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Big Hed
Joined: 04 May 2006
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:16 am
Honestly, I let this one go after the first episode. The plot:fanservice ratio just felt too out-of-whack for me, though granted it at least looked like it was going to deliver quality in terms of the the latter.
(Having made this sound judgement, I then promptly went on to watch all of Infinite Stratos.)
Still, maybe I'll pick up the BD for the sake of the Luci Christian/Chris Patton combo, in the absence of new FMP.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:45 am
I thought the placards hiding the "naughty bits" on CR were part of the anime, which would have been perfect given how many of them were funny with phrases like "Not today." or "You want to see this, don't you?".
I felt the placards, followed by Korone, were the true stars of this series.
I can't recommend a purchase of this series to anyone, including those who are into fanservice. I'd tell them to stick with Google video searches and save the $40 for something better.
However, I will recommend a streaming. The fanservice may be (mostly) hidden, but it'll definitely influence a purchase decision, regardless which way it goes.
Key wrote: | Yuri and lolicon fans will be disappointed... |
I laughed at the limited audience members as I would suspect many fans will be disappointed. Besides, I though Korone was the loli in this series, or did the height requirement get busted on the design?
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:32 pm
Review wrote: | The notion that everything that Akuto says or does to prove that he is not a Demon King is instead misinterpreted in a way that only bolsters his image as a Demon King |
Is this done better than Monty Python and the Life of Brian?
Anyway, I figured this to be one of those standard harem action shows so I never bothered looking into it. However hearing that Chris Patton voices the lead does strike my interest, as he was probably my favorite regular ADV VA. I actually heard that he had quit voice acting for anime (other than reprised roles), but I suppose that, like most rumors, was a lie.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:51 pm
This show had a nice sense of humor, especially Korone was a very funny, refreshing character ... it was too bad when that disappeared after a few episodes and the show kinda starts to take itself too seriously and becomes plain bad imho v.v And the animation was sooo bad ... hard to believe that show was done in 2010 ... it's barely animated at all
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Surrender Artist
Joined: 01 May 2011
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:43 pm
Megiddo wrote: | However hearing that Chris Patton voices the lead does strike my interest, as he was probably my favorite regular ADV VA. I actually heard that he had quit voice acting for anime (other than reprised roles), but I suppose that, like most rumors, was a lie. |
Maybe he was just in hiding until he was sure that he was safe from the sock puppets.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2009
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:54 pm
See, I felt this series could've gone the way of Negima. You start off with your goofy harem nonsense and then jump off into action and adventure and all that kinda stuff. And the seeds were there in Daimao, but I guess we can't all be Ken Akamatsu.
The most off-putting thing are the weird scripting flubs. I hope Sentai will start correcting that sort of thing soon. (Though they really ought to have been already.)
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Joined: 29 Jul 2005
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:51 pm
Jeeze Theron, are they letting anyone else review DVDs these days?
Also, despite its pitfalls I enjoyed this series when I watched it on Hulu or Crunchyroll or whatever it was. Even with the highly censored fan service I thought the novel approach and humor made it worth watching. It was fun watching the main character slowly slide into his role as the Demon King and everyone else get on board. The end was hurried and more than a little confusing, but it was still an engaging and entertaining series. I dunno what the Blu-ray is retailing for, but it was definitely worth streaming.
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Joined: 10 May 2005
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:32 pm
yeah, the plot on this was bad. so much potential... but badly pulled off. I'm not a huge fan of fanservice for the most part (at least if it's intended for male viewers or unnecessary slashy scenes included for female viewers), but fanservice isn't a complete turn off for me so I gave it a shot because it sounded like if handled right the plot could be good. if you're watching this for plot, unless you like dissecting just how wrong plot pacing can be done and on how many levels character and plot development can go wrong, it's not something for you. as someone who likes "so bad it's good" stuff on occasion I watched it all the way thru and may do so again, but I doubt I'd spend the extra bit to get it on blu ray. if you're old enough this may be something to watch on a weekend with friends while indulging in your favorite type of booze whilst making commentary on the fanservice and plot failures.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:32 pm
Surrender Artist wrote: |
Megiddo wrote: | However hearing that Chris Patton voices the lead does strike my interest, as he was probably my favorite regular ADV VA. I actually heard that he had quit voice acting for anime (other than reprised roles), but I suppose that, like most rumors, was a lie. |
Maybe he was just in hiding until he was sure that he was safe from the sock puppets. |
It wasn't a lie and he wasn't hiding from sock (nice one though!). One of the last cons he was to do even confirmed he would be retiring from anime work. He lives in Houston and it looked for a while that we wouldn't be seeing any dubs from ADV/Seraphim again. He did some work at Funimation, but the drive was a long one for him back and forth. He had made plans to do things like audio books, but with Sentai dubbing again he must have changed his mind.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the first several episodes of Daimao, though the last two episodes got pretty sloppy. I have it ordered and I'm just waiting for it to ship.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2009
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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:23 am
Sounds like it could be pretty fun. I might get this one after all.
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Joined: 13 Oct 2009
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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:41 am
I like Sentai, they manage to bring series out pretty fast. This only aired like a year ago.
Now if only Funi could do the same...
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Joined: 24 Feb 2010
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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:32 pm
I'm glad this got a Bluray release and all but what stopped me from purchasing this set was the lack of the 6 specials that was in the japanese release which really was ecchi, one can only hope that if Sentai does a re-release they would include the specials!
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:31 am
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:56 am
strike_zero00 wrote: | I'm glad this got a Bluray release and all but what stopped me from purchasing this set was the lack of the 6 specials that was in the japanese release which really was ecchi. . . |
configspace wrote: |
strike_zero00 wrote: | I'm glad this got a Bluray release and all but what stopped me from purchasing this set was the lack of the 6 specials that was in the japanese release which really was ecchi, one can only hope that if Sentai does a re-release they would include the specials! |
Wow, thanks for the FYI. Just checked the content listing at rightstuf and mania thread, and damn, that's a total disappointment
I don't think I'll be getting this now
I wished Media Blasters would've licensed it even with all their usual delays. Yes, Sentai released it fast and timely, but MB would've realized how crucial the animated extras are for something like this. |
The only reason you guys aren't getting this release is because it doesn't have the omake? That's just making up excuses. Don't hold your breath that the omake will be picked up on a future rerelease, either, because that doesn't commonly happen.
And for the record, Sentai has had several other releases where they have included omake, and MB has had cases where they haven't, so it's not like MB is tremendously more reliable on this. If Sentai didn't get the bonus content this time then either it wasn't available at the time the license was arranged or there was some other problem getting it.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:01 pm
I'm usually tired of overly fanserviced shows these days, but I still really enjoyed Daimao as a guilty pleasure. The characters are fun, and the plot is so silly and over the top. Everything he does to prove he's a nice guy always ends up backfiring and cementing him worse as Demon Lord.
Korone, or Trollbot/Green, is really funny, and Aoi Yuuki does a great job with her as usual. (She also does recent characters such as Victorique in Gosick and Tooru in A Channel).
Theres a reason it's nicknamed Color Wars
One thing to keep in mind: The story is extremely rushed to get to a logical ending point in 12 episodes. It's based on light novels and blitzes through about 7 of them in 12 episodes so yeah...
If you want a more in-depth understanding of the plot, there may be some novel translations available online.
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