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Joined: 03 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:37 pm Reply with quote
When i saw Oniai I rolled my eyes. I really have to wonder if there will ever be something like Koi Kaze again that tackles the subject of brother and sister falling in love and a totally real and not gross out and creepy way. Doubt it.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:09 pm Reply with quote
I really liked Brave, Paranorman was AWESOME, and I'm REALLY looking forward to both Wreck-it-Ralph and Rise of the Guardians. It's actually been a pretty good year for me with animation.

Also I ADORED the live action Bunny Drop. The drama at the end was a little "eeehhh~" but for the most part it kept pretty well to the first 4 volumes of the manga, and the few things they changed I really liked.

...I TRIED to get into Doctor Who, but it just didn't wind up being my thing. The characters and actors were awesome, and I find myself wishing they'd find some sort of way to get a River Song spin off (she was my favorite part of what I've seen), but the concept wasn't something that could hold my attention for long.

I have yet to see Sherlock, though. I have plans to check it out, I just haven't gotten to it yet.

I don't like what they did with the Kokoro Connect issue, but I do agree the actions of the rabid fans went WAY overboard.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:40 pm Reply with quote
It is tough to pick a worst fall season. Fall is usually one of the stronger seasons and I don't think I've seen one where I haven't at least found something to watch in a while. How about...2009. Didn't like anything from fall of 09.

What's weird and off putting about Dennou Coil?

Mononoke and to a lesser extent Trapeze really need to be licensed (and NEVER will). Perhaps even more importantly, no Yuasa show has been licensed. I think that says it all. I also wouldn't mind seeing Kaiji licensed (although again, it NEVER will be).

British TV SciFi isn't better than American TV SciFi. It's just more existent these days.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Ten worst anime of the decade seems like it would just be a complete disaster of a thread, especially the 00s as people argue about anime with massive vitriol.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:39 pm Reply with quote
I'm a huge sports fan, baseball mainly, but I enjoy basketball and American Armoured Wankball, and always catch the World Cup, the Euros. I hate, hate, hate, sports anime. The problem is drama. The drama of sports is the potential of what could happen. In prescripted sports shows, the outcome is already determined, and so this drama, this whole reason for watching, is missing. Basically, what makes sports worth watching is that it is unscripted. And you can't make an unscripted anime. Sports anime isn't really about sports at all, it's all about melodrama and burning passion and homosexual subtext, which is fine in its own, but doesn't appeal to your average sports fans.

Trying to think of a 'So bad it's good' show. Moetan, perhaps? Or Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel (the OVA, not the TV series)? Wait, I've got it. Outlanders. Eighties anime at it's glorious peak.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:00 pm Reply with quote
I was the one who asked the Jojo music question.

To answer Zac, there are a couple of specific music rights issues for that series. The main one is some characters being named after famous pop musicians, though the one I was concerened with is that the ending song for the anime will be done by a well known british band and I can imagine that becoming a serious problem.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:04 pm Reply with quote
The problem with a "worst anime" is that there's always something that's more terrible, and not in the awesomely bad way of Geist, Odin, of Mars of Destruction.

Melanchthon wrote:
Trying to think of a 'So bad it's good' show. Moetan, perhaps? Or Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel (the OVA, not the TV series)? Wait, I've got it. Outlanders. Eighties anime at it's glorious peak.

I don't think you'd find enough people that would agree Outlanders is actually a bad title in any regard. Sure it condenses the manga to ridiculous degrees, but you can appreciate the voice cast, the designs, and even the minimal story. I haven't seen the dub, and never plan to – Kahm is Lum.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:29 pm Reply with quote
I gotta agree with Justin; horror movies DO scare me, but the really horrifying stuff to me is dystopian works. Brave New World and 1984 horrified me more than any horror movie could.

Overall, a simple but fun ANNCast.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Out of all the live action anime movies I've seen I have only liked Mushishi. I felt it portrayed the overall atmosphere of the series, incorporated stories from the anime/manga together well, and had more "wrap up" than both the manga and anime had. It's pretty slow paced which might bore most people... but that's what Mushishi is anyways. I wouldn't say it's a great movie on it's own, but I felt it was a very good adaptation. I was pretty surprised by how much I liked it , considering all the other live action movies I've seen for anime have just been pure awful (not that I've seen a bunch, since the ones I come across tend to be so bad IMHO).

My first sports anime was Big Windup! and boy do I love the crap outta that. It's the only sports anime I have liked, but it did get me off the "sports anime inherently suck" bandwagon and I try to give them all a shot, just in case. I guess if we're counting Hikaru no Go, then that one was my first, cause that really did open me up to trying more "normal" anime.

And I did not hear about that Kokoro Connect thing, that's just insane Confused
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Joined: 07 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:25 am Reply with quote
The Kokoro Connect thing in a lot of ways reminds me of the whole Mass Effect 3 ending bullshit, in which it ultimately became a thing of 'hey we can actually have an impact here, we actually have some power here, so let's abuse it to high hell just because we can.'

