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REVIEW: Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? Anime Series Review

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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:07 pm Reply with quote
Richard Eisenbeis, from your review, you wrote:
Animation : D+

− A degradation in animation quality after the first few episodes that makes the series just barely watchable.

I take it this is the broadcast version you're watching (and using it for this review), and the home video/blu-ray release will fix those animation problems, right? Rolling Eyes

If this is the final product and those degraded animation quality appeared on blu-ray, then I can facepalm.

Disclaimer: this anime doesn't appeal to me (nor do I have any plan to watch it), but reading the review and the part I quoted above, makes me wonder if this anime you're using to review is the TV broadcast version, and not the final product that'll appear on home video/blu-ray with the bad animation on there.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2020
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:35 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Richard Eisenbeis, from your review, you wrote:
Animation : D+

− A degradation in animation quality after the first few episodes that makes the series just barely watchable.

I take it this is the broadcast version you're watching (and using it for this review), and the home video/blu-ray release will fix those animation problems, right? Rolling Eyes

If this is the final product and those degraded animation quality appeared on blu-ray, then I can facepalm.

Disclaimer: this anime doesn't appeal to me (nor do I have any plan to watch it), but reading the review and the part I quoted above, makes me wonder if this anime you're using to review is the TV broadcast version, and not the final product that'll appear on home video/blu-ray with the bad animation on there.

Very few BD releases fix major problems with animation, a lot of the time they'll just clean up some off model characters, adjust the scale/size and touch up background art and colouring.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:47 pm Reply with quote
If you think this is a B for the story then certainly you don't know what they did with it.
They even skipped an entire mini arc not to mention 1/3 of the material in general.
Many important things we didn't even see.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Will 2.5 Dimensional Seduction receive an end-of-season review?
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 6:37 pm Reply with quote
This series from the same original author as Our Last Crusade, and despite a completely different plot it has a very similar style and feel to it. I found it to be barely-passable as a low-mid tier offering and agree that the technical merits deteriorate as the series wore on. (Unfortunately, much like OLC.)
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Joined: 14 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:44 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Richard Eisenbeis, from your review, you wrote:
Animation : D+

− A degradation in animation quality after the first few episodes that makes the series just barely watchable.

I take it this is the broadcast version you're watching (and using it for this review), and the home video/blu-ray release will fix those animation problems, right? Rolling Eyes

If this is the final product and those degraded animation quality appeared on blu-ray, then I can facepalm.

Disclaimer: this anime doesn't appeal to me (nor do I have any plan to watch it), but reading the review and the part I quoted above, makes me wonder if this anime you're using to review is the TV broadcast version, and not the final product that'll appear on home video/blu-ray with the bad animation on there.

(1) Crunchyroll does NOT update the shows in their catalog with the BD/DVD version. And for TV anime, reviewers review whatever version is in official sites, not whatever appears in pirate sites.

(2) If an anime has horrible art and animation in the broadcast version, it should be called out. The streaming services who paid the licensor are most likely using the broadcast version of the show for simulcast, and that version was the one that was watched by the majority of paying CR subscribers. Studios shouldn't be passing off sloppy work for TV broadcast. This isn't 2006 anymore.

(3) With studios being overburdened by projects and BD/DVD sales being surpassed by streaming and some shows outright NOT releasing home video anymore, are they even fixing up animation errors? This isn't 2006 anymore.

(4) With respect to "Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World", the show has massive art and animation issues since Episode 4 that they would need substantial amount of rework to get it to a watchable state.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Glordit wrote:

Very few BD releases fix major problems with animation, a lot of the time they'll just clean up some off model characters, adjust the scale/size and touch up background art and colouring.

The reason I brought this up is because well in the past you probably know about the infamous Naruto's Pain incident or Dragon Ball Super having bad animation (particularly, this scene which became a bit of a meme, which were fixed up for the home video and later streaming) when it comes to bad animation:

I better hope they fixed that animation for the home video release, otherwise, are we going to have another Gundoh Musashi, or is this going to be another Lost Universe, like this:

Source of these pictures: Resetera forum, and ANN's Mike Toole's article from 2014 about lousy animation in anime

Yep, the pictures above are really real bad animation from past anime (that had to be fixed, or re-drawn as a result of that), and this particular title in the review is not the first time I've read and seen bad animation.

