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REVIEW: Fate/Zero Episodes 1-6 Streaming

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Joined: 27 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:38 am Reply with quote
I'm in love with Fate/Zero. I think you are crazy. Twisted Evil
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:42 am Reply with quote
utawoutau wrote:
I'm in love with Fate/Zero. I think you are crazy. Twisted Evil

Have you considered the possibility you're simply being charmed by a spoiler[magic mole]?
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:46 am Reply with quote
Just so Carlo knows, these are shows that he has rated higher (overall sub or dub = c+) than Fate/Zero.

Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
Shadow Star Narutaru
The Daichis
Tenjou Tenge
Kannazuki no Miko
Trigun Badlands Rumble
Aoi Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~
Elemental Gelade
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody
Nanoha A's
Shounen Onmyouji

Well, enjoy being a contrarian. If your goal was to get traffic, then I'd say most likely it'll succeed. Armond White gets traffic as well I'm sure. Everybody wants to read the ravings of a contrarian lunatic.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:51 am Reply with quote
What made the F/SN VN great was its extremely obsessive exploration of the concept of heroism, and the terrific Master-Servent relationships established throughout roughly 70 hours of reading material. While I do agree that F/Z is off to a slow start, I have complete confidence that it will grow into something great, even when viewed by people not familiar with the series.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:54 am Reply with quote
Geez, I don't think the show is one of the best of the year but I am finding it quite enjoyable and it almost always has my attention. Even the clunky exposition scenes are not too bad. It does not deserve a C grade, maybe B or B+. I gotta say I'm pretty shocked.

I'm no rabid fan of Type Moon - thought Garden of Sinners was way overhyped, hated Fate/Stay Night - but I have to agree with Megiddo here; this review is completely unfair. The grades given to things like animation and music are bizarre; how did Carlo come up up with those? The grade given to the story however takes the cake; a D? What the eff?

Last edited by dtm42 on Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:55 am Reply with quote
I'm going to have to agree with the criticism of the dialogue scenes; they seem to be shot in a way that says "let's get this over with" instead of trying to make it interesting. I wouldn't give the Story section a D, but I can see why someone would do so. So far the first 6 episodes have been 75% exposition that REALLY needed an editor. The series will most definitely get better when it picks up steam, but the beginning is definitely an exercise in patience.
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The American Average

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:23 am Reply with quote
A C+ seems a bit harsh, and besides its the first 6 episodes usually it takes that just to get to know everybody and motives. it took me 2 watches through s of F/SN to enjoy it.

Last edited by The American Average on Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:27 am Reply with quote
The only negative thing you've said that I can fully agree with is how stupid that scene of characters randomly walking around in circles looked. And maybe the fact that it has a LOT of exposition, every time.

But D in story? bland characters that take too long to take action ? perhaps cause they are actually thinking how their next moves should be instead of doing a high kick in the middle of a hot-blooded scream of manliness (and I do enjoy those kind of series too).

Anyway, I respect your review but I think we're watching two different series (or maybe we're just two diff persons watching the same thing...yeah, that's more likely), cause last time I checked, you don't need to know ANYTHING about Fate Stay Night to enjoy or even understand this one (in fact, the more you know about it, the more you get spoiled). In fact, I'm one of the many that thought that the first series was really underdeveloped and didn't meet my expectations at all.
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Sailor S

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:33 am Reply with quote
Well, from what I've seen of it thus far, here is where FZ fails. The Rider/Waver pair. While this Rider is certainly amusing, FZ is a big enough sausage fest so having the lovely Rider from FSN be replaced (yeah, I know, prequel) with a pile of GAR is a downer for me. And can they please kill Waver already? He's annoying and obnoxious and the less screen time he gets the better.

The plus is there's no moralfag Shirou, and spoiler[Gilgamesh as Archer instead of said moralfag] is a huge improvement, but overall so far I've been disappointed in FZ. Based on the raving that fans of the VN had been giving I expected a lot better. It's not bad enough to drop though, so I'll continue to give it a fair shake. Perhaps it gets better later on.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:40 am Reply with quote
(A couple of times, the characters walk around in circles during conversation, trying to make things interesting—which only highlights just how clunky these scenes are.)

I'm starting to get tired of everyone complain about this, a lot of other anime (or movies for that matter) do the same thing all the time. It's not my favorite scene but its only one scene in the show, it's not like they do it every time there is a conversation between characters. Maybe it's because it takes place at near the beginning of the first episode that people always bring it up when they bash the show. I have to wonder, if they had done that a few episodes in would anyone even have noticed it? Well probably, but I don't think they would make such a big deal about it.

Anyways now that I got that off my chest, I understand that this show isn't for everyone; However I still think that the review was a little too harsh.
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Mike Toole
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:47 am Reply with quote
utawoutau wrote:
I'm in love with Fate/Zero. I think you are crazy. :twisted:

I'm in love with Fate Zero too, and I think Carlo is spot on. Its plot and characterization are tragically weak, but characters are magnetic and animation (especially the fightmans stuff) is freaking awesome.

