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NEWS: Live-Action Dragonball Film Casts Bulma, Mai, Yamcha

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Joined: 18 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Emmy Rossum got signed? I'm kinda excited now. <.< >.>
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Joined: 20 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:14 pm Reply with quote
I'm really hoping that this will be better then im expecting. I'm assuming it will be fairly high budget so I suppose it could be interesting.... but... I really don't see this being good. Im expecting something fairly corny and all of the action it will be quite difficult I would imagine, but thats a given I suppose.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:16 pm Reply with quote
I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE! I don't think Rossum would be my best pic for Bulma, but Spike from Buffy would make a great Piccalo. I'm excited. They now have to do a hollywood movie for Sailor Moon.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:23 pm Reply with quote
Mai? Looks like Pilaf's gonna be in the movie too.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:16 pm Reply with quote
This movie probably has the strangest casting I've ever seen. Half the cast is Asian, half isn't. It'll be odd seeing Emmy Rossum being a blue haired hot-head. ^^;
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Animefan16 wrote:
Mai? Looks like Pilaf's gonna be in the movie too.

I wonder how Shiro is going to pulled off?

I mean, he's a half dog half human ninja (Which, if ya think about it, is quite awesome. Remember kids, Toriyama invented Ninja dogs LONG before Kishimoto did!), so, unless they're gonna have awesome special effects (Which at this stage, I am expecting), than this is gonna suck.

Also, I expect Bulma to have blonde hair, rather than blue (they're gonna make some changes, and this'll probably be one of those).
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Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Huh? I thought Dragonball Z's cast was predominantly Japanese?

People flipped when it was suggested that the live action Eva film might have a multiracial cast, myself included. You wouldn't have an all-Malaysian line-up for a movie set about the American civil war, so why fudge with this? I suppose having it set in modern times could have to do with it; in fact, if they could somehow address their odd casting choices with something like reincarnation it could be interesting.

But I wonder, is this so that the film will better appeal to American audiences? God forbid that in modern times people enjoy something FOREIGN. I for one would feel injured that people assume I need everything sanitized for my sensitive western tastes. Even from an artistic standpoint, reworking something purely for the sake of marketability is more than a little sickening to me. If they can make it work, cheers to them. Anybody else in my boat?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:55 pm Reply with quote
dewlwieldthedarpachief wrote:
Huh? I thought Dragonball Z's cast was predominantly Japanese?

People flipped when it was suggested that the live action Eva film might have a multiracial cast, myself included. You wouldn't have an all-Malaysian line-up for a movie set about the American civil war, so why fudge with this? I suppose having it set in modern times could have to do with it; in fact, if they could somehow address their odd casting choices with something like reincarnation it could be interesting.

But I wonder, is this so that the film will better appeal to American audiences? God forbid that in modern times people enjoy something FOREIGN. I for one would feel injured that people assume I need everything sanitized for my sensitive western tastes. Even from an artistic standpoint, reworking something purely for the sake of marketability is more than a little sickening to me. If they can make it work, cheers to them. Anybody else in my boat?

I don't think they picked one ethnicity to appeal to the American audience, I think they picked actors from both sides of the Pacific. I don't mean to sound insulting when I say this, (don't take offence) but I found your statment a little contradicting. You were against an all American cast, yet was against a cast that had many ethnicities. I do agree that some character would be better suited being Asian, but Bulma and Piccolo don't have to be Asian because Piccolo isn't Asian and he looks as if any ethnicity can pull him off. I wouldn't mind seeing a cast of different ethnicties in this movie because why discriminate between ethnicties? DB does take place all over the world.

Last edited by mistress_reebi on Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:21 am Reply with quote
mistress_reebi wrote:

I don't think they picked one ethnicity to appeal to the American audience, I think they picked actors from both sides of the Pacific. I don't mean to sound insulting when I say this, (don't take offence) but I found your statment a little contradicting. You were against an all American cast, yet was against a cast that had many ethnicities. I do agree that some character would be better suited being Asian, but Bulma and Piccolo don't have to be Asian because Piccolo isn't Asian and Bulma looks as if any ethnicity can pull her off. I wouldn't mind seeing a cast of different ethnicties in this movie because why discriminate between ethnicties? DB does take place all over the world.

