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REVIEW: The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya Novel 7

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Joined: 11 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:43 am Reply with quote
I'm not sure if the writer is just giving some liberty to readers or not, but the events of Intrigues aren't really confusing, and certainly not enough to warrant a negative strike (the unnecessary and somewhat muddled explanations, perhaps). If anything's unclear, it's the Haruhi-verse's version of how time travel works in the first place; the events of the novel are able to be followed easily, especially as I recall Kyon explaining the situation in needless detail in his own head several times in addition to other characters doing so.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:21 am Reply with quote
This book reminded me why I love Tsuruya-san so much. That girl, she's got something special. I wonder if we'll ever know what it is.

And its unlikely to be a stash of smoked cheese.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:19 am Reply with quote
This was my first Haruhi novel (as I believe it's the first one that doesn't cover similar material as the anime) and I really liked it. I also am surprised it got knocked for being confusing as what I liked the most about was that it was an easy read - not just in length. I can't argue with most of the other complaints as they were pretty spot on. Though I am surprised Tsuruya actually had a prominent role in this one. A really good character that unfortunately had little more than cameo appearances in the series.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:26 am Reply with quote
halochief_90 wrote:
This was my first Haruhi novel (as I believe it's the first one that doesn't cover similar material as the anime)

I'll have to go to my bookshelves and check to be certain, but I think that the previous book was the first one that had non-animated content (one story of however many there were?). Vol.7 is the first one with entirely new content to those of us who started with the animation...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:26 am Reply with quote
I think you are right. I just went straight to Vol. 7 because it was all new.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:25 am Reply with quote
Ingraman wrote:
halochief_90 wrote:
This was my first Haruhi novel (as I believe it's the first one that doesn't cover similar material as the anime)

I'll have to go to my bookshelves and check to be certain, but I think that the previous book was the first one that had non-animated content (one story of however many there were?). Vol.7 is the first one with entirely new content to those of us who started with the animation...
Volume 5's last story (of three) was not animated. Volume 6's stories #3-5 (of 5) were also not animated.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:10 pm Reply with quote
ultimatemegax wrote:
Ingraman wrote:
halochief_90 wrote:
This was my first Haruhi novel (as I believe it's the first one that doesn't cover similar material as the anime)

I'll have to go to my bookshelves and check to be certain, but I think that the previous book was the first one that had non-animated content (one story of however many there were?). Vol.7 is the first one with entirely new content to those of us who started with the animation...
Volume 5's last story (of three) was not animated. Volume 6's stories #3-5 (of 5) were also not animated.

Okay, so it was a volume farther back that I was remembering... It's hard to keep track. ^^; Only a bit more than a month before the next one. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:04 pm Reply with quote
Ingraman wrote:
ultimatemegax wrote:
Volume 5's last story (of three) was not animated. Volume 6's stories #3-5 (of 5) were also not animated.

Okay, so it was a volume farther back that I was remembering... It's hard to keep track. ^^; Only a bit more than a month before the next one. I'm looking forward to it. Anime smile
That's due to these short stories being published in The Sneaker prior to being collected in volumes. They were actually written in near chronological order (Sigh, Lone Island Syndrome, Live a Live, and Where did the Cat Go? out of order), but since the short stories were published in The Sneaker first and collected later, people get the impression that they were written haphazardly.

On topic, volume 7 is one of my favorite novels in the series (3rd behind the first and 11th). I can't say I'm looking forward to volume 8 as the short stories aren't enough to sell me on the novel by themselves. Alas, every book can't be a winner.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:32 pm Reply with quote
As general novels go, this one is a little confusing and not perfect, but it still provides a few hours of entertainment, as all light books should.

I agree, but if this is the reviewer's conclusion, the book should have received at least a B.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:41 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if a new season of Haruhi will ever be made to cover all the novel material that has yet to be adapted. Who knows? If the series' end won't be for a while, it might take a long time for us to see another season.

I wonder how much more they would've covered if they only adapted Endless Eight into 3-4 episodes instead of eight. I actually watched all the episodes in that arc, and man was it a ride.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:43 pm Reply with quote
ZeArNkN wrote:
I wonder how much more they would've covered if they only adapted Endless Eight into 3-4 episodes instead of eight. I actually watched all the episodes in that arc, and man was it a ride.

They wouldn't have covered any more, since they had run out of pre-Shoushitsu stories to animate, and you can't tell post-Shoushitsu stories till, well, after Shoushitsu.

A new 1-cour season could easily cover everything through Intrigues.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:26 pm Reply with quote
AnimeMaine wrote:
As general novels go, this one is a little confusing and not perfect, but it still provides a few hours of entertainment, as all light books should.

I agree, but if this is the reviewer's conclusion, the book should have received at least a B.

C+ is actually a good score and it should seen that way provided C is considered "average." Of course, given that most anime that is considered 'solid entertainment' tend to get in the B range, I can see why you might feel that this as well should get a B.

The other reviewed Haruhi novels got in the B range and though Rebecca didn't review those, I got the impression from the review that she didn't enjoy Intrigues as much as the previous ones. I don't see many light novels reviewed here so it is hard to draw more specific comparisons.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:40 pm Reply with quote
Fencedude5609 wrote:
ZeArNkN wrote:
I wonder how much more they would've covered if they only adapted Endless Eight into 3-4 episodes instead of eight. I actually watched all the episodes in that arc, and man was it a ride.

They wouldn't have covered any more, since they had run out of pre-Shoushitsu stories to animate, and you can't tell post-Shoushitsu stories till, well, after Shoushitsu.

Dude, call it Disappearance.

Anyway, I've never understood why Endless Eight would be any number of episodes except one or eight. The original short story only happened once, if you're showing more than one loop it seems pointless to do fewer than eight.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:09 am Reply with quote
ultimatemegax wrote:
Ingraman wrote:
Okay, so it was a volume farther back that I was remembering... It's hard to keep track. ^^; Only a bit more than a month before the next one. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^
[The stories] were actually written in near chronological order (Sigh, Lone Island Syndrome, Live a Live, and Where did the Cat Go? out of order), but since the short stories were published in The Sneaker first and collected later, people get the impression that they were written haphazardly.

The stories generally seemed to be in order to me. I don't think that I've ever thought of 'em as written haphazardly. Some people just don't know how serialization works?

I can't say I'm looking forward to volume 8 as the short stories aren't enough to sell me on the novel by themselves. Alas, every book can't be a winner.

I have no idea what's in v8, since I haven't read any of the fan translations. While I might prefer a long story, I don't mind short ones if they're entertaining and add a little to the characters.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:36 am Reply with quote
jymmy wrote:

Dude, call it Disappearance.

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