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Joined: 02 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:12 am Reply with quote
I hope that Geneon USA gets their distribution issues resolved soon so we can get the opportunity to purchase the rest of this series. Karin's too good of a series to be stuck in R1 limbo.

And I do agree with the comment made in the review about Chelsea Curto. She and Hilary Blazer-Doyle (Maki) are now at the point that they are very comfortable with their characters, and I love how they sound together. I've been impressed with how Chelsea been improving in her delivery and her handling of the titular character with each episode, and it's making for a very believable, enjoyable performance. She and Hilary's Maki sound very cute together (and I love the cover to Vol. #3 - one of the cutest covers to come out this year. Cool ).

From all of the bad rep that Odex has been getting over the months, their dub to Karin is getting better and better. Let's hope we'll be able to obtain the rest of the series, especially since Elda Marker makes her debut in Vol. #4, and I'm curious to hear her English voice.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:22 pm Reply with quote
I think the day after I finished watching this volume was the day that the Geneon and ADV deal fell through. It does end on a big cliffhanger, the biggest yet for this series. I'll be glad when everything is straightened out and hopefully this resumes release.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:44 am Reply with quote
I'm surprised that the music part of the review doesn't mention Karin's heavy use of classic music. If I remember correctly all three DVDs use a good amount of classical music only surpassed by Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I find this choice a bit odd, but overall the effect works.

The second thing that I noticed is in the traditional Odex fashion the spellings are British. I remember at least one point where Winner refers to himself as honourable.

One of my favorite things about the series is Winner's poor Japanese, which is something that I can relate (along with the siblings in Beck) with. I love it when Japanese Seiyuu perform accents, much like that Chinese blade girl in the last arc of Black Lagoon. This might stem from the fact that my Japanese is often lacking.

I will miss this series and hope someone will pick it up. In a recent thread someone asked if there are any shounen romance series with female protagonists. While the list of shounen action series with female leads is a fairly long list there really are not very many romance series (School Rumble comes to mind) with female main characters.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:15 am Reply with quote
Randall Miyashiro wrote:
I'm surprised that the music part of the review doesn't mention Karin's heavy use of classic music. If I remember correctly all three DVDs use a good amount of classical music only surpassed by Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I find this choice a bit odd, but overall the effect works.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. Not exactly your normal comedy anime music fare. I thought it was a nice touch to the show myself.

This is one of the handful of titles I wish would've, and still might, get finished its production. It's not ground breaking or some brilliant piece but it is entertaining and funny. My gf actually got vol 1 at the ANN panel at Otakon for asking a question. We watched it and she thought it was just funny and wonderful which meant there went more money of mine heh. While not as enthusiastic as her over the show I have enjoyed it and found it an enjoyable watch. The characters and situations are funny and it doesn't seem to push the comedy too hard as some other shows do. I know a friend of mine disagrees with me on that opinion but I stand by it. The dubs aren't exactly the best but I have heard worse.

Oh and Randall, another female lead driven romance series would be Diamond Daydreams. It's a bunch of shorter stories true but they're all female leads (if I remember right....my memory sucks lately).
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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:14 am Reply with quote
I'm sure a bad combanation of bad dub and the current climeate of fear of Odex realy didn't help KArin's case.
TP's stupidity with the manga's name did NOT help, ether.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:36 am Reply with quote
While I'll agree the dub is improving, it still is weak. The animation by J.C. Staff is a dissappointment as well. Being a big fan of the manga, I would prefer it followed it a little more closely. That all being said, this show is enjoyable, and I hope it gets completed, and sooner rather than later. Of course, it's anyones guess how the whole Geneon mess will end up shaking out. the more I think about it, the sadder I get.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:26 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:

Oh and Randall, another female lead driven romance series would be Diamond Daydreams. It's a bunch of shorter stories true but they're all female leads (if I remember right....my memory sucks lately).

I love that series which is a pure romance series unlike most of these shounen romance series which tend to mix in a good amount of humor. I've always considered the one hour format better than the half, and this series capitalized on it very well. The series really has a mature slant to it and I forget that it was based of a Hudson game targeted to boys! I highly recommend this series to everyone who likes shows like Human Crossing and Takahashi Anthology. Thank you Psycho for reminding me of this series. I thought I was the only one here who had seen it Razz
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Joined: 28 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:57 pm Reply with quote
Randall Miyashiro wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:

Oh and Randall, another female lead driven romance series would be Diamond Daydreams. It's a bunch of shorter stories true but they're all female leads (if I remember right....my memory sucks lately).

