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Joined: 18 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:24 pm Reply with quote
What's a whoopie pie? =o
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Lenks wrote:
What's a whoopie pie? =o

Wikipedia to the rescue.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:35 pm Reply with quote
It's as if your lover told you it's time you found a lover of your own.

The author of the original books has repeatedly insisted that this is not a yuri series, that the girl-girl relationships (with the exception of Sei's and her ex) aren't meant to be romances, that it really is just a sorority-sister-BFF thing. Sachiko knows she's going to leave soon, and she wants Yumi to maintain the connections of the sisterhood. Disappointing if you want your yuri, believe me I know, but that's the intended context.

I've yet to watch the fourth season... or the end of the third for that matter, since it was licensed. Was this sent to you, or did you rent it somewhere?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:40 pm Reply with quote
Points for linking Cartman's tea party. Now give me some poofy pie! Anime hyper

I have to admit I'm impressed with Chris Ayres' interpretation of Freiza. When I first heard the new voice, I thought it was a new actress voicing him.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:03 pm Reply with quote
Is all of One Piece like this? In another 100 episodes will they still be finding islands and solving problems?

I think someone may have asked Oda this while he was working on this arc, because he makes a noticeable attempt at switching things up after the Skypeia arc. Of course, they still go to islands and get in trouble, but there's a definite sense of the plot becoming more coherent and epic. The arcs begin to feel more like chapters in a big saga and less like you're going from local skirmish to local skirmish.

Of course, some people like the local skirmish approach and want it back, so I guess you can't have everything.

Someday Japan is going to figure out how to make a live action DBZ drama. Everyone will be a handsome metrosexual young man, even Bulma. They'll fight in clingy white shirts while it's raining. And thus former Kamen Rider castmembers will once again find work.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Is there a Dragonball musical yet? Naruto, Bleach and One Piece have had them so I figured....

A few months ago I had a nightmare that there was a Dragon Ball Z live action drama currently airing in Japan and that Funimation would be importing it soon. I woke up in a cold sweat, terrified of having to watch the Freeza saga again this year. Then this arrives in the mail…!

I can actually imagine you going "Oh...it was just a dream" *sees package* "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:19 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
The girl-girl relationships (with the exception of Sei's and her ex) aren't meant to be romances, that it really is just a sorority-sister-BFF thing.

You mean Class S, which emphasizes tightly close-knit girl friendships between an upperclassman and underclassman. Maria-sama ga Miteru is a modern homage of the genre. Class S was a genre of Japanese literature popularized by Japanese novelist Nobuko Yoshiya during the early 20th century in Japan where many of her works emphasized strong romantic friendships between teen girls. This was even found in all-girl's schools during the time period which was seen as a phase of growing up by Japanese society before facing arranged marriage after graduation. This article offers up more details on the genre and the time period it was used.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:58 pm Reply with quote
Ggultra2764 wrote:
vashfanatic wrote:
The girl-girl relationships (with the exception of Sei's and her ex) aren't meant to be romances, that it really is just a sorority-sister-BFF thing.

You mean Class S, which emphasizes tightly close-knit girl friendships between an upperclassman and underclassman. Maria-sama ga Miteru is a modern homage of the genre. Class S was a genre of Japanese literature popularized by Japanese novelist Nobuko Yoshiya during the early 20th century in Japan where many of her works emphasized strong romantic friendships between teen girls. This was even found in all-girl's schools during the time period which was seen as a phase of growing up by Japanese society before facing arranged marriage after graduation. This article offers up more details on the genre and the time period it was used.

Well, and a thing to remember is that in the West during the Victorian period passionate same-gender relationships among both men and women was acceptable, even glorified. Why? Those relationships were seen as between equals, whereas opposite-gender relationships were not; men were nearly always treated as superior to women. If the intense same-sex friendship trend has persisted longer in Japan than in America and Europe, well, three guesses why. Confused
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Joined: 22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:27 pm Reply with quote
I rented the first part of Maria-sama ga Miteru season four. I've only seen the first two episodes of season one, but I've heard enough about the show to get the gist of the “seour system” (girls pair up in intense mentor/sister couplings) and to know what's going on. I never finished watching season one because it was way too slow for my taste, and by all reports I heard there wasn't as much lesbianism as I'd hoped for.
And yet, it was in season one that the yuri-est episodes took place ~ ep6, 10 and 11. Of course, they muted the yuri on episode 6 by swapping the order of the light novels, with Rose of Thorns the third light novel and Rosa Canina the fourth.

