backers only have a single video & some images to go off of, Anime Sols has consistently-updated content in the form of "new" episodes, so Anime Sols is hoping that it can keep getting new backers by having viewers see more & more as it goes on.

Yes, this is the point of having new content every day, to build the audience for the shows and hopefully as people keep coming back, every week some people decide to push the series along toward its goal.

Its an experiment with a different style of Kickstarter, so as with any experiment it could fail, but on the other hand, it really could have a different fund-raising pattern over time than what we normally expect from Kickstarter.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:00 pm Reply with quote
To the person who asked about what series should be on a library, here is a list. These are series that I have bought and consider them to be of very high quality. I know that tastes are subjective, but to me this series have elements in them that can be appreciated by anyone.

- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Cowboy Bebop
- Samurai Champloo
- Noir
- Moribito

Science fiction/Mystery
- Evangelion
- Steins;Gate
- Durarara!!
- Madoka Magica
- Death Note

Slice of life-ish
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
- Bunny Drop
- Toradora!
- Azumanga Daioh
- Haibane Renmei
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:21 pm Reply with quote
Glad my question about distrubution of stuff not available in the US got asked though it was really about a physical release and not just streaming Laughing

While the launch lineup leaves much to be desired I think the ambition for Daisuki certainly sounds as though it's in the right place and there's certainly a lot of potential if they really can get their hands on stuff not available or tricky to license in the states, and the thought of Japan getting more direct feedback from us sounds good. Hopefully it can really prove itself to be worthwhile.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:52 pm Reply with quote
What she said at 1:01:57
And we will definitely
soon stream some Gundam sequel that has not been
aired or released in the U.S. yet.

and what she said in the minute before that, should be good for Gundam fans.
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Graceful Nanami

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PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:04 am Reply with quote
Yu Yu Hakusho has one of the most fullfilling, heartwarming and well done endings in anime history. The manga, infamously, does not. The YYH manga is really not that good at all, actually, in general. The anime is fantastic. I would love to see a remake attempt but... gotta be careful there. Also, they'd have to replace Nozomu Sasaki as Yusuke because... he just can't do that voice anymore.
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bemused Bohemian

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PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:58 am Reply with quote
Sort of glad to hear Justine had issues with Sentai snafu on Colorful audio set up also. I was beginning to think I was 300% inept doing anything different from the original setting on that disc. Jeez, Sentai, please don't make these consistent screw ups a company trademark.
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