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Joined: 26 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 10:43 am Reply with quote
I’m really excited for this! I want to get into this series, and Crunchyroll has picked up a couple seasons. Hopefully it’ll get this too and I can see it from the beginning!

I plan to start watching Kiratto after I finish Futari wa Pretty Cure.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2021
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:41 am Reply with quote
Interesting to see the new designs, it really seems like this one will mix the old and new sensibilities of the franchise into one, not just in terms of design but story too! Junichi Sato and Tsubota was the duo responsible for Hugtto Precure and that one was pretty exciting, can't wait to see them leading the Pretty Series!
Saeryen wrote:
I’m really excited for this! I want to get into this series, and Crunchyroll has picked up a couple seasons. Hopefully it’ll get this too and I can see it from the beginning!
I plan to start watching Kiratto after I finish Futari wa Pretty Cure.

Personally I would recommend Pripara or the original Pretty Rhythm seasons (Aurora Dream or Rainbow Live specifically), don't get me wrong Prichan is decent but it seems like it'll be remembered as the weak link of the franchise.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:48 pm Reply with quote
The insane overdesign of the outfits works so well for this installment, I fear for the fanartists though, they're going to have some difficulty drawing them.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:15 pm Reply with quote
LunaticKingdom wrote:

Saeryen wrote:
I’m really excited for this! I want to get into this series, and Crunchyroll has picked up a couple seasons. Hopefully it’ll get this too and I can see it from the beginning!
I plan to start watching Kiratto after I finish Futari wa Pretty Cure.

Personally I would recommend Pripara or the original Pretty Rhythm seasons (Aurora Dream or Rainbow Live specifically), don't get me wrong Prichan is decent but it seems like it'll be remembered as the weak link of the franchise.

There are also some other things to consider: Pripara is fairly long with its 191 (!) episodes plus two movies and except for Idol Time, they're all fansubbed (although they're fairly decent fansubs). Compared to that, Prichan, which is "only" 153, has at least its first season officially licensed in some countries (including mine), but from season 2 onwards, it's a pain for people with zero Japanese knowledge*, with some Google-tranlated mess up to episode 65, until Moyai saves the day. As for me it was still worth the pain, the 2nd season was where Prichan truly shined, so let's hope it gets licensed sooner or later. And as for Pretty Rhythm... if you're completely opposed to fansubs, then you might have to wait for a long, long time (at least the subs are decent from what I've seen). The only legal option here is the King of Prism TV series, which is a spinoff of Rainbow Live and a sequel to 2 movies beforehand, which weren't licensed for some reason.

TL;DR: if legal streaming is more convenient for you, you might want to start with Prichan. If not, start with whichever you want. Unless it's Dear My Future or Idol Time Pripara, which are sequels or King of Prism, which is a spinoff of Rainbow Live.

Let's hope Primagi breaks the trend and actually gets simulcasted (as well as Idolland Pripara in Spring).

*you can get by with somewhere between N4 and N3 at the very least, it's a kids' show after all
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Joined: 12 Jul 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:14 am Reply with quote
The designs are so extra, but I like how colorful they are. Lemon's animal partner is especially cute.

This is going to be my first exposure to the franchise, but I'll definitely check out more if I end up enjoying it.
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