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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:20 am Reply with quote
Did kids in Japan watch this show in 1984 (or read the manga in Weekly Shonen Jump)?

Well, apparently, Utena co-creator Kunihiko Ikuhara watched it, or he wouldn't be tweeting about the exact wording of "You Wa Shock" earlier yesterday. Laughing

Were parents back then too busy with their boom economy lifelong employment jobs to monitor hyper-violent cartoons?

Well, to be fair, the show's a lot more toned down than the manga.

who beat the crap out of Kenshiro and stole his girlfriend Yulia (shouldn't that be Julia?).

Don't even get fans started on that one. I've heard, Julia, Yuria, and Juria. Laughing

I wonder if Lin, the annoying little girl following Kenshiro around, began the trope of annoying children following the hero in the post apocalypse.

Actually, I think that trend started with Dororo, which was a great PS2 game released here called Blood Will Tell.

This trend has echoed down the decades in everything from Six String Samurai to the recent Casshern Sins.

I think Six String Samurai's more inspired by Lone Wolf and Cub.

As for Initial D, kind of funny you bring it up, as the producer worked on one of the Fist OVAs, which was released here under New Fist of the North Star.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:50 am Reply with quote
Love Fist of the North Star, and am definitely glad to see it getting some good reviews Very Happy

I was so excited when the DVD sets finally started coming out, hopefully it'll do better this time around than last time.

Also gonna have to check out Sekirei now. I avoided watching it earlier mostly cause I have had my fill of harem shows (like 10 years ago), but this one seems like it might be amusing. Sounds a lot like Steel Angel Kurumi, which I enjoyed.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:40 am Reply with quote
I got about 4 or 5 episodes into Fist of the North Star before the sheer dullness of it killed my interest. It's incredibly repetitive (how many identical shirts does Kenshiro own?), there's no suspense (he is always guaranteed to win quickly and easily), the characters range from flat (Kenshiro, the villains) to completely annoying (Lin, the little boy), the revenge story was totally cliched, and no amount of cool exploding heads could keep me from getting really bored. Maybe if it had some humor or a sense of wry self-awareness I might have held out until it got good (and I assume it does get good?) but yeah, Fist of the North Star is, at least at the outset and in my not-so-humble opinion really, really baaaaaad.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:04 am Reply with quote
The breasts from the cover shot of Sekirei really really bother me for some reason. It's not that I'm offended by large breasts (I have my own) but the seem more like large missile launchers with nipples and seem more like an attachment then an actual part of her physique. Also they defy gravity like no one's business. It's like my mind is registering something that isn't supposed to be there and in the back of my mind it's freaking me out.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:10 am Reply with quote
"Bringeth it on!" Laughing That'll be my new catchphrase. Pleasantly surprised to see Erin not totally hating Sekirei; I thought for sure she would.

Anyway, have a blast in Nippon, Erin! Very envious.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:57 am Reply with quote
brand wrote:
...they seem more like large missile launchers with nipples and seem more like an attachment then an actual part of her physique. Also they defy gravity like no one's business. It's like my mind is registering something that isn't supposed to be there and in the back of my mind it's freaking me out.

They are indeed disturbing, I should have said "missile" and not "bullet" breasts in my review. Fortunately they don't look that way throughout the show (just sometimes).

Blood- wrote:
"Bringeth it on!" Laughing That'll be my new catchphrase. Pleasantly surprised to see Erin not totally hating Sekirei; I thought for sure she would.

So did my husband. He hated that show, and freaked out all weekend because I gave it a Rental Shelf.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:11 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
Maybe if it had some humor or a sense of wry self-awareness I might have held out until it got good (and I assume it does get good?) but yeah, Fist of the North Star is, at least at the outset and in my not-so-humble opinion really, really baaaaaad.

Yes, it does get much better. And Kenshiro gets his ass kicked later on too. The Shin arc is generally viewed as the weakest part of Fist of the North Star, and in the anime it is in fact loaded with filler.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:26 pm Reply with quote
Dang, if this made Rental, I should check it out.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:53 pm Reply with quote
erinfinnegan wrote:
So did my husband. He hated that show, and freaked out all weekend because I gave it a Rental Shelf.

