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Joined: 28 May 2004
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Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:33 am Reply with quote
This was a very informative panel. While I listened to the story talking about how some of these images ("moefied characters) of could be considered child porn there was an interesting thought that came to mind. Many of you that might not be old enough to know this, but depending on when you were born, there were a series of small charms that were sold back during the 60's and 70's. They featured a boy and girl. They were both naked, their genders removed because they were done in that cutesy cartoony style with very large soulful eyes. They could be found on anything from mugs to towels, to necklaces, figurines, etc... During that time these vintage items could be considered innocent, kissing, holding hands, etc. . In a way it was our own Westernized version of "moe". Mind you this stylization has been used time and time again and no one ever once thought that it was pornographic. You see them in novelty shops, people would see them buy them or not and move on. But they one thing they knew is that they reflected a sense of innocence. But the designs were pretty ambiguous, mainly because it was never stated as to whether they were children or mini adults. And even when you design mini adults they have to have their gender removed. Unless it's designed for adult tastes then you wouldn't have it available for children to see. I've tried locating images of these pics and I know they're out there but I can't seem to find them Maybe someone else can. And again when people see such things especially in an adult situation do they ask if the designs are children or adults miniaturized?
It seems that once sex is involved the question has to be asked. Even with the moefied "sex position" thing, all it does it take something that is so "serious" and make it innocent. Bascially toning it down. So again there's another problem with the issue of sexuality.

Again I can see where the lines are blurred. Hell I have a dojins where the artist draws his characters "chibi". Anyone who looked at this could easily classify it as child porn if they didn't know anything about Japan's subculture. But to some even if it's not real some people are going to get turned off and they are going to get offended. But this is a serious matter because it does effect what you can buy and whether you can be affected just for possessing that type of material. Even if you are not that type of said individual. But congrats to Ryan for succeeding in making a stand.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:51 am Reply with quote
Another case for arguing why anime and manga need more exposure outside of Asia.

When dubbed anime is readily available on TV, people tune into it. Some of these people may be police officers, customs inspectors, lawyers, etc. Maybe watching something like dubbed episodes of Cowboy Bebop lure them into the hobby, and causes them to seek out other similar genre anime, or leads to check out other anime that seem exciting to them.

I think that, in most parts of the US and Canada, a large portion of this problem will be taken care of. In 20 years time, the children who grew up with Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Naruto, etc. will be adults, and will have jobs as police officers, etc. Many of these adults may still be anime/manga fans, or they may recall what they watched while growing up and be better equipped to differentiate what constitutes as porn, and what is simply an art style involving adult characters.
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