For a story where a major plot arc is whether Fumi-san's faux big sister will like her chocolates, its all about character development, and with the development of Sachiko over season 2 and the OVA, its not really a surprise at all that she asks Fumi-san to find a soeur.

But season 4 is an odd place to start ~ given how little concession it makes to bringing a new viewer up to speed, it seems to strongly assume that new viewers will catch up from the start before watching season four.

I thought this show didn't take place in the present for some reason, so it was weird to see the characters in modern clothes.
No cellphones, Can you imagine a real girl's school with no cellphones? That's how you can tell its a fantasy series.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:45 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:

If the intense same-sex friendship trend has persisted longer in Japan than in America and Europe, well, three guesses why. Confused

Because Japan is more accepting of homosexual relationships than America and Europe are?

What do I win? Laughing
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Joined: 07 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:11 pm Reply with quote
I'd just like to point out the fact that the word is spelled "soeur". And I'm saying that as a French-speaker, not a fan the the show (which I hated profoundly, btw Razz). The first seasons was fine, I suppose, but I had a terrible time sitting through the next 3. Some story arcs were more interesting than others, and the final one with Touko was (imo) by far the lamest of the bunch. And yet I watched it all... I guess I REALLY wanted it to turn into a real full-fledged yuri show. Wink
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Joined: 31 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:13 pm Reply with quote
Wyvern wrote:
Someday Japan is going to figure out how to make a live action DBZ drama. Everyone will be a handsome metrosexual young man, even Bulma.

I want to cast Jun Matsumoto as Bulma for some reason. Or better yet, how about a Takarazuka DBZ?

vashfanatic wrote:
I've yet to watch the fourth season... or the end of the third for that matter, since it was licensed. Was this sent to you, or did you rent it somewhere?

I rented it from rentanime.com. I'm not supposed to review older titles, so I was just going for anything that came out in 2010.

agila61 wrote:
I thought this show didn't take place in the present for some reason, so it was weird to see the characters in modern clothes.
No cellphones, Can you imagine a real girl's school with no cellphones? That's how you can tell its a fantasy series.

I heard that the author said that somewhere; that it's set in an alternate present with no cell phones. I almost put that into the review but I didn't have time to source it, so the line got cut.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:21 pm Reply with quote
erinfinnegan wrote:
agila61 wrote:
I thought this show didn't take place in the present for some reason, so it was weird to see the characters in modern clothes.
No cellphones, Can you imagine a real girl's school with no cellphones? That's how you can tell its a fantasy series.

I heard that the author said that somewhere; that it's set in an alternate present with no cell phones. I almost put that into the review but I didn't have time to source it, so the line got cut.

Wow, really? What force replaces electromagnetism?

(I know the justification of "no cellphones" isn't actually important, but it's still funny to think about Razz)
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Is all of One Piece like this? In another 100 episodes will they still be finding islands and solving problems?

Yes. The next few hundred episodes in fact. I finally quit reading the manga after the Thriller Bark arc. Apparently there are some "big things" that happen afterward that involve the World Goverment, but at that point I pretty much way past the point of caring.

And Oda says the story may not even be 60% (or whatever) done.

Right now I'm just wondering how far along we have to go before One Piece becomes the punchline Dragon Ball Z eventually became...
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Joined: 13 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:36 pm Reply with quote
Shenl742 wrote:
Is all of One Piece like this? In another 100 episodes will they still be finding islands and solving problems?

Yes. The next few hundred episodes in fact. I finally quit reading the manga after the Thriller Bark arc. Apparently there are some "big things" that happen afterward that involve the World Goverment, but at that point I pretty much way past the point of caring.

And Oda says the story may not even be 60% (or whatever) done.

Right now I'm just wondering how far along we have to go before One Piece becomes the punchline Dragon Ball Z eventually became...

Yeah, I gave up years ago. Stopped reading right after the arc with Arlong and stopped watching once they got to that country in the desert. It was just getting so stupid and derivative. My friend told me it has since gotten better but I couldn't care less. Imo One Piece is just so overrated.
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