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INTEREST: Marvel vs. Capcom Origins Collection Announced

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Joined: 01 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:45 am Reply with quote
Capcom also noted on both their official Facebook page and on Capcom Unity that "Marvel vs. Capcom Origins" will be playable at both Evolution in Las Vegas this weekend and at SDCC the weekend after that.


Also, I'm really nit-picky at the oxford comma in the last sentence of the first graph.
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Joined: 25 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:54 am Reply with quote
Looking forward to it re-releases/ports of their old games are pretty much the only things from Capcom I still look forward to nowadays. Until they get off their lazy butts and make Darkstalker IV &/or Stop Canceling Megaman games that is. Laughing
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Joined: 15 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:58 am Reply with quote
I've played both these games to death, so you'd think I would remember the partial nudity. WTF?
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:00 am Reply with quote
Kidnicky wrote:
I've played both these games to death, so you'd think I would remember the partial nudity. WTF?

I can't remember if Felicia was in MvC1 or not, but if she was then theres your partial nudity tag for ESRB.
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j Talbain

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:09 am Reply with quote
I didn't see this coming what a nice suprise! Now if Capcom can get some of thier old beat um up's out like D&D and AVP and I'm golden!
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:11 am Reply with quote
If this port of MvC1 has the option to tag characters then i'll be all over this game since that was the one issue that made the PS1 version worthless to me & the Dreamcast game superior.

Now to wait for an "HD" port of X-Men-Children Of The Atom (if they don't plan to release the PS1 port that is) along with X-Men Vs. Street Fighter & Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (hopefully with the tag issue fixed on both games as well).
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Majin Tenshi

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:25 am Reply with quote
Excellent !! I wish if they would also release the earlier games of X-Men, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men vs Street Fighter, and Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. I would buy them as well.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:27 am Reply with quote
So when is Marvel going to make a miniseries out of this? They did JLA vs Avengers, this can't be as hard.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:30 pm Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:

I can't remember if Felicia was in MvC1 or not, but if she was then theres your partial nudity tag for ESRB.

She isn't, but Morrigan is definitely sufficient to justify the rating.

MvC 1 was something I enjoyed a lot at the Bowling Alley arcade once and it was certainly better than the unbalanced MvC 2. I could see dropping about $10 on this at some point.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:54 pm Reply with quote
Pretty cool! The original Marvel vs. Capcom is still one of my favorite arcade games. Now if they can do a re-release for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure in the same format, that would be even better!

LET'S GO PAYDAY!!! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:18 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
So when is Marvel going to make a miniseries out of this? They did JLA vs Avengers, this can't be as hard.

You know what, that would actually be a pretty fun comic, and Marvel & Udon are (to some degree) working together on the MVC 3 Artbook. So yeah Capcom should hit up Marvel & Udon to do a MVC comic, why one hasn't been done yet is beyond me, would be a fun stand-alone mini-series.

Kind of like the New Avengers/Transformers cross-over they did with IDW back in 2007.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:08 pm Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
Now to wait for an "HD" port of X-Men-Children Of The Atom (if they don't plan to release the PS1 port that is) along with X-Men Vs. Street Fighter & Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (hopefully with the tag issue fixed on both games as well).
Yeah! I'm pretty sure those games were first.. so it's odd that this 'origins' collection doesn't have them. Pretty sure favorite fighters like Cyclops and Storm and Sentinel were in those games, but not in these two.

Beatdigga wrote:
So when is Marvel going to make a miniseries out of this? They did JLA vs Avengers, this can't be as hard.

I would give up on Marvel and DC making sane logical simple choices like that.

Though DC did make a Batman: Arkham City comic mini series or two.. but it is easily lost in the flood of Batman titles dizzying up the market. As a Batman fan, you may think I'd be happy with the flood of titles.. but I really don't see quantity over quality being a good thing like it seems DC does. And I want to say Marvel is even worse at this while also not having any idea how to do more mass appealing tie-ins like Marvel vs Capcom comics.

Yeah.. I'm done with DC. Been done with Marvel for a while. I'll stick to Image, Dark Horse and other smaller US publishers as well exploring as the tons and tons of manga out there.

(Wow.. my anger and frustration at Marvel and DC is overflowing into anime boards now..)
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:29 pm Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
If this port of MvC1 has the option to tag characters then i'll be all over this game since that was the one issue that made the PS1 version worthless to me & the Dreamcast game superior.

Now to wait for an "HD" port of X-Men-Children Of The Atom (if they don't plan to release the PS1 port that is) along with X-Men Vs. Street Fighter & Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (hopefully with the tag issue fixed on both games as well).

Of course, MvC1 will have the tag feature! The software company (third party company hired by Capcom which doesn't port most of its old games anymore) porting the game will base it off the arcade version OR the Dreamcast version. The Vs game series were awful on the PS1 because it didn't have the memory to handle all the arcade game's features so something had to go... Why they bothered with the PS1 ports after getting rid of the most important play function (tag team switching), I don't know. The Capcom Marvel game ports were notoriously awful... all of them!

As for X-Men: COTA, if anybody has sense, base it off the arcade code... The PS1 version is awfully slow. Even the faster, superior Saturn port has its issues with cut animation (both 32-bit ports had animation cuts) and some slight audio issues.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:37 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
So when is Marvel going to make a miniseries out of this? They did JLA vs Avengers, this can't be as hard.

'Twont happen anytime soon. Licensing multi-company characters is a big headache and tends to become very expensive.
That's why you don't see Tom & Jerry versus Mickey Mouse or The Simpsons versus Heckle and Jeckle. The logistics of crossovers between company brands are a pain-in-the-ass and sometimes the potential reward ($$$) isn't there to be made.

As for JLA vs Avengers --
The executives at the main two comic companies are ultra-competitive with each other. The behavior by both Bill Jemas and Joe Quesada (Marvel execs) in particular was so bad that it fostered very bad feelings towards them over at DC Comics. It went beyond teasing into areas no grown adult should go. There are people who simply do NOT want to work with Marvel as long as either one of these men are employed there... (Jemas left after particularly bad PR with fandom but Quesada got promoted -- go figure!)

There were also cross-accusations by the companies' accountants that NEITHER received the profit splits they were supposed to from the JLA Vs Avengers miniseries. That's the other main reason why there haven't been new crossover series since then.
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Joined: 28 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:05 pm Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
Kidnicky wrote:
I've played both these games to death, so you'd think I would remember the partial nudity. WTF?

I can't remember if Felicia was in MvC1 or not, but if she was then theres your partial nudity tag for ESRB.
Felicia wasn't in the original Marvel vs. Capcom, so it could be for Morrigan.
You know that win-pose where she dresses up in either a qipao or red pants w/ her blouse wide open?
Well, she has a version where she wears a black leather corset while a gagged Lilith dangles from a chain.
Morrigan's back is turned to the screen exposing her T-back; but since it's pixels, her thong looks like her buttcrack.
Many versions of MvC either removed the 'dominatrix' win-pose entirely
or made it very uncommon since the outifit she wears during that win-pose is random.
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