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Joined: 14 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 12:21 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if the reviewer is going to review the other episodes weekly, or if this is just a one-off thing, given that the TV version is just a re-cut of the 2 films.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2020
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 12:35 pm Reply with quote
Ermat_46 wrote:
I wonder if the reviewer is going to review the other episodes weekly, or if this is just a one-off thing, given that the TV version is just a re-cut of the 2 films.

There's going to be a lot more content than the films though. Also, the film reviews were vague on the details since most of the audience wouldn't have seen it in Japanese, so I can see the TV version reviews getting more in depth when there is no need to hold back on spoilers.
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Richard Eisenbeis
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 8:45 pm Reply with quote
blahmoomoo wrote:
Ermat_46 wrote:
I wonder if the reviewer is going to review the other episodes weekly, or if this is just a one-off thing, given that the TV version is just a re-cut of the 2 films.

There's going to be a lot more content than the films though. Also, the film reviews were vague on the details since most of the audience wouldn't have seen it in Japanese, so I can see the TV version reviews getting more in depth when there is no need to hold back on spoilers.

Pretty much exactly this. I plan on reviewing every episode of the series and delving headlong into all the spoiler-tastic things I couldn't in the film reviews.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Given that "episode 0" aired essentially the same day the second film premiered in Japanese movie theaters, my hypothesis is that it is intended to serve more as as classic Japanese media-mix "bonus content" for theatergoers and less as an introductory episode for first-time viewers, who definitely should start with episode 1.

Having read the manga, there is certainly a second half to this epilogue; my prediction is that we'll see it as the final episode of the TV series, given that this second half also includes the final chapter of the story as a whole. (The films rearrange the order in which information is given to the audience pretty significantly, although I think the new structure achieves its purpose well.)
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Joined: 11 Sep 2020
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PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 1:42 pm Reply with quote
Word of caution.

Crunchyroll doesn't seem to be subbing the show. Ocean Productions is doing the dub, and they just took the dub script and made the subs for the show, which are laughably bad. There are so many mistimed lines and weird phrases words which make it much harder to follow. The timing of the subs is either too quick, or too slow as it's all timed to the dub which has words added or removed.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2022
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:05 pm Reply with quote
Glordit wrote:
Word of caution.

Crunchyroll doesn't seem to be subbing the show. Ocean Productions is doing the dub, and they just took the dub script and made the subs for the show, which are laughably bad. There are so many mistimed lines and weird phrases words which make it much harder to follow. The timing of the subs is either too quick, or too slow as it's all timed to the dub which has words added or removed.

I was wondering why the subs seemed to be "taking liberties" much more than usual. Is this a management decision to cut costs, or an individual translator slacking off? Neither is acceptable service.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2020
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:10 pm Reply with quote
Aerdra wrote:
Glordit wrote:
Word of caution.

Crunchyroll doesn't seem to be subbing the show. Ocean Productions is doing the dub, and they just took the dub script and made the subs for the show, which are laughably bad. There are so many mistimed lines and weird phrases words which make it much harder to follow. The timing of the subs is either too quick, or too slow as it's all timed to the dub which has words added or removed.

I was wondering why the subs seemed to be "taking liberties" much more than usual. Is this a management decision to cut costs, or an individual translator slacking off? Neither is acceptable service.

I also discovered that the dub has translated signs but the subbed version does not.

One can only assume that Crunchyroll is just a distributor for the "English" version but hopefully they inform Ocean Productions that their quality of work is atrocious or they do it themselves. The foreign language subtitles seem to all be done by Crunchyroll. It's just English which is not.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:33 pm Reply with quote
Despite being a native Portuguese speaker, I usually watch Crunchyroll's streams with English subs because their Brazillian Portuguese subs are often translated from English instead of the original Japanese, and I don't care for second-hand translations.

However, thanks to the fact that this show's licensor is apparently forcing Crunchyroll to stream it with English dubtitles that don't translate any of the on-screen text, I've been watching it with Portuguese subs instead, and guess what: they definitely read as as if they were translated from English, which means somewhere there are decent English subtitle scripts commissioned by CR that are more faithful to the original dialogue, include on-screen text translations and simply aren't being allowed to get added to the streams. That just boggles the mind.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:29 pm Reply with quote
In defense of Ocean, as someone who works in localization (but obviously not at Ocean), materials are usually sent to the partner and then THEY send materials to streaming partners, rather than Ocean directly. Re: the subtitles, I would believe that a dub captions track got crossed with a real subtitle track on the licensor end, especially since I don't think this was the case with episode 0? (I didn't watch it per most people's recommendation.) I cannot imagine any self-respecting localization company would just not hire a translator, especially since you generally need a sub track to make a dub track.