This forced a burst of laughter from me as I can hear the pseudo-argument now: "Damn it, I get this crap from a bunch of whining kids. The last place I want it is in my kitchen!"

Everyone's a critic and they're everywhere.

By the way, just curious about something: Of the upcoming reviews piling up, are you disappointed most are now re-watches, or do you really enjoy sitting through them, even if to potentially give you a new perspective?

I was going to submit this as a question for an upcoming Staff Infection podcast, but I was afraid I'd forget it, since I just thought it up just now.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:22 pm Reply with quote
Wow, I also was totally expecting Sekirei to be in the perishable category! Nice that it's not. Wink
Honestly, when I first checked out that show (back when it was airing) I passed on it after the first 2-3 episodes. I just thought it was "meh..." It wasn't until much later, out of shear boredom, that I watched more and thought, "Okay, its interesting." And now... I own the DVD... Rolling Eyes But yeah, I think what really saved it is the fact that characters start rebelling against "the game" and doing things their own way.
Also, I love how Tsukuimi drops water on people's heads when they're being dumb.

Erin Finnegan wrote:
Bringeth it on indeed, they also sent me Girls Bravo in re-release. This will be the best Christmas ever. Save me, Kenshiro.

Can't wait to read that one! Laughing
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Joined: 24 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:35 pm Reply with quote
Do you like the box sets art-side out or DVD-side out?

I say with Box Sets, Art Side out. What is the point of having an artbox if it isn't used. If you just show the dvds you might as well toss the box in the trash.

The only point i can see showing dvds in the art box is showing that you have all the dvds and not missing any.

Last edited by jrnemanich on Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:47 pm Reply with quote
the Rancorous wrote:
Wow, I also was totally expecting Sekirei to be in the perishable category! Nice that it's not.

I was almost of the floor in shock from seeing that as well. When I saw the front page and that Sekirei was in this weeks I said well I know where that will be.

I was this shocked before when Bamboo put Ikki Tousen Season 1 Boxset in Rental Shelf.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:04 pm Reply with quote
jrnemanich wrote:
I say with Box Sets, Art Side out. What is the point of having an artbox if it isn't used. If you just show the dvds you might as well toss the box in the trash.

The only point i can see showing dvds in the art box is showing that you have all the dvds and not missing any.

I tend to get backed up on anime (I make a few huge purchases a year, as opposed to many small ones) so I leave the sets I haven't watched yet DVD-side out, as a reminder I need to get to it if I want my shelves lookin nice again. Once I watch it I then flip it art side out.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:18 pm Reply with quote
Hardgear wrote:
jrnemanich wrote:
I say with Box Sets, Art Side out. What is the point of having an artbox if it isn't used. If you just show the dvds you might as well toss the box in the trash.

The only point i can see showing dvds in the art box is showing that you have all the dvds and not missing any.

I tend to get backed up on anime (I make a few huge purchases a year, as opposed to many small ones) so I leave the sets I haven't watched yet DVD-side out, as a reminder I need to get to it if I want my shelves lookin nice again. Once I watch it I then flip it art side out.

I Sort of do the same thing but i pull down my dvds so that the top of them is facing out, so i know what i need to watch.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:57 pm Reply with quote
jrnemanich wrote:
Do you like the box sets art-side out or DVD-side out?

I say with Box Sets, Art Side out. What is the point of having an artbox if it isn't used. If you just show the dvds you might as well toss the box in the trash.

The only point i can see showing dvds in the art box is showing that you have all the dvds and not missing any.

I agree with all this (although I would use the converse of the second point: keeping track of which volumes you still need.) You don't keep books spine-in for easy access, do you? Of course not.

Other benefits may include:
--You will probably need to use two-hands and take it down to remove the volume anyway, so use the side with firmer construction.
--If there is a random seismic or gravitational shift, you do not want the individual volumes flying all willy-nilly. Denting up the box is sorrowful, but beats damaging the disc.
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