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NEWS: Viz Media, Manga Plus Publish Bleach 1-Shot in English

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Joined: 26 Jul 2021
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:42 am Reply with quote
BLEACH is super important and yet nobody commented on this yet :0
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Joined: 10 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:01 am Reply with quote
Not many people care for one-shots but this is a great potential sequel.
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Scion Drake

Joined: 25 Nov 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:16 am Reply with quote
Hahah and they said Bleach was dead. We just got a start for a whole brand spanking new arc. Cool

If anything does come of this then hopefully Kubo found himself a much healthier schedule. Poor guy nearly killed himself making the original manga.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:24 pm Reply with quote
Scion Drake wrote:

If anything does come of this then hopefully Kubo found himself a much healthier schedule. Poor guy nearly killed himself making the original manga.

So that's why the final chapters felt so rushed. Never heard of it except when he had to end Zombiepowder
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:54 pm Reply with quote
As I mentioned in the other thread, this wasn't bad, it was just more of what you would expect from Bleach. It was fairly bloated at 75 pages for all it delivered(with a lot of the time/space used up just to show us what the massive cast has been doing). Made some interesting lore revelations before just kinda ending with a "The End". No hints of future dates or chapters(though as the article mentions, the use of "hen" in the Japanese ending page signifies a possible continuation).

But does it really need one? Ironically, I had forgotten we were getting a 1-shot but had been binging the last 1/5 of the manga over the last couple days. As other people have mentioned in other threads, the final arc -does- read a bit better when read all at once, but this doesn't save it. In fact some events seem even worse without the read-weekly format, with characters and plots just dropping off in succession before the final few chapters.

That said, I was fine with how the series ended, lazy or not, and would honestly rather Kubo start something fresh.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:03 pm Reply with quote
tintor2 wrote:

So that's why the final chapters felt so rushed. Never heard of it except when he had to end Zombiepowder

I don’t believe that’s the actual reason the manga dragged like it did in the years prior to the last arc which was more of weird stuff happening and not landing properly.

yaboydanzo wrote:
BLEACH is super important and yet nobody commented on this yet :0

It’s actual importance varies by individual, but objectively speaking it’s not that important.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:13 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
tintor2 wrote:

So that's why the final chapters felt so rushed. Never heard of it except when he had to end Zombiepowder

I don’t believe that’s the actual reason the manga dragged like it did in the years prior to the last arc which was more of weird stuff happening and not landing properly.

Yeah, this seems to be a recent thing where some fans are defending the poor quality of the last part of the series with Kubo being ill, or editors being too manipulative, but I've never seen any articles or links or whatnot to confirm. If anyone has anything I'd love to see it.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2021
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:42 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
tintor2 wrote:

So that's why the final chapters felt so rushed. Never heard of it except when he had to end Zombiepowder

I don’t believe that’s the actual reason the manga dragged like it did in the years prior to the last arc which was more of weird stuff happening and not landing properly.

yaboydanzo wrote:
BLEACH is super important and yet nobody commented on this yet :0

It’s actual importance varies by individual, but objectively speaking it’s not that important.

That is the actual reason for the manga's issues in the last arc and objectively speaking Bleach is pretty important considering its reach. Kubo has constantly talked about what he was aiming to add for the final arc considering the missing plot points in interviews after and the novels released only confirmed that further as they rectified some of it.

In any case, for those who weirdly think people are lying Rolling Eyes : https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/11/17/bleach-author-shares-emotional-story-of-ending-manga

His health started to deteriorate around the Fullbringer Arc. Its why his art started to only become characters with no backgrounds at times and the entire build up to the ending was unfortunately rushed.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:55 pm Reply with quote
I mean. Ichigo barely fought in the final arc. He is axed very early and then acquires a new zanpakuto that he barely uses. Instead of a big fight against Juha, the guy is defeated before even showing his own powers and manages to capture him by somehow using his first version of Zangetsu while being shortly added by Aizen. Ichigo vs Aizen had more development if it was more onesided. Juha barely knows Ichigo in contrast to Aizen who has been even looking after his parents before the kid was born.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:13 pm Reply with quote
catone2 wrote:

In any case, for those who weirdly think people are lying Rolling Eyes : https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/11/17/bleach-author-shares-emotional-story-of-ending-manga

His health started to deteriorate around the Fullbringer Arc. Its why his art started to only become characters with no backgrounds at times and the entire build up to the ending was unfortunately rushed.