The audio mistake is definitely theirs, unless it's the off-chance that this was caught ahead of time, a fix was sent over, and someone still sent CR the wrong version. This is definitely possible, but feels more unlikely.

The one thing I will say is that there is always more urgency at the outsource company vs. the licensor hiring them, and the amount of times I've run into issues because the licensor simply didn't care enough is uncountable. And, because the dubbing company is on for only the project, they get the brunt of the vitriol from the company and public if it's something as popular as anime.

Hopefully the issue gets fixed soon, especially since I'd like to watch the episode, lol.
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Joined: 16 Jul 2016
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:03 pm Reply with quote
It's not as if other companies like Hidive/Sentai (and to a lesser extent, Crunchyroll) don't take liberties with their script and the subtitles, so while I don't think making the script the dubtitles is perfect I don't understand why this one suddenly has everyone up in arms. Could it be better, sure, but I'm surprised this is what's too far.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:02 am Reply with quote
Dubtitles are unacceptable, hopefully it gets fixed because it is a problem and not to be downplayed.

Makes me wonder if this was too much for Ocean, have they done simuldub before? They probably aren't used to this like other studios.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:08 am Reply with quote
igiari21 wrote:
It's not as if other companies like Hidive/Sentai (and to a lesser extent, Crunchyroll) don't take liberties with their script and the subtitles, so while I don't think making the script the dubtitles is perfect I don't understand why this one suddenly has everyone up in arms. Could it be better, sure, but I'm surprised this is what's too far.

I think it comes down to the reasoning for potential adjustments to the script. Translations for subtitles have nuance to them, but a dub will likely need more deviation for it to flow and sound more natural in the given language. I'm not one to say translations need to be "literal" but there also isn't a need for it to incorporate those changes in the subbed version.

That said, I could see this being like FlowerAiko said, files got crossed somewhere, especially since dubtitles fell out of favor a long time ago.

levonr wrote:
Dubtitles are unacceptable, hopefully it gets fixed because it is a problem and not to be downplayed.

Makes me wonder if this was too much for Ocean, have they done simuldub before? They probably aren't used to this like other studios.

Not that I can think of, and Ocean has been pretty limited in anime dubbing in general. It's kind of a shame to see them stumble out of the gate like this, but these also seem like fixable issues.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:49 pm Reply with quote
I hope they don't take overly long to fix these issues. Between that and the weird Episode 0 release, it sure feels like the universe is going out of its way to stop me from seeing this show.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:06 pm Reply with quote
It's hard for me to believe a company that's been around for as long as Ocean has would try passing off dubtitles as the real thing. A proper Japanese translation has to exist somewhere. The dub itself credits two separate people for the translation and English script. Hopefully that's just the result of some mix up (like mistakenly uploading the dub's captions instead of the proper subtitle track) and those involved can get things fixed.

The audio goof is sloppy work (I know Sentai's done that at least once with their simuldubs), but I can see how someone rushing through QC could miss it. The dialogue is just narration before the OP. If you weren't referencing the Japanese version, you could easily think the silence is for lingering establishing shots. The dubtitles obviously suggest that audio was recorded, lol.

It's a shame to see them trip up for a couple of reasons. The show deserves better than to have some of its conversation clogged up with this. This is also a shot Ocean rarely gets and it's clear they put work into this. The dub has some properly localized on-screen text, which is almost unheard of in the non-kids anime space these days.

levonr wrote:
Makes me wonder if this was too much for Ocean, have they done simuldub before? They probably aren't used to this like other studios.

Blue Water's Bushiroad stuff has quick turnarounds. Buddyfight was initially a same-day simuldub for 91 episodes. There were a few Cardfight!! Vanguard seasons that had their dubs debut a few weeks after their Japanese broadcast. I couldn't tell you if Ocean were responsible for subbing either of those shows, though.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:43 am Reply with quote
I disagree with the idea that watching episode 0 before episode 1 is a bad idea if you, like me, are coming in with no knowledge of this title. I really enjoyed episode 0 and it colored my experience of watching episode 1 in a good way. I'm sure I would have enjoyed the first episode regardless but seeing episode 0 first was additive for me. There is no right or wrong about this, ymmw, but I found episode 0 a very intriguing introduction to the show.
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