Megiddo wrote:
Just so Carlo knows, these are shows that he has rated higher (overall sub or dub = c+) than Fate/Zero.

The Daichis
Trigun Badlands Rumble

These are better than Fate Zero, at least what we've gotten of it so far. Particularly the Daichis, that had some absolutely excellent late-era cel animation courtesy of Group TAC. Probably their last great production before they really started running into financial trouble.

Also, Armond White is fantastic. To me, he seems less like a cranky contrarian and more like the movie critic version of Fletcher Hanks.

Sailor S wrote:
Well, from what I've seen of it thus far, here is where FZ fails. The Rider/Waver pair. While this Rider is certainly amusing, FZ is a big enough sausage fest so having the lovely Rider from FSN be replaced (yeah, I know, prequel) with a pile of GAR is a downer for me. And can they please kill Waver already? He's annoying and obnoxious and the less screen time he gets the better.

Couldn't disagree more, the Rider/Waver mismatch is one of my favorite parts of the series so far. I'd watch an entire series just about them.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:58 am Reply with quote
Eh, compared to all else that I've heard about the show, the review seems kinda harsh. And dang, a D in story telling? I rarely see that in reviews nowadays on ANN, at least the ones that I've skimmed, so a D for Fate/Zero's story was the farthest thing from my mind.

Oh well... it's good to see it reaffirmed that you really will appreciate this more if you have previous familiarity with Fate/Stay Night. I was thinking of seeing the anime of FSN before, but hearing how abysmal it is from Veers and some forum members elsewhere, I think I'm going to just play the game. The thing is... the only good download of the game with an english patch that I'm aware of is a .mkv file, and I only own a Macbook, which doesn't have a Windows OS installed and thus isn't taking advantage of bootcamp. It's gonna be a while before I'll be able to easily buy a Windows OS guilt-free to install onto my laptop-- probably not until late summer of 2012, at the earliest-- so no playing the game until then. Thus, it'll probably be Fall at the earliest that I finally decide to pick up Fate/Zero-- should I still be interested in it by then, or have even decided to play FSN by then. Razz

Now could all this be bypassed if I just go to my home PC? Perhaps, sure... if it weren't for the fact that it's the family computer. And there's no way in hell a game with ero elements is touching that tower. Laughing
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:26 am Reply with quote
I know there's a saying among lazy college students (like myself) that "C's eventually get degrees" but Carlos needs to give credit where it's due. The letter grade C has always bothered me because it forces me to look at past references to define what's average. However, it doesn't require me a lot of time to realize that every quality aspect of Fate/Zero is well beyond just average, especially when you compare it to the majority of anime series that came out this past year.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:46 am Reply with quote
Man, that grade was a surprise.

I think Carlo is the only reviewer who would give this series a grade lower than B. He gave the lowest grade in the preview guide, alongside Bamboo and we know this has become her second favorite series of the season.

I haven't read the review yet, so can't complain about it, but I have to agree with most here. D for story and C+ for the art seems rather harsh.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:01 am Reply with quote
utawoutau wrote:
I'm in love with Fate/Zero. I think you are crazy. Twisted Evil

I want to be in love with Fate/Zero, but maybe you are right, sitting through all the exposition in Ep 1-6 has made me crazy Laughing

dtm42 wrote:
The grades given to things like animation and music are bizarre; how did Carlo come up up with those? The grade given to the story however takes the cake; a D? What the eff?

Well, why NOT a D? It stands for "below average." To me average would be, you have an idea for a huge fantasy story and in Episodes 1-6 of a 26-ep series you introduce about 25% of the content. This one tries to introduce (or foreshadow) freakin' 100% everything and falls on its butt in the process.

You don't clarify what bothers you so much about the animation or music grades so I don't know what answer you want to hear.

Mike Toole wrote:
the Rider/Waver mismatch is one of my favorite parts of the series so far. I'd watch an entire series just about them.

Rider/Waver OVA now! Laughing I'm sure they're already making enough money to fund a project like that anyhow.

General Reply to all about the review being harsh:

Everyone, please remember this only covers Episodes 1-6. And if I know Gen Urobuchi (loved Meduka Meguca! I preordered the life-size Kyubey!) the overall series will score a high B or low A by the end. Would y'all like me to re-review the whole thing and redeem myself when it's over? Razz

It's just ... I'm really bothered by the way it's just dumping every character and plotline in at the beginning. Reminds me too much of my schoolmates and fandom friends who wanted to be ~famouse manga-ka for Tokyopop~ and they had these INCREDIBLE fantasy worlds stored in their heads ... and then they would bore me to death for half an hour describing how incredible it all was.

I WANT Fate/Zero to get better. And when it hits episodes 13, 18, 26, I will be happy to give it the awesome grade it deserves.

Also people who are fixating on the grade before actually reading the review, maybe you should read it first before posting, so we can actually discuss the points of the review, just saying
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