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REVIEW: How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer Anime Series Review

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Joined: 30 Dec 2022
Posts: 43
PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Well there is a way that Tokiwa is going to be someone's favorite because he's mine! I do tend to like plain characters and ones that people don't notice as much so it's nothing new for me. If I had to explain why, I would say that he's reliable, kind, thoughtful and safe while also getting easily flustered which is cute. I also like black hair and sanpaku eyes (small irises) so that's a plus. I do think it would have helped if the show gave an explanation as to how Suo fell for him so hard!

Other than that I generally agree with the review. I did find Hagi a lot more annoying though and he was by far my least favorite character. It's good that him and Kohaku made the most romantic progress but the way to get there was kind of painful with him always second-guessing himself and screaming so much and Kohaku being way too oblivious.
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:37 pm Reply with quote
I liked this series much more than I expected to going in. Asagi and Fuji were my favorite pairing. Asagi's wide-eyed wonder at everything around him and unconditional acceptance of it all was fun, in part because he was having fun no matter what he was involved in. I also enjoyed Fuji's bemused observation of his reactions, which did not come across as her looking down on him or laughing at his expense. They're a perfect couple. Suo was pretty interesting herself, but she can do better than Tokiwa. Kohaku needs to get away from Hagi while she still can.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:27 pm Reply with quote
I really enjoyed this one! I wish the ships had sailed a bit more (AsagixFuji suffered from progressing so fast they left the other couples in the dust) but it was nice to get three ships and a fun twist on the romcom genre.

Also Asagi Best Boy and Doggo.
Nyapan wrote:
Well there is a way that Tokiwa is going to be someone's favorite because he's mine! I do tend to like plain characters and ones that people don't notice as much so it's nothing new for me. If I had to explain why, I would say that he's reliable, kind, thoughtful and safe while also getting easily flustered which is cute. I also like black hair and sanpaku eyes (small irises) so that's a plus. I do think it would have helped if the show gave an explanation as to how Suo fell for him so hard!

We also see a few times that Tokiwa is very considerate and attentive towards Suo at times, which I think helps explain why she fell for him and uses her "Prince" persona to seduce him, basically.
Other than that I generally agree with the review. I did find Hagi a lot more annoying though and he was by far my least favorite character. It's good that him and Kohaku made the most romantic progress but the way to get there was kind of painful with him always second-guessing himself and screaming so much and Kohaku being way too oblivious.

Yeah, I think Hagi and his hang-ups are almost universally seen as the weakest aspects of the show, especially for how great Kohaku is, though at the same time I guess the fact that they really addressed his questioning of his sexuality so much is pretty novel in and of itself.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:09 am Reply with quote
Good review (I'd have rated it higher but then I don't have to compromise on the "specifically for me" aspect...), but I feel like one particular issue I had with it wasn't mentioned: The character design isn't doing the core aspect of the show any favors. Sure, it's pleasant, but the women just don't look at all "masculine" when compared to the boys. Apart from weaking the "thematic core" (which honestly doesn't matter that much anyway, so I'll let it slide), it isn't much of an issue with Tokiwa and Asagi because they don't care. But Hagi's already annoying panic schtick becomes extra annoying when what he's looking at is very clearly a cute anime girl with a distinctly female voice... in a suit. It might just be part of the joke, but it makes a questionable joke even worse.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:27 am Reply with quote
cutslo wrote:
But Hagi's already annoying panic schtick becomes extra annoying when what he's looking at is very clearly a cute anime girl with a distinctly female voice... in a suit. It might just be part of the joke, but it makes a questionable joke even worse.
Why does it seem like all guys can effortlessly look like hot girls in anime, but girls dressing up as guys still look like girls? Laughing
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Joined: 23 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:40 pm Reply with quote
ChirashiD wrote:
cutslo wrote:
But Hagi's already annoying panic schtick becomes extra annoying when what he's looking at is very clearly a cute anime girl with a distinctly female voice... in a suit. It might just be part of the joke, but it makes a questionable joke even worse.
Why does it seem like all guys can effortlessly look like hot girls in anime, but girls dressing up as guys still look like girls? Laughing

I know you're joking, but usually those shows give all their characters, regardless of gender, the big ol' sparkly anime eyes - which this one goes out of its way not to do. What's even stranger is that the "NPC" drag kings actually do get the male version of the face design.

It's probably because it's based on a webcomic where the author could save a lot of effort by drawing everyone but the main girls with ¬¬ eyes, but I still find it suboptimal.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:34 pm Reply with quote
I started out disliking Haig the most, but by the end of it he was my favourite character.

Part of that is probably the fact that Hagi's questioning of his own sexuality has him jump straight to wondering if he's Bisexual, never assuming that if he likes guys he must be Gay. It is an experience that I've never really seen reflected in the media I consume.

While I can understand the perception that the resolution to his arc the season comes off as him "Just being Kohaku-sexual", but IMO Hagi is Bi. I feel like if Kohaku were to suddenly come out as a trans man, Hagi would still be down. In the first place, just because you're Bi doesn't mean you need to be attracted to an equal number of people from every gender.

Tokiwa & Suo are definitely the couple I find the most boring of the 3, but Asagi and Fuji's "don't realize they're already in a relationship" antics more than makes up for any Tokiwa/Suo parts that drag. Though I will definitely agree that I really wish the story would explain what attracted Suo to Tokiwa in the first place. I think that would go a long way to improve my opinions of them.
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