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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:44 am Reply with quote
I'd play the shit outta My Little Seiya: Friendship is Mythology
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:10 am Reply with quote
I actually DID import Xenoblade 4 days before the US release was announced, and it just arived yesterday!

Oh well, ce'st la vie. I'll still be buying it when it comes out though.

That Saint Seiya game is EXTREMELY tempting, especially since it's getting a release in Europe and on a system that's region free...don't know if I want to take the chance again though.
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Lightning Leo

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:52 pm Reply with quote
I noted this elsewhere, but I'm happy for those Operation Rainfall folks, their campaigning efforts weren't all in vain. I wish Capcom would follow suit and give fans Megaman Legends 3. Very Happy

...and two white-suited thugs who apparently stepped out of Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water…or whatever earlier series Nadia swiped from.

It's a trope called "Terrible Trio". Many anime series from Pokemon's Team Rocket to Dragonball's Emperor Pilaf/Shou/Mai primarily draw inspiration from this trope, most notably the Skull Trio of the Time Bokan series (of which the Doronjo Gang is the most notable), with its domineering leader and two lackeys.

The original concepts for Nadia actually originated with Hayao Miyazaki when he was asked by Toho to develop a Jules Verneian adventure series (he never finished it but went on to make Future Boy Conan and then Castle in the Sky), so you can see when Hideaki Anno picked up the series the vestigial resemblance between Nadia's Grandis Gang and Castle in the Sky's Dola Gang (amongst others similarities... like a heroic boy dreaming to be a pilot, a mysterious girl with connections to an ancient civilization, a magical pendant, etc.). Nadia also took influence from Robotech, as the bridge of the Nautilus and the character design for Captain Nemo are rather brazenly inspired by the SDF-1 and Commander Gloval.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:27 pm Reply with quote
I bought the collector's edition of Xenoblade with the red controller and have it sealed, so this news is win win for me , as I will know keep the CE sealed, which is fairly rare, and play the US version.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Xenoblade Chronicles: I'm just glad NoA had the brains and the sense to say yes to localizing it. Will be added to my collection when the time comes. Btw, on the second artwork for the game, what are you doing? =/

Emperors SaGa: Romancing SaGa 2 actually did the whole "pick a ruler and manage a kingdom" thing too Todd (but of course no one would know that unless they played it). I'm glad to see that SaGa is getting a new game, though I wish the series did better in U.S. sales. I'm sorry to say it never achieved a level of popularity here that it should have. They're such fun and unique games, but people always complained about the stupidest things.

Gal*Gun: They did the same thing for Ar tonelico 3 and even gave you a trophy for putting the blocking screen up one hundred times. Since what goes on in the Cosmospheres is obviously easy to misinterpret, it was required. XP

7th Dragon 2020: Another typical RPG that makes dragons the plot-centric bad guys. Yawn, boring, skip. I'm sick of games that keep using that trope. Couldn't the dragons be the good guys (for once) who come to save the world from being covered by the alien flowers? -_-

Extreme VS: Well at least Gundam X is getting represented. Somehow I've become a fan of that particular title.

Saint Seiya: You know if only we could have re-dubbed and localized the anime properly, it might have been as popular as the other shonen titles that get so much praise here. I actually wanted to like this, but the acting was so hammy when I saw it on TV that I just couldn't. Maybe I should have just stuck to the manga or something.

Ni no Kuni: I'm sure this will be one of the major highlights of the RPG market once it's localized. It looks extremely well done.

Last edited by belvadeer on Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 18 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Too bad that the Gundam game will forever stay in Japan. Only the trash Gundam games ever make it out.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:58 pm Reply with quote
Lightning Leo wrote:
I noted this elsewhere, but I'm happy for those Operation Rainfall folks, their campaigning efforts weren't all in vain. I wish Capcom would follow suit and give fans Megaman Legends 3. Very Happy

That i agree with 100%. Or at least a new Mega Man X game or Mega Man Zero game. These imports are not even worth it. Especially the Gundam games. Good anime, but they suck as hell when they become video games. In fact almost EVERY SINGLE mecha games sucks.

The only exception. Zone of the Enders. Kojima Production definitely needs to bring back that series,to show how a mecha game should be.