I better hope Why does Nobody Remember Me In This World?'s animation doesn't become another Lost Universe judging from Richard's review.

Ermat_46 wrote:

(1) Crunchyroll does NOT update the shows in their catalog with the BD/DVD version. And for TV anime, reviewers review whatever version is in official sites, not whatever appears in pirate sites.

(2) If an anime has horrible art and animation in the broadcast version, it should be called out. The streaming services who paid the licensor are most likely using the broadcast version of the show for simulcast, and that version was the one that was watched by the majority of paying CR subscribers. Studios shouldn't be passing off sloppy work for TV broadcast. This isn't 2006 anymore.

(3) With studios being overburdened by projects and BD/DVD sales being surpassed by streaming and some shows outright NOT releasing home video anymore, are they even fixing up animation errors? This isn't 2006 anymore.

(4) With respect to "Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World", the show has massive art and animation issues since Episode 4 that they would need substantial amount of rework to get it to a watchable state.

I'm already aware of this, thank you. I'm a long time anime fan like you, so I'm very very familiar with whatever you said (although as I said in my first post, this anime is not my cup of tea).

Funny thing is I stopped watching fansub anime (with some exceptions) because of the anime that the fansubbers use is from the TV broadcast version which contain not only bad animation, but censorship (censored as in nudity gone, or violent death being altered or censored). So a lot of my fansub anime I used to watch was censored or heavily censored to some major degree.

So yeah, I would be worried if the home video/blu-ray release for this anime didn't fix these bad animation. Otherwise, this anime will become something close to Gundoh Musashi, or if they fixed it, it would be pair alongside Lost Universe.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2020
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:12 am Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Glordit wrote:

Very few BD releases fix major problems with animation, a lot of the time they'll just clean up some off model characters, adjust the scale/size and touch up background art and colouring.

The reason I brought this up is because well in the past you probably know about the infamous Naruto's Pain incident or Dragon Ball Super having bad animation (particularly, this scene which became a bit of a meme, which were fixed up for the home video and later streaming) when it comes to bad animation:

I better hope they fixed that animation for the home video release, otherwise, are we going to have another Gundoh Musashi, or is this going to be another Lost Universe, like this:

Source of these pictures: Resetera forum, and ANN's Mike Toole's article from 2014 about lousy animation in anime

Yep, the pictures above are really real bad animation from past anime (that had to be fixed, or re-drawn as a result of that), and this particular title in the review is not the first time I've read and seen bad animation.

I better hope Why does Nobody Remember Me In This World?'s animation doesn't become another Lost Universe judging from Richard's review.

Ermat_46 wrote:

(1) Crunchyroll does NOT update the shows in their catalog with the BD/DVD version. And for TV anime, reviewers review whatever version is in official sites, not whatever appears in pirate sites.

(2) If an anime has horrible art and animation in the broadcast version, it should be called out. The streaming services who paid the licensor are most likely using the broadcast version of the show for simulcast, and that version was the one that was watched by the majority of paying CR subscribers. Studios shouldn't be passing off sloppy work for TV broadcast. This isn't 2006 anymore.

(3) With studios being overburdened by projects and BD/DVD sales being surpassed by streaming and some shows outright NOT releasing home video anymore, are they even fixing up animation errors? This isn't 2006 anymore.

(4) With respect to "Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World", the show has massive art and animation issues since Episode 4 that they would need substantial amount of rework to get it to a watchable state.

I'm already aware of this, thank you. I'm a long time anime fan like you, so I'm very very familiar with whatever you said (although as I said in my first post, this anime is not my cup of tea).

Funny thing is I stopped watching fansub anime (with some exceptions) because of the anime that the fansubbers use is from the TV broadcast version which contain not only bad animation, but censorship (censored as in nudity gone, or violent death being altered or censored). So a lot of my fansub anime I used to watch was censored or heavily censored to some major degree.

So yeah, I would be worried if the home video/blu-ray release for this anime didn't fix these bad animation. Otherwise, this anime will become something close to Gundoh Musashi, or if they fixed it, it would be pair alongside Lost Universe.

