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REVIEW: House of Five Leaves GN 7

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Joined: 24 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:24 am Reply with quote
A nice review --- I'll have to go back and look at volumes six and seven to observe the "tale told over a cup of tea" vs. the way it's done in volume seven for myself, just to educate my eye a bit more. I'd noticed that the story has been dreadfully leisurely for several volumes, but haven't really been able to articulate the reasons.

I thought the concluding Volume 8 made up for it, though --- I found the payoff at the end extremely satisfying.

I haven't yet done so, but I plan to re-read the whole series in a block, now that it's all out. I suspect those slow intermediate volumes won't seem so frustrating now that one can immediately go on to the next installment of the story.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:14 am Reply with quote
dm wrote:
I thought the concluding Volume 8 made up for it, though --- I found the payoff at the end extremely satisfying.

I haven't yet done so, but I plan to re-read the whole series in a block, now that it's all out. I suspect those slow intermediate volumes won't seem so frustrating now that one can immediately go on to the next installment of the story.
Same here, I definitely see a re-read in the near future now that it's complete. I've enjoyed the series all along (thank god I randomly found v01 & 02 for cheap at a Borders closing sale last summer and thought, "Why not?") but I was extremely pleased (and honestly a little surprised) with the ending.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:09 am Reply with quote
Hmm. I've never actually read the manga, but I did see the anime in its entirety earlier this year, and thought it was quite excellent. It also rang familiar with things mentioned in this review. (At least the parts regarding Yaichi's past. I don't think they went into the part about Masanosuke's brother, though.) Anyway, the show was both interesting and visually striking. Shame they didn't go with either the DVD/Bluray combo or one version of each for this one.

Anyway, a question: How much of the manga's material does the show cover? (Or, if you want to turn the question around: How much more does the manga have to offer compared to the anime?)
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