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REVIEW: Space Brothers Episodes 14-26 Streaming

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:33 pm Reply with quote
I liked the isolation exam, though I wouldn't have wanted it to be any longer than it already was.

It's the (plausible) realism and the great characters (even the side ones) that really carry this show. Judging by the pacing I actually doubt Mutta will make it to space before the fourth cour is up, unless there is a timeskip. But this show's focus is not so much the destination as the journey, to use the cliché.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:36 am Reply with quote
I was quite riveted by the isolation episodes.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:38 am Reply with quote
I guess this is something I must check on when it comes on animeondemand. With both Carl's and Bamboos approving of this show I hope it stands up to the image they built.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:24 pm Reply with quote
I'd rate this show much higher simply because of how good the writing is, but I agree about the grating score. There's a certain theme they keep using over and over again, and it annoys me because it sounds way too similar to the song "Busca Vida" by Paralamas do Sucesso, which happens to be about an astronaut. Coincidence?
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Joined: 09 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:07 pm Reply with quote
When this gets a b- for story, while some mediocre harem/shounen shows get a b+, i lose a bit of fate in ANN
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:24 am Reply with quote
Miniicy wrote:
When this gets a b- for story, while some mediocre harem/shounen shows get a b+, i lose a bit of fate in ANN

The usual reply to that is that those are different genres, so even the same marks have different meaning when estimating works of really different nature. The marks should be read more like "For that kind of show [harem], it is B+", or "For that kind of show [adult drama], it is B-".

However, the issue with reviews rating system does not stop here. Zac, which is Editor-in-Chief at ANN, when asked, could not explain why even the shows of the same genre get sometimes very inconsistent ratings/marks -- including, amazingly, from the same reviewers. At that point it comes just to how much certain reviewer liked certain show. Whole ratings/marks system gets thrown out of the window.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:18 pm Reply with quote
MaxSouth wrote:
Miniicy wrote:
When this gets a b- for story, while some mediocre harem/shounen shows get a b+, i lose a bit of fate in ANN

The usual reply to that is that those are different genres, so even the same marks have different meaning when estimating works of really different nature. The marks should be read more like "For that kind of show [harem], it is B+", or "For that kind of show [adult drama], it is B-".

However, the issue with reviews rating system does not stop here. Zac, which is Editor-in-Chief at ANN, when asked, could not explain why even the shows of the same genre get sometimes very inconsistent ratings/marks -- including, amazingly, from the same reviewers. At that point it comes just to how much certain reviewer liked certain show. Whole ratings/marks system gets thrown out of the window.

What makes me lose faith in the ANN userbase is that this review only has 7 (including mine as I write it) comments while the review for the unabashedly trashy Sword Art Online eps 8-14 has 90.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Usebase is not better and not worse than ever. People as mass are always about the same.

"Sword Art Online" review thread grew huge because the review only gave a "C" rating to the show, while ANN database average for this project is "Excellent". Also, there are a lot of people who had high expectations of that show, and thus, being not satisfied, they became much more angry than they would usually be if they initially thought that SOA is going to be only "average".

There is no all of that drama in relation to "Space Brothers" show and the corresponding review. The show is really good, and everyone expected as much. Obviously it is not perfect show either, what is discussed in review and finds no contest among readers.

So the things are not that bad at ANN and its userbase. Not that good either. Just about as usual.
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Joined: 08 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:32 pm Reply with quote
MaxSouth wrote:
Usebase is not better and not worse than ever. People as mass are always about the same.

"Sword Art Online" review thread grew huge because the review only gave a "C" rating to the show, while ANN database average for this project is "Excellent". Also, there are a lot of people who had high expectations of that show, and thus, being not satisfied, they became much more angry than they would usually be if they initially thought that SOA is going to be only "average".

There is no all of that drama in relation to "Space Brothers" show and the corresponding review. The show is really good, and everyone expected as much. Obviously it is not perfect show either, what is discussed in review and finds no contest among readers.

So the things are not that bad at ANN and its userbase. Not that good either. Just about as usual.

While you explained the situation in an almost perfect way, it still rings true that it's depressing that the SAO review gets more attention considering how much worse the show is (considering "objective" stuff like plot-holes and plot progression, just like SAO is better animation-wise).
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Some are antagonistic, some aren't, but the further the show delves into their circumstances and reasons, the more it is revealed that at heart they're all good, decent people. Everyone has deep-rooted motives for their comportment, is ultimately amenable to reason (or at least charm,) and eventually emerges hand-in-hand amid comradeship and mutual respect. It's nice for sure—watching Mutta win over his teammates is a highlight, as is the grudging respect between Kenji and his primary rival—but it doesn't exactly ring true.

I'm not sure why this doesn't ring true to you. The greater diversity among civilian astronauts compared to the early 60's NASA crews of "steely-eyed, square-jawed test pilots" is just a result of the shift from a completely experimental and Cold War driven program to a more science and exploration-oriented one.

And it's not like this motley crew was picked off the street at random and hired by looking at a resume. They'd already weeded out hundreds of candidates who would be temperamentally unsuited for the job, so it doesn't strike me as unrealistic that, with some variations brought about by the isolation and stress, they're all essentially good, reasonable people who could be happy for their successful counterparts and walk away from failure blaming no one but themselves and trying harder next time.

If there's anything unrealistic to me, it's that a couple of these people even made it past the interviews to get to the isolation test. They may be good people at heart, but they were not quite as mature or professional as I'd expect from this caliber of applicants. I mean, by the time you reach that phase of testing, I think it would be extremely difficult to choose among the candidates, barring someone having a nervous breakdown from the isolation and monotony.

I also had trouble believing how they selected the candidates to pass to the next phase (spoiler[i.e., letting the candidates choose from among themselves, instead of reviewing the performance of all the candidates in isolation as a whole]). That was the main thing that didn't ring true to me. But maybe JAXA does things differently. Smile
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:17 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
I also had trouble believing how they selected the candidates to pass to the next phase. That was the main thing that didn't ring true to me. But maybe JAXA does things differently. Smile

I thought it wasn't so much JAXA having a weird process as the candidates merely choosing people whom JAXA agreed with. Remember, it was mentioned at least twice that JAXA was not under any obligation to accept the candidates' nominations. Plus, letting the candidates nominate people was primarily intended to assess group dynamics. This was the first time JAXA had even let the candidates make nominations; it was just an experiment rather than an actual testing process.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:16 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
I also had trouble believing how they selected the candidates to pass to the next phase (spoiler[i.e., letting the candidates choose from among themselves, instead of reviewing the performance of all the candidates in isolation as a whole]). That was the main thing that didn't ring true to me. But maybe JAXA does things differently. Smile

That bothered me, too. It felt like JAXA was passing the buck, but I got over it once spoiler[my favorite candidates who were eliminated by this process ended up going on to the next round anyway].
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:33 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Remember, it was mentioned at least twice that JAXA was not under any obligation to accept the candidates' nominations.

That was what made it acceptable to me over all I guess.

Maybe what really bothered me was the unlikeliness that the six best candidates would be evenly distributed among the three groups - unless there were some favorites going in, who were assigned accordingly, and then the candidates apparently agreed. Smile What luck!
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