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Seven Seas Licenses Virgin Ventures: The Hilarious Hijinks of Erotic Amateurs Manga Series (Ghost Ship Imprint)

(March 12, 2025) — Seven Seas Entertainment is excited to announce, through its Ghost Ship imprint aimed at older male readers, the license acquisition of the Mature-rated manga series Virgin Ventures: The Hilarious Hijinks of Erotic Amateurs by Kuroseimu. Get ready to cringe with this sexy manga about two total virgins on an erotic literary mission!

Miki is a rookie erotic novelist who's never so much as held a woman's hand. Riko is a die-hard lingerie enthusiast with zero experience with men. Together, these two clueless virgins embark on a literary collaboration—attempting to bring the heat despite the cringe of their inexperience. Miki fully embraces Riko's obsession with underwear, but when he makes a very hands-on request in the name of research, Riko has to wonder…can you really write what you don't know?!

Virgin Ventures: The Hilarious Hijinks of Erotic Amateurs Vol. 1 will be printed for the first time in the English language in November 2025 for $14.99 USA / $18.99 CAN, with the series available in single volume editions as part of Seven Seas' Ghost Ship imprint. Ebook editions will also be available on digital platforms.

About Seven Seas Entertainment
Established in 2004, Seven Seas Entertainment is an award-winning publisher that specializes in bringing the best of Japanese manga and light novels to English-language audiences alongside the hottest danmei, webtoons, and other books from around the globe, as well as producing audiobooks, original comics, and youth literature. All of Seven Seas' print book imprints are distributed throughout the world by Penguin Random House Publisher Services. For more information, visit sevenseasentertainment.com

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