What was the excuse for the Huecdo Mundo arc starting off decently enough and by the half way point becoming a mess? Which of course the next two arcs did not fix. Plus if the idea was that his health was starting to deteriorate he could've taken a break how many times do you read on this site about manga authors having to take a break because of health issues (which may last years) in the most extreme cases those manga may even wind up ending prematurely. Somehow in spite of and depending on when this all went down Kubo still managed to put out over 200+ chapters while having these apparent problems.

Not saying to be clear that this is a lie but if this is true Kubo pretty much shot himself in the foot continuing to write and draw something he wasn't in the right condition to write and draw and the series suffered as a consequence.

catone2 wrote:

It’s actual importance varies by individual, but objectively speaking it’s not that important.
and objectively speaking Bleach is pretty important considering its reach.

What reach does Bleach have compared to the likes Of DragonBall, Naruto, or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? all series two of which ended their original runs years ago which are far more relevant in the modern era than Bleach presently is.

Last edited by BadNewsBlues on Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:08 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:05 pm Reply with quote
catone2 wrote:

The condescending tone certainly isn't necessary as no one accused anyone else of lying here. But thanks for the article.Rolling Eyes

As someone who followed Bleach for over a decade, often passionately, I really don't understand the subset of diehard fans who defend it's shortcomings as if they don't exist. This manga was good, looked fantastic almost always, and will always mean a great deal to me. But it also disappointed me and burned so much of my faith over the course of it's run that when other people over-hype it's like, importance to the medium? I really just don't know what to say. A lot of the decisions with what happens during most of the arcs feels like an over-energized child or someone with too many ideas they want to give life to. A lot of this may have been different if Kubo had taken the kind of regular breaks that Oda does.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2021
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:23 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
catone2 wrote:

In any case, for those who weirdly think people are lying Rolling Eyes : https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/11/17/bleach-author-shares-emotional-story-of-ending-manga

His health started to deteriorate around the Fullbringer Arc. Its why his art started to only become characters with no backgrounds at times and the entire build up to the ending was unfortunately rushed.

What was the excuse for the Huecdo Mundo arc starting off decently enough and by the half way point becoming a mess? Which of course the next two arcs did not fix. Plus if the idea was that his health was starting to deteriorate he could've taken a break how many times do you read on this site about manga authors having to take a break because of health issues (which may last years) in the most extreme cases those manga may even wind up ending prematurely. Somehow in spite of and depending on when this all went down Kubo still managed to put out over 200+ chapters while having these apparent problems.

There wasn't any glaring issues with Hueco Mundo to begin with as there were with the TYBW, which had the blatant problem of unable to wrap up everything and we learned the reason why. Whether you found that arc a mess or not has nothing to do with it as that's subjective. TYBW had some objective issues that he recognized himself and and something pretty much everyone agrees on because it was a case of actual story and art being affected.

He's been pretty outspoken on when his editors have caused him issues, but I'm not sure and we don't know the logistics of that. I can't imagine him not taking a break if he was offered it for the sake of the quality of his manga. He's thankfully on a much better contract now looking at how Burn the Witch is releasing and possibly this new arc so I hope that continues for him. I only wish him the best.


What reach does Bleach have compared to the likes Of DragonBall, Naruto, or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? all series two of which ended their original runs years ago which are far more relevant in the modern era than Bleach presently is.

I don't think relevancy is defined by continuation, which these are all still continuing, so I'm not sure what you're getting at. But if you go off cultural importance and cold hard sales, Bleach on its own is at 120M in circulation Worldwide, 30M of that came well after its serialization ended making it the current 7th best selling Jump series (6th before KnY blew up), in the 2021 Asahi TV Program it was ranked 23rd in the top 100 Manga poll. Additionally, the one-shot that released yesterday brought in the biggest domestic reaction on Social Media for Jump Magazine in a long time and nothing else released in the issue came close. I'd say It was plenty important when it was serialized and considering the current year reactions, its plenty important right now.