Though i am preety interested about Xenoblades. And the animation looks preety similar to Xenosaga. Is xenoblades some kind of sequel or alternate version of Xenosaga?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:07 pm Reply with quote
jr0904 wrote:
Though i am preety interested about Xenoblades. And the animation looks preety similar to Xenosaga. Is xenoblades some kind of sequel or alternate version of Xenosaga?

It's completely it's own thing, and set in it's own continuity.

It shares some thematic similiarites to Xenogears (Lost ancient technology! Robo-gods!) and one supporting character looks like Chaos, but that's it.
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Generic #757858

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:33 pm Reply with quote
jr0904 wrote:
The only exception. Zone of the Enders. Kojima Production definitely needs to bring back that series,to show how a mecha game should be.

Kojima's always teasing us with promises of new Zone of the Enders games... and then he just makes more Metal Gear Anime cry

Oh well, at least the HD collection will give me an excuse to replay them.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:34 am Reply with quote
Todd wrote:
It's no great revelation to say that Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights rips off Nintendo's Professor Layton.
Well, technically Layton is Level 5 property but, more or less, Lautrec is indeed Konami's second Layton ripoff.

The other Layton ripoff they did (who looks suspiciously like Negima) didn't seem to carry off, and Namco Bandai also made a present day Layton-esq game of sorts.

Also in the news is the big 3DS firmware update that allows 3D video recording, Find Mii II, faster and revamped eShop that lets you pay the exact amount of any software and queueable downloads.

And dammit, people should download Pushmo. I'm telling you everything Intelligent Systems touches is golden.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:21 pm Reply with quote
Generic #757858 wrote:
jr0904 wrote:
The only exception. Zone of the Enders. Kojima Production definitely needs to bring back that series,to show how a mecha game should be.

Kojima's always teasing us with promises of new Zone of the Enders games... and then he just makes more Metal Gear Anime cry

Oh well, at least the HD collection will give me an excuse to replay them.

That too is true, but at least we have good Metal Gear games.

Though what I would like to see is a remake of Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2:Solid Snake.

They've did a remake with Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the Gamecube a while back, so why not those two that started it all.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:11 am Reply with quote
The MILLISECOND that the news broke about Xenoblade, I felt so vindicated!

Please, if you ever read about a company saying "no, this game is not coming to the US" don't trust them unconditionally. When it comes to money, the industry will go back on any word.

When I'm 50, I think Gears of War will be on a Sony console, and Uncharted will be on a Microsoft Console. All they need is for the money to be there.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:32 am Reply with quote
YotaruVegeta wrote:
When I'm 50, I think Gears of War will be on a Sony console, and Uncharted will be on a Microsoft Console. All they need is for the money to be there.

Gears of War could still come to a Playstation console because Epic Games is a true third-party company. Uncharted, though, will never leave the Playstation because Naughty Dog was bought by Sony a few years back, I think during Uncharted 2's development. Therefore, Naughty Dog is now a second-party developer and will never work on a non-Playstation console.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:12 am Reply with quote
Oh, I know all about Naughty Dog being taken in by Sony. Still, it's just pixels on a screen. There's no big diff between what goes into making a game for an Xbox and a PS3. If the money's right, a lot of things consumers think is a lost cause can happen.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:41 am Reply with quote
YotaruVegeta wrote:
Oh, I know all about Naughty Dog being taken in by Sony. Still, it's just pixels on a screen. There's no big diff between what goes into making a game for an Xbox and a PS3. If the money's right, a lot of things consumers think is a lost cause can happen.

True, but there are some things that are just never going to happen unless something truly major occurs, like Sega leaving the hardware business after the Dreamcast.

Sony owns Naughty Dog, so they will never, ever have a Naughty Dog property like Uncharted go to a non-Sony system. On that same token, you won't see Halo on a non-Microsoft system (computers are another thing entirely), or Metroid on a non-Nintendo system (Mario & Zelda being on the CD-i was a once-in-a-lifetime thing that was the result of a previous deal and will never happen again).

Yes, money is a strong influence, but the money that would be needed to bring one company's title over to a rival's console is more than any company would be willing to pay to make something like this happen.
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