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REVIEW: Hero Tales DVD Part 1

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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:11 am Reply with quote
Hmm this place is very quiet. Well, there is something I wanted to ask. Did Arakawa also wrote the story of Hero Tales or just did the illustrations? Fullmetal Alchemist was very complex in my opinion in comparison to Hero Tales, but I still have to finish the Hero Tales manga. By the way, anyone else noted that King Bradley is in the series?
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:00 pm Reply with quote
as far as I could understand she is not "original creator" here, it is not her idea/concept... however, she has done character design (art) and some storytelling... I say "some" because other person is listed as scenarist for this manga... and that other person is not the one whose original idea/concept this manga is... so three people are authors of this manga...

as to this animé, to have "Decent" rating on ANN means that more honest rating should be actually one or more levels lower than this (voters tend to vote kinder than an animé deserves -- not always, but most of the time)... that would mean that the animé is actually "So-So"... it is two levels below than my standard of bearable animé I could watch...
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:02 pm Reply with quote
To be honest, I had my eye on this anime since I first heard of it, but nobody seems to ever talk about it...not even negatively. Is it that unmemorable?

I have a bias for anime fantasy shows with a pronounced oriental flavour to them...Twelve Kingdoms, Story of Saiunkoku...I eat up that stuff. They tend not to be super popular with the larger fanbase, so picking out "good" shows of this type is pretty tough. I think I'll try to get more opinions about Hero Tales before I commit.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:56 am Reply with quote
sainta wrote:
Hmm this place is very quiet. Well, there is something I wanted to ask. Did Arakawa also wrote the story of Hero Tales or just did the illustrations? Fullmetal Alchemist was very complex in my opinion in comparison to Hero Tales, but I still have to finish the Hero Tales manga. By the way, anyone else noted that King Bradley is in the series?

I was unable to find fansubs for the second half of the series back when it was airing so this will be my first time watching the second half of the series after I re-watch the first half, having just bought both sets.

Maxsouth's post seems to be the case from what I've seen as well and ANN's early posts about the series so it's seemingly not her concept so she's not the creator like she is for Fullmetal (and as such, so far I also find HT's a little too straightforward and more inline with it's shonen or in this case chinese martial-arts action adventure genre and therefore less inventive and layered than FMA which used it's genre kind of like a springboard and then sparked into something beyond it's general genre which HT hasn't done yet), here she's apparently just a collaborator storywise, but she is the main character designer so the art on display is awesomely hers, so if you like her art or liked her designs for FMA then I imagine you'll enjoy the look of Hero Tales like I do.

I think it's pretty enjoyable and moreso than the reviewer did, but I think the review is right about the show's shortcomings and as such as to why the show didn't break out with word-of-mouth after a few episodes aired, not even in a negative way, at least the beginning is pretty safe/standard and while it looks "good" it doesn't have the budget (or Bones) for the animation to be on say FMA's level to at least wow and blow away it's introductory "normalness" with gorgeous visuals, which is ashame because there's a good amount of nice decently animated action and I imagine if these were really eye-catchingly well-animated I think more people would have at least talked about this show because it's a pretty good straightforward action adventure, so it's important to note that they aren't badly animated either aside from the occasional shortcut (for example two kinda of weird charging at the opponent moves in ep2, which only standout a bit because the rest of the martial arts moves in the fight looked quite smooth).

Overall so far it's still a pretty good and enjoyable if predictable show with some likeable and effective characters even in the early going and just missing that "spark" to push it up to the next level at least in the first half.

Extremely minor spoiler:
spoiler[I think Laila having at least enough basic martial arts skills to be fun to watch right from her early scenes (even if she's not on the level of the heroes or as involved in the action) and going with them as part of the group was a great choice and really added some nice FMA-ish Ed and Al (and Winry) sibling comradery/banter feel right from the early going when Taito, Ryuko and Laila set out so I enjoyed the early straightforward adventuring/stories starting with the three of them even if they were indeed kind of by-the-book.]

If you like this kind of action adventure though and Arakawa's art (like in FMA) and the oriental flavor I think you'll like it.

Yeah, the one I see most aside from that is Ryuko looks kind of like Mustang even with the longer hair in the back which was cool. And while she indeed looks kind of different I think Rinmei coolly gives off a similar vibe in appearance to Izumi (and is played by Hawkeye's VA in the dub) Smile
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