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NEWS: Jojo's Anime, Manga Sales Halted Due to Islamic Images

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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:10 am Reply with quote
What? That stuff was animated a decade ago, so surprising to see if caught now, especially given the ultra-low-profile of the english language dvd release [unless this was caused by a non-english release. The dangers of online distribution?]. This is kind of surprising, and quite wierd. I guess this means people should scramble and get Jojo dvd's and manga ASAP. I hope it doesn't affect VIZ's release.

Though I guess it's a lesson for japanese studios to check their foriegn languages more often when using them in anime.

Last edited by Paploo on Thu May 22, 2008 6:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:11 am Reply with quote
Hey I posted an article on this yesterday, where's my credit? Smile

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Joined: 08 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:15 am Reply with quote
Hrm. I'm a Muslim. I like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I don't think I was offended.

It's stuff like this though that makes me shake my head at both sides. I don't see any reason why other Muslims should get upset (most of them would have probably taken it the same way I did). But at the same time, I wish that other mediums wouldn't look at Muslims as "just plain rabble" and more like actual people.

Ah well.

Besides, there's no sense in complaining over spilled milk.
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:18 am Reply with quote
JohnathanEnder wrote:
Hrm. I'm a Muslim. I like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I don't think I was offended.

It's stuff like this though that makes me shake my head at both sides. I don't see any reason why other Muslims should get upset (most of them would have probably taken it the same way I did). But at the same time, I wish that other mediums wouldn't look at Muslims as "just plain rabble" and more like actual people.

Ah well.

Besides, there's no sense in complaining over spilled milk.

Especially _10 year old_ spilt milk.
I mean, it's not like this show is recent in any way... In general I dislike any attempt to go back and change things in the past to conform to today's standards, so from the article it looks like they might go and edit out the offending scenes and destroy all evidence of them. That sort of revisionist mindset leads down a dangerous path.
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:35 am Reply with quote
I fail to see how an image of a villain reading the Koran is "offensive" to anybody. Muslims need to grow a thicker skin.

How many Bible-quoting villains have there been in Hollywood/comics?? Too many to count. You don't see Christians throwing a hissy fit over such nonsense.

I really hate political correctness and the first-grade whining that goes with it. If you're offended by something that stupid, you need to rethink your life.

Last edited by LordPrometheus on Thu May 22, 2008 6:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:35 am Reply with quote
No offense is meant to JohnathanEnder by this, but I swear, it seems so many Muslim groups are offended at the least little nothings. What sickens me is how if a Muslim artist depicted someone wiping their rear with a Bible, that's fine because the Bible isn't the holy scriptures for them. However if ANYONE dares even think about the Qur'an in a negative way, it is a complete outrage and heads could very literally role if the offended aren't appeased. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how some Muslim group is offended and everyone cowers when Jews, Christians, or the like can have outlandish things said or done to them and *yawn*.


Sorry to rant.
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:37 am Reply with quote
AstroNerdBoy wrote:
No offense is meant to JohnathanEnder by this, but I swear, it seems so many Muslim groups are offended at the least little nothings. What sickens me is how if a Muslim artist depicted someone wiping their rear with a Bible, that's fine because the Bible isn't the holy scriptures for them. However if ANYONE dares even think about the Qur'an in a negative way, it is a complete outrage and heads could very literally role if the offended aren't appeased. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how some Muslim group is offended and everyone cowers when Jews, Christians, or the like can have outlandish things said or done to them and *yawn*.


Sorry to rant.