Yes, that's exactly why I was careful to say predominantly Japanese. I knew that when I was writing that, I could very easily sound like I was against racial equality; that ISN'T at all what I'm talking about. I actually don't know that much about DBZ, but I do recognize that there's a trend with things such as Japanese horror films to domesticate them for western distribution.

On the other hand, films like Equilibrium, Kill Bill, and The Bourne Identity all seem to enjoy more or less intact releases in Japan and other Asian countries. It bothers me that somehow content that isn't necessarily compatible with American culture must be made such. I realize that this is just me getting excited over a few very well random things; I'm not trying to disperse conspiracy theory BS. What I AM doing is asking whether or not people agree that this is a valid view and hopefully there is input and we have discussion.

I'll admit, I get excited about some things a trite too easy. I wonder what other people are thinking about this though.

EDIT: I also mentioned that a relevant and clever integration of said cast could be good. Actually, I think its really an issue of whether or not the script is up to the task of holding everything down before the cast even comes into question - if this is the case then we're surely better off with skillful changes than lame adherence. It does nag at me that maybe there is a less noble reason however. I think its a relevant question.

Last edited by dewlwieldthedarpachief on Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:26 am Reply with quote
Raoh wrote:
Animefan16 wrote:
Mai? Looks like Pilaf's gonna be in the movie too.

I wonder how Shiro is going to pulled off?

I mean, he's a half dog half human ninja (Which, if ya think about it, is quite awesome. Remember kids, Toriyama invented Ninja dogs LONG before Kishimoto did!), so, unless they're gonna have awesome special effects (Which at this stage, I am expecting), than this is gonna suck.

Also, I expect Bulma to have blonde hair, rather than blue (they're gonna make some changes, and this'll probably be one of those).

They're probably not going to use special effects just to make a half-dog half ninja. My guess is that they'll either omit the character or change his character so that he is a human.

Also, I think they'll save all the special effects for the kamehameha wave. I'll be pissed if they don't even include one kamehameha Mad ; That's the trademark of DBZ!
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:59 am Reply with quote
Well, technically there aren't any nationalities in Dragon Ball, because there don't seem to be any real nations on the Earth of Dragon Ball. That doesn't mean there aren't ethnicities, though, but Son Goku doesn't seem to be any more Asian than Arale from Dr. Slump (whose Penguin Village apparently exists in the same world). Although, Upa and Bora seem to be charactatures of stereotypical Native Americans.

Anyway, maybe I'm in denial, but I'm still hoping this is some kind of demented fever dream of a corporate executive and eventually the studio will come to their sense and not produce this debacle.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:18 am Reply with quote
ya dragonball is set in an alternate world where dinosaurs and blue flying cats, along with flying cars are normal. If it were to set in any nation though, it would most likely set in China. I've seen more chinese influence than japanese in db. Of course, Goku is based on Wukong the monkey king in Journey to the West.
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Joined: 06 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:19 am Reply with quote
Joon Park? Don't they mean Jeong Ji Hoon? If that case, holy cow. Bi signed up to be Yamcha. HELL YEAH! He's at the forefront of the Korean wave sweeping across the world. He's the Justin Timberlake of Asia, man, but a versatile and dynamic actor on top of it. This is great news!! I was excited before, and now I'm ten times as excited. I can't wait!!

I just read the DB/DBZ manga front to back last week, and it made me all nostalgic and so totally anxious for this movie to come out. Hope they portray the characters well.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:32 am Reply with quote
Animefan16 wrote:
ya dragonball is set in an alternate world where dinosaurs and blue flying cats, along with flying cars are normal. If it were to set in any nation though, it would most likely set in China. I've seen more chinese influence than japanese in db. Of course, Goku is based on Wukong the monkey king in Journey to the West.

Thats a good point. I wonder what the creator thinks about all this.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:02 am Reply with quote
Toriyama had some involvement back a few years ago but left for some reason.
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