Difference is that Kokoro Connect thing was initially based on something that was bad (though it had nothing to do with the show really), whereas the ME3 thing was directly related to the game but was unfounded hating (there was nothing wrong with that ending, and it was just a meme to hate it. Look me with a straight face and tell me that most people would have the same opinion of that ending if they hadn't heard it was bad).

Same thing happened with the Last Airbender live action movie. It became a viral meme to hate that movie, and people who saw it after the first couple of days went in already knowing they were going to hate it. Self fulfilling prophecy. Hopefully M. Night isn't down the tubes for that one (well, actually he was starting to get some memetic hate for his other things, so whatever. I only saw The Happening, which I hated, but even so it would be sad to see a director shut down over something like this.)

Last edited by Galap on Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:34 am Reply with quote
Galap wrote:
(there was nothing wrong with that ending

While it certainly wasn't nearly as bad as was suggested, it also was not by an stretch of the imagination good

I however reacted by immediately ceasing to give a shit about ME.
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Ojamajo LimePie

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:04 am Reply with quote
It wasn't the wife of the producer, it was a voice actress who he often used in his shows. 2ch started calling her a slut and accused her of sleeping with him to get work.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:21 am Reply with quote
Yeah, scary movies aren't scary at all.

Real life is scary. Some made up monster is silly to be afraid of.

I'd rather face down Freddie and Jason than have to actually meet new people. Who gives a crap about ghouls and vampires? Having to balance my checkbook is a nightmare.

You want to be scared? Look at your bank balance. Look at how much college cost. Drive anywhere in Florida.

Something lurking under my bed? It would be a mercy.

Galap wrote:
Same thing happened with the Last Airbender live action movie. It became a viral meme to hate that movie, and people who saw it after the first couple of days went in already knowing they were going to hate it. Self fulfilling prophecy. Hopefully M. Night isn't down the tubes for that one (well, actually he was starting to get some memetic hate for his other things, so whatever. I only saw The Happening, which I hated, but even so it would be sad to see a director shut down over something like this.)

But... Last Airbender was geniunely terrible. Shamalamadingdong should have been shut down after Signs, anyway (alien invade a planet made up of their weakness?!).
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:50 am Reply with quote
Galap wrote:
well, actually he was starting to get some memetic hate for his other things

Well that's pretty much the understatement of the year. People have been hating him since the mid 2000s and for good reason. He is awful. I mean, of course, Sixth Sense was brilliant and I think Unbreakable is pretty solid too but everything since has been shit (and almost inexplicably, each movie has been worse than the last).

And as for The Last Airbender itself...It wasn't just audiences that hated it which in turn lends a ton of credence to the audience's hate for it.
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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:04 am Reply with quote
-When it comes to live-action adaptations of anime & manga, I think series tend to do better than movies. GTO Live-Action (the original) was simply amazing, Fuma no Kojirou was very good (in fact, it beats the original manga in some aspects), Team Astro/Astro Kyudan is awesomely insane in its absolute disregard for realism (and it's one of the few J-Dramas that's actually legally streamed!). Good movies, though, do exist. The Sakigake!! Otokojuku LA movie (a.k.a. Samurai School: Be A Man!) was absolutely perfect in being a live-action take on that title, for example.

-Like I mentioned in my question, I do think that there are some "hidden gems" of the 00s, but what I feel should have been licensed does naturally tend to skew more towards what I really enjoyed and not so much what could do well over here. For example, I love Akagi, Kaiji, & One Outs, but none of them would really do well over here. Of course, I'd love to see Ring ni Kakero 1 get licensed, but that's likely to never happen, since it would need to be appreciated by more people first. And I still haven't watched GaoGaiGar FINAL from start to finish myself many because I saw the TV series via Media Blasters' DVD release & want FINAL licensed so that I could watch it via official R1 DVD release; granted, I have seen most of it via a friend already, but I have never seen it from start to finish.

I was extremely glad to see Discotek license Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo, though, since that was another "hidden gem of the 00s" that I wanted licensed so badly, and combined with FUNimation's license of Michiko & Hatchin there might be a slow return to mining the 00s for what was missed the first time around... At least, I hope that happens.

-I honestly can't recall what my first sports anime was... I saw some bits of Hajime no Ippo and that is probably one of my earliest viewings of sports anime, but I didn't start watching it myself until after I saw Ring ni Kakero 1, & Akagi was my equivalent of Hikaru no Go (i.e. the title that told me "anime can make any game interesting to watch"). But, honestly, I think it might have started with Beyblade & Yu-Gi-Oh! back in the early 00s when they were airing on TV over here; yeah, the showa were selling tops & cards, respectively, but both shows did a good job at making something untraditional for animation keep your interest and I think they allowed me to look at a title that had an untraditional or odd focus & think "Hmmm... I should check that title out, because it might actually be enjoyable."
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