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NEWS: Japan's Foreign Ministry: Jojo's Issue is Regrettable

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Joined: 16 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:22 am Reply with quote
I really wish they'd stop thinking they did an incredible mistake. Getting angry over details like these is questionable.
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:26 pm Reply with quote
Although I honestly believe that they ethically have nothing to apologize for, they handled it very gracefully and I hope that those who were offended will accept it.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 1:05 pm Reply with quote
Honestly they had nothing to say sorry for.
Why is that everyone bends over backwards when it comes to the Islamic religion when they don't say sorry for bashing any other religion.
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:25 pm Reply with quote
Amiantos wrote:
Honestly they had nothing to say sorry for.
Why is that everyone bends over backwards when it comes to the Islamic religion when they don't say sorry for bashing any other religion.

Because the idea of retribution by Muslim fundamentalists is a scary thought. It's the same reason Cartoon Network wouldn't air the image of Mohamed on South Park. It's not worth the risk.

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Joined: 18 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:33 pm Reply with quote
So... were they offended because the anime staff put Qur'an text in the book, or is it because the villain, who was planning murder at the time, was reading Qur'an text? Or both? Confused
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Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Tofusensei wrote:
Amiantos wrote:
Honestly they had nothing to say sorry for.
Why is that everyone bends over backwards when it comes to the Islamic religion when they don't say sorry for bashing any other religion.

Because the idea of retribution by Muslim fundamentalists is a scary thought. It's the same reason Cartoon Network wouldn't air the image of Mohamed on South Park. It's not worth the risk.


I think it might be prudent to make a distinction between Muslim fundamentalists and outright terrorists. Terrorism succeeds in its ventures when it begins to control people's actions. It is insidious and it cancerous and it is indeed a scary thought for that reason. However just catering to the fear terrorism inspires is adding fuel to the fire; if people really care about freedom and equality they will stand up for themselves and each other. It's not easy, but it's the responsible thing to do.

That said I find it hilarious to say the least that Americans can be so whipped by Muslim issues when their nation was the product of defiance. But maybe it's unfair of me to be so judgmental; it's not like most people have ever had to deal with that.
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 3:33 pm Reply with quote
I've still been thinking a lot about this subject.
One of the Muslim posters (that denounced this hysteria) here said he actually wanted to see more (heroic) Muslim characters.
I guarantee you, that is not going to happen now. Manga publisher are going to stay as far away from Islam or Middle Eastern settings as possible from now on.
Yesterday I urged Muslim anime fans to try to educate this ignorant Muslims on what really happened and not to listen to the words of that kooky professor that started this mess.
After thinking about it more, I think it's more important for Muslim anime/manga fans that oppose this hysteria to e-mail/write to Shueisha, A.P.P.P., and now the Japan Foreign Ministry to tell them that these kooks do not represent you.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 4:26 pm Reply with quote
mrsatan wrote:
not to listen to the words of that kooky professor that started this mess.

But he is not just a kooky professor. He is a Sheikh, and he is chairman of the Fatwa Committee at Al-Azhar, a university which sole stated objective is the propagation of Islamic religion and culture and the Arabic language. The man is the highest Sunni authority in all of Cairo. Which probably means he is the highest authority in quite a large region. And he specifically said that the producers of Jojo's are "considered to be enemies of Islam". The man is a leader, and represents a hell of a lot more people than just the students in the madrasah.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Okay, Japan. Where's my apology for all the anime and manga that totally missuses Christian imagery. Where's my apology for Hellsing? It shows Catholics and Protestants to be violent wack jobs. What about Trigun where the cross is used as a bazooka. I don't want to even think of Evangelion.

Oh wait. I'm not demanding it because I've learned to peacefully spread religion. I've learned to forgive mistakes.

Meanwhile, I don't think most Christian fundamentalists in this country have discovered these shows. I'm sure they'd have the same reaction as this kook.

Dargonxtc wrote:
mrsatan wrote:
not to listen to the words of that kooky professor that started this mess.

But he is not just a kooky professor. He is a Sheikh, and he is chairman of the Fatwa Committee at Al-Azhar, a university which sole stated objective is the propagation of Islamic religion and culture and the Arabic language. The man is the highest Sunni authority in all of Cairo. Which probably means he is the highest authority in quite a large region. And he specifically said that the producers of Jojo's are "considered to be enemies of Islam". The man is a leader, and represents a hell of a lot more people than just the students in the madrasah.

Naw. I think kook is still a good word. Close minded asshat would be another. I don't care if he's holding a office and supposedly speaking for the religion, he's a nut job flying off the handle. He's like that head of the American Catholics League, Bill Donohue. He spews hatred and intolerance out of his mouth in the name of religion. He condemns others and never looks at how damning to his own religion his actions are. It's disgusting.

Sure the Japanese producers were ignorant, but it was a small mistake. It's a bigger mistake to declare them enemies and use such questionable tone in reply to it. If anything this jerk is making Islam seem violent more than anything in the anime.
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Joined: 08 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:30 pm Reply with quote
I'm with Xenos on this one, I'm not religious despite being catholic, but all the judeo-christian references don't really insult me -- even when misrepresented by anime or manga. They don't need to apologize, and with all due respect to the...ah "professor"...(or what passes for a professor there) you can give him a title and fancy clothing but he will still be a "kooky professor" among other adjectives one could give him...
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:30 pm Reply with quote
The Xenos wrote:
Naw. I think kook is still a good word.

And I never said he wasn't. But I think by just calling him a kooky professor gives a bit of a dismissive impression, and makes him sound like a person of no consequence. And that he is not.
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:36 pm Reply with quote
The Xenos wrote:
Where's my apology for Hellsing? It shows Catholics and Protestants to be violent wack jobs

Never heard of the thirty years war? Or the French wars of religion?

I think the thing to more take issue with is the ridiculous portrayal of nuns (they ... are ... not ... MIKOS!!!!!) or cross shaped explosions in evangelion Razz
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:56 pm Reply with quote
Tofusensei wrote:
Because the idea of retribution by Muslim fundamentalists is a scary thought. It's the same reason Cartoon Network wouldn't air the image of Mohamed on South Park. It's not worth the risk.


I believe you mean Comedy Central. Wink Anyways, I believe that Cartoon Network is the same way with religious references, at least during the non-[adult swim] hours.
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Joined: 08 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:59 pm Reply with quote
Calling him a "Sheikh", will not make him any more right either, he may be of consecuence however, the realistic approach is to apologize, after all...you don't want to look at a "nut job" in the eyes for a long period of time...who knows? 30 years war or the French ones among other such wars all over again? No thanks...nasty business that..., ideally they don't need to apologize, realistically, yes, insofar as he (the good professor) doesn't begin to foam at the mouth too much, there won't be that much of a problem.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:04 pm Reply with quote
I find that often part of the appeal is to see how the animators take creative liberties with western religion. I felt Evangelion was perhaps a criticism of apocalyptic theology; we discover the "higher truths" of the show's universe before seeing these prophecies horrifically fulfilled. Not subscribing to any forms of supernaturalism myself I'm fine with anime playing around with religious imagery like this, regardless of whether it takes it out of context or not.

On a different note, I wonder how Perseopolis is doing?
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