From fishing around my memory, I recall that, Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon's Blu-ray fixed up some bad art, but the animation wasn't really touched up or fixed with some scenes still being the same as broadcast.

Ayakashi Triangle also had some weird animation at points, the BD was delayed, so was the show but it seemed like that was done in order to finish the series. Other than some art it looked like the Broadcast version is basically the same as the BD.

Shuumatsu no Harem barely had any animation in the "extra" scenes on the BD, the scenes where it was all still images (for non NSFW scenes) have some animation but I found some scenes where characters were talking but had no facial features and thus nothing to animate.

This scene from Nanatsu no Taizai is still in the Blu-ray.

It also has exact same 2-3 frames of animation as well. The entire 3rd season is just badly animated with minimal fixes at all.

This is also from the 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru S2 Blu-ray.

Unless the studio is known for fixing things, getting it right the first time, or the production ran into serious problems and they had time to re-drawn entire scenes, then this is what we get.

Sorry that this got off-topic!
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:20 am Reply with quote
This wasn't too bad, but I was a bit disappointed (from what I remember) with how it handled the core changes in the world.
For example, if I remember correctly, humanity won centuries (~500 years?) prior to the start of the story taking place in a near future modern world. However, in the alternate history/parallel world this didn't happen, yet it seems like humanity only lost a few decades at most if you go based on their cities and technology.
So somehow humanity is completely overpowered, but at the same time managed to hold out for centuries to advance to nearly the same point as the original world? (I won't even harp on the point about how it wouldn't make sense for the same people to be born when humanity is being wiped out compared to the peaceful world)
I guess they could be going for a "the time line is all messed up because of people messing with time" thing, but if so, I don't remember that being clear.
Also, if the other 4 races are fighting to fix things from the changes made by Last Riser, that would mean that they would go back to being sealed, right? Or do they think they'll just be let out of the seal after?
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 10:09 am Reply with quote
The story sounded interesting and worth watching, but anime is a visual medium. The story is not enough to save it from bad animation. As mentioned in the review and an earlier post, the story itself suffers from the animation adaptation. While good animation and direction can sometimes save a poor story, a good story cannot save poor animation. Especially when they tease you with passable animation in the beginning.

I will probably stream the first couple of episodes, to see the good parts, but if the animation is really that bad and does get worse after soon after.........
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Joined: 08 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 10:11 am Reply with quote
This was a kind of guilty pleasure for me as it aired; would throw it on while doing something else and turn my brain off for a bit. I think of it as one of those shows that hinted an interesting world without ever actually building or exhibiting one.
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Joined: 18 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:36 am Reply with quote
The story itself was intriguing. I was interested in watching this show to see how the premise was handled.

And yes, it felt to be rushed on some parts. The animation was solid in the first episodes (especially in the fighting scenes) but became "okay"-ish in the later episodes. A drop in quality was recognizable but it was not as bad as in SasaYaku or in the second season of Our Last Crusade which was interrupted airing after EP5 and is yet to restart on an unknown date.

I really loved the third ED of the show. The OP was my kind of music as well. The overall OST did not stick out that much.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:07 am Reply with quote
Elfensjón wrote:
The story itself was intriguing. I was interested in watching this show to see how the premise was handled.

And yes, it felt to be rushed on some parts. The animation was solid in the first episodes (especially in the fighting scenes) but became "okay"-ish in the later episodes. A drop in quality was recognizable but it was not as bad as in SasaYaku or in the second season of Our Last Crusade which was interrupted airing after EP5 and is yet to restart on an unknown date.

I really loved the third ED of the show. The OP was my kind of music as well. The overall OST did not stick out that much.

the main reason why i watched it cause i liked our last crusade or the rise of a new world and was interested in this author's new work.

as for whether it will get the "read the books" treatment, it remains to be seen considering that our last crusade did get a season 2 after all!

[b] also, SHOULD ANYONE here be surprised that this series got rushed? [ /b]

kadokawa rarely if ever give a full adaptation for any series, otherwise most adaptations would more or less exceed their 12 ep per season limitations!

and this series is no exception!
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