No, I agree with you 100%. The double standard applied to Muslims and denied to Christians is absolutely asinine.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:42 am Reply with quote
Seriously. Talk about wusses. Don't we make fun of everyone with total equality these days? You see stories - especially in manga/anime - all the time that have 'negative' takes on Jesus, churches, God, Christianity, pastors/priests, Catholicism, etc. And of course, in all media there are many satirical comments on Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. Suck it up already! Quite honestly, the only reason to react so strongly to this is because it hits too close to home. Are we supposed to pretend that Islam and the various Islamic countries don't exist? We're not allowed to make stories set in an Islamic locale - a middle eastern locale? When it comes to it, we should be able to mock out the religion, people, land, social practices and failures, and their god, etc. with complete immunity. After all, fair's fair. In the playground of the world, Islam is the crybaby 2 year old in pigtails that screams bloody murder at every splash of water and grain of sand. Pathetic.
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Joined: 28 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:46 am Reply with quote
AstroNerdBoy wrote:
What sickens me is how if a Muslim artist depicted someone wiping their rear with a Bible, that's fine because the Bible isn't the holy scriptures for them.

Uh, the Bible is holy scripture to Muslims. Specifically, the Tawrat/Torah, the Zabur/Book of Psalms, and the Injil/Gospels/New Testament are considered part of the Islamic holy books.


In other words, it would be as incongruous for a Muslim artist to depict someone wiping their rear with a Bible as it would for a Jewish or Christian artist, or a Muslim doing the same for the Qur'an.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:03 am Reply with quote
Whine, whine, whine.

No, i'm not talking about the reaction from Muslams to this.

I'm talking about the expected, immeidate knee-jerk response from anime fans that rush to the side of their favorite medium in biased defense, even if the opposing side really DOES have a legitimate beef in at least one case, every now and then.

And this is one of them.

Honestly, the entire fault of this controversy lies soley with the animators that, themselves majorly screwed up, by being stupid AND ignorant enough to go around throwing random text around when they are completly illiterate of it.

Sure, this happens all the time, even with "engrish" and such, but as amusing as some people have made that out to be (I, myself fail to see why people always think "engrish" is hilarious. It just shows ignorance), the fac tremains that it's still a screw up and a mistake that they, themselves have to take responsibility for.

Japanese culture is not the almighty culture that is beyond all critisism, anymore than any other country, nation or culture in the world is subject to critisism, especially, for instance, the United States, or literally anywhere else in the world.

But of course, when it centers around somethign like anime, here come the anime fanboys to immediaty defend somethign that, by all rights, IS a major screw up and does deserve critisism, and Islam DOES have a legitimate complaint here.

If one is going to even bother to let something be exported into another country, it's only good common sense that you don't go include an insensitive mistake that would expressly piss off the country it's being licensed to, for whatever reason.

It was a thoughtless maneuver and by all rights, should be taken to task for doing something so stupid. Just because it's in the realm of anime or manga or something else that, I may personally like, doesn't automatically excuse something like this just because I happen to be a fan of that particular cultural art style.

Truth be told, i've often personally been every bit critical of any culture for doing things that deserve it, even if I may like other aspects or exports from them..

Obviously I enjoy quite a few anime, obviously I enjoy quite a few manga. And I generally like Jojo. But that, in no way, excuses the fact that, no matter what spin some other anime fan or self-professed american otaku tries to put on this, they were in the wrong for what is, really, a stupid and embarrassing mistake that should be owned up to.

How many old anti-japanese animated shorts from the World War II era with Bugs Bunny have we sent over to Japan for them to enjoy? None, that's how many.

We don't expect them to buy our embarassing and sometimes racist past works, of which we've spent the last few decades trying to move on from... So why the hell should we expect Muslims to see JoJo reading the Qur'an while plotting a murder and not get angry about it?!?

That's absolutely and positively stupid on every single level and it doesn't matter how old it is.. if it's still an issue and nothing has been done to correct it, then they deserve full and unabashed criticism for this incredibly ignorant and insensitively idiotic oversight.

almost as stupid as trying to fight a war that we should have had no part in, stupidly sacraficing our own men, for people that clearly don't want us there. ...but i digress.

My point is that when any country does something insenstive, stupid, and/or makes an oversight this dumb, they deserve flack for it.

I don't care to play the "I likes anime so japan is never wrong" card.