I love that series which is a pure romance series unlike most of these shounen romance series which tend to mix in a good amount of humor. I've always considered the one hour format better than the half, and this series capitalized on it very well. The series really has a mature slant to it and I forget that it was based of a Hudson game targeted to boys! I highly recommend this series to everyone who likes shows like Human Crossing and Takahashi Anthology. Thank you Psycho for reminding me of this series. I thought I was the only one here who had seen it Razz

Trust me, you aren't the only one, I own this series too! Great show, and a solid dub if you're into them. Interestingly enough, ADV did the same thing Odex did with the name Karin, pronouncing it Karen. Probably my only complaint with that dub.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:49 pm Reply with quote
snl67 wrote:
Randall Miyashiro wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:

Oh and Randall, another female lead driven romance series would be Diamond Daydreams. It's a bunch of shorter stories true but they're all female leads (if I remember right....my memory sucks lately).

I love that series which is a pure romance series unlike most of these shounen romance series which tend to mix in a good amount of humor. I've always considered the one hour format better than the half, and this series capitalized on it very well. The series really has a mature slant to it and I forget that it was based of a Hudson game targeted to boys! I highly recommend this series to everyone who likes shows like Human Crossing and Takahashi Anthology. Thank you Psycho for reminding me of this series. I thought I was the only one here who had seen it Razz

Trust me, you aren't the only one, I own this series too! Great show, and a solid dub if you're into them. Interestingly enough, ADV did the same thing Odex did with the name Karin, pronouncing it Karen. Probably my only complaint with that dub.

It's supposed to be pronounced karin/car-in right?
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:55 am Reply with quote
snl67 wrote:
Randall Miyashiro wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:

Oh and Randall, another female lead driven romance series would be Diamond Daydreams. It's a bunch of shorter stories true but they're all female leads (if I remember right....my memory sucks lately).
I love that series which is a pure romance series unlike most of these shounen romance series which tend to mix in a good amount of humor. I've always considered the one hour format better than the half, and this series capitalized on it very well. The series really has a mature slant to it and I forget that it was based of a Hudson game targeted to boys! I highly recommend this series to everyone who likes shows like Human Crossing and Takahashi Anthology. Thank you Psycho for reminding me of this series. I thought I was the only one here who had seen it Razz
Trust me, you aren't the only one, I own this series too! Great show, and a solid dub if you're into them. Interestingly enough, ADV did the same thing Odex did with the name Karin, pronouncing it Karen. Probably my only complaint with that dub.
I'll add to this quote about Diamond Daydreams as well -- I was interested in it awhile back, and was surprised to find (while searching for fansubs) that ADV had licensed it -- at the time, it was the antithesis of typical "ADV Anime." I'd also add Sentimental Journey (released sub-only by Media-Blasters awhile back) as another anthology-style romance anime based on one of "those" games, but with female main characters.

Unfortunately, I hadn't purchased this volume before hearing about the Geneon shutdown, so for now I'm putting a hold on it. Nice to hear that the Odex dub has improved some more -- I wasn't completely turned off by it in the first two volumes, so I'm looking forward to hearing more...eventually Sad The pool episode was painfully cliche to me, especially since Karin experienced a magical temporary growth spurt in all the right areas. (It's not that large breasts are bad, but some consistency would be nice.) But the continued misadventures of Kenta's mom and Karin's trip to the edge of sanity are worthwhile. I don't really mind that it's not like the manga -- Winner was highly amusing to me, since I saw the anime first, it doesn't seem like such a corruption. At least I can go on buying the manga and novel volumes.

And yes, the name should be [kah-reen], not [kæ-ren]. Luckily, Odex's other flaws make that name gaffe easier to overlook. The British spellings didn't bother me though -- if I can handle it in the ARIA franchise fansubs that come out of Australia, I can handle it in Odex's release. Now to find out if Odex drew "inspiration" from fansubs for this series Evil or Very Mad
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Randall Miyashiro

Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:26 am Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:

And yes, the name should be [kah-reen], not [kæ-ren]. Luckily, Odex's other flaws make that name gaffe easier to overlook. The British spellings didn't bother me though -- if I can handle it in the ARIA franchise fansubs that come out of Australia, I can handle it in Odex's release. Now to find out if Odex drew "inspiration" from fansubs for this series Evil or Very Mad

I still haven't listened to the English track, but I assume that the name (like the Karin in X who spells her name in Kanji) is from the Japanese name. Ren and Anju sound Japanese, so I assumed that Karin was also a Japanese name. Doesn't the family name Maaka have a kanji version too? Also the title Karin is listed in hiragana which is usually reserved for Japanese names, as opposed to katakana which is used for foreigners.
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