Gem-Bug wrote:
catone2 wrote:

The condescending tone certainly isn't necessary as no one accused anyone else of lying here. But thanks for the article.Rolling Eyes

As someone who followed Bleach for over a decade, often passionately, I really don't understand the subset of diehard fans who defend it's shortcomings as if they don't exist. This manga was good, looked fantastic almost always, and will always mean a great deal to me. But it also disappointed me and burned so much of my faith over the course of it's run that when other people over-hype it's like, importance to the medium? I really just don't know what to say. A lot of the decisions with what happens during most of the arcs feels like an over-energized child or someone with too many ideas they want to give life to. A lot of this may have been different if Kubo had taken the kind of regular breaks that Oda does.

Sorry you're right it wasn't necessary. It's just annoying since I have seen people claim they're lying or he's lying.

I love it, but I don't like to pretend it doesn't have issues. But hey, you do you as long as you enjoy it. I think most shounen have its shortcomings from Jump. It's more about whether you can look past its fault (whatever they are for the individual) and if it still holds the charm. That also goes for JJK, Yaiba, Naruto, Dragon Ball, etc. In Bleach's case, it was a special circumstance since I think despite whatever issues there are it could have ended strongly/solid if he was able to follow up on everything he set up. I don't like to claim it is "peak fiction" or anything crazy like that. No JUMP series is even close to such a ridiculous title. Bleach is ultimately a Battle manga with some pretty nice worldbuilding and thematic representation and a colorful cast, but it's certainly not perfect.

It would be nice if he gets to do a 2nd chance with the upcoming anime and this possible new arc as his recent fan Q&A's have indicated he'd like to draw the remaining stories/mysteries that have been left.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:51 pm Reply with quote
Now, I want more Bleach. That chapter was so good. I hope Kubo get the Choujin X treatment, let him work on Bleach whenever he feels like
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Joined: 02 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:05 pm Reply with quote
Replica_Rabbit wrote:
Now, I want more Bleach. That chapter was so good. I hope Kubo get the Choujin X treatment, let him work on Bleach whenever he feels like

I agree with this.

I'm not that much of a fan, but I've always enjoyed reading Bleach. This one-shot chapter was pretty enjoyable too.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:32 am Reply with quote
catone2 wrote:
There wasn't any glaring issues with Hueco Mundo to begin with

That's why I said it "started decently enough". The problem comes when the Captain's show up to bail out Ichigo and company which also makes the earlier subplot of SS seemingly refusing to help rescue Orihime look dumb. But we needed that false drama and tension apparently

catone2 wrote:

as there were with the TYBW, which had the blatant problem of unable to wrap up everything and we learned the reason why.
Which was not Shueisha not giving him the time to finish up or his health being severely compromised. As I've seen people state numerous times.

catone2 wrote:

Whether you found that arc a mess or not has nothing to do with it as that's subjective. TYBW had some objective issues that he recognized himself and and something pretty much everyone agrees on because it was a case of actual story and art being affected.

I honestly never had much of a problem with Bleach's art in the parts that people have publicly shat upon. The writing however was a mess and as mentioned the problems with the writing didn't start with the Fullbring arc hell not even Huecdo Mundo was where it started.

catone2 wrote:
I don't think relevancy is defined by continuation,

And yet here we are in a thread relating to a one-shot that effectively serves as a continuation to the original Bleach manga?

catone2 wrote:

which these are all still continuing, so I'm not sure what you're getting at. But if you go off cultural importance and cold hard sales, Bleach on its own is at 120M in circulation Worldwide, 30M of that came well after its serialization ended making it the current 7th best selling Jump series (6th before KnY blew up), in the 2021 Asahi TV Program it was ranked 23rd in the top 100 Manga poll. Additionally, the one-shot that released yesterday brought in the biggest domestic reaction on Social Media for Jump Magazine in a long time and nothing else released in the issue came close. I'd say It was plenty important when it was serialized and considering the current year reactions, its plenty important right now.

So basically this aforementioned reach is mostly in Japan?
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