The Muslims have a legitimate beef, here.

JoJo's Bizarre Advnture should be lucky if all that's happening is their sales being halted. They could have called for an outright ban and it would have been justified.

They are getting off light, imo.
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:11 am Reply with quote
KarmaRocketX wrote:
Whine, whine, whine.

No, i'm not talking about the reaction from Muslams to this.

I'm talking about the expected, immeidate knee-jerk response from anime

almost as stupid as trying to fight a war that we should have had no part in, stupidly sacraficing our own men, for people that clearly don't want us there. ...but i digress.

And there it is, folks.
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Joined: 28 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:25 am Reply with quote
connarii wrote:
Seriously. Talk about wusses. Don't we make fun of everyone with total equality these days?

But, the manga and the anime were not trying to make fun of Muslims. At least, they weren't trying to. According to the two companies, it was an honest mistake by the animators when they included something in the anime that wasn't in the manga--a mistake that the animators wish to correct in their own work.

You see stories - especially in manga/anime - all the time that have 'negative' takes on Jesus, churches, God, Christianity, pastors/priests, Catholicism, etc. And of course, in all media there are many satirical comments on Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. Suck it up already!

The same is true for Islam. Watch Back to the Future, many of the Hollywood action films, and many plots that require a generic world threat. But the difference in this case is that the animators said it was an accident--it wasn't done on purpose.

Quite honestly, the only reason to react so strongly to this is because it hits too close to home. Are we supposed to pretend that Islam and the various Islamic countries don't exist? We're not allowed to make stories set in an Islamic locale - a middle eastern locale? When it comes to it, we should be able to mock out the religion, people, land, social practices and failures, and their god, etc. with complete immunity.

Likewise, people should be able to protest an unintentional mistake--not a mocking--and the companies involved can acknowledge the honest mistake, correct it, and move on.

After all, fair's fair.

The right to say anything conversely allows the right for others to protest what was said.
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:28 am Reply with quote
Oh bo-hoo they have a koran reading villan. Poor babys.......they need a fresh t*t.

You don't see anyone else whining. In "Angel Sanctuary" they have angels portrated as evil, a non-existing God, and canibalism as the means angels reproduce, and I don't remember the cristians whinig and bitching about it.

But for muslams....oh heaven forbid we say anything bad about them in a manga/anime/book/movie.

Of course.....i'm actually only talking about the whiners. This was probaby started by 3-4 muslams anyway. I know a lot of muslam folk, and they are all really decent folk. I'm saying, theres no need to call ALL muslams names for what a couple tens of them said
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Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:37 am Reply with quote
Sheikh Abdul Hamid Al-Atrash wrote:
"The scene depicts Muslims as terrorists."

No it doesn't.
It shows one psychopath reading the Qur'an.

Well, what of it? Not exactly unheard of for crazy people to be reading the Qur'an now, is it?

Also: fiction.
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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:45 am Reply with quote
I don't care to play the "I likes anime so japan is never wrong" card.

Wow. If you'd been any more off base with your premise, you'd have been in the outfield. Rolling Eyes

Seriously, I don't give a rat's what country this picture came from. A picture of a villain reading the Koran/Bible/Torah/Book of Mormon is NOT OFFENSIVE. Period. Carping about it just makes you a wuss.

The Muslims have a legitimate beef, here.

Lolz. Really?? Any religious group that gets up in arms and riots over CARTOONS is a freaking joke, in my book.

And yes, Christians who protest over cartoons and Harry Potter are just as stupid; however at least they don't start riots and threaten death when something happens they don't like.

Explain to me why "Piss Christ" is supposedly "art"(and nobody riots over that), but a cartoon of a villain reading the Koran is "offensive". Confused

The hypocrisy of the political correctness crowd is so obvious it oozes out of my screen. I wish Muslims would get as upset about terrorists as they do cartoons. Then maybe they'd clean up their religion of the nutjobs.
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