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Joined: 09 Apr 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:09 am
That's a pretty good rant and I agree with it. A lot of times fanservice is just thrown in for the hell of it. It's pretty sad IMO that random panty-shots are included in (non-harem/ecchi) shows. And about Misato, is she really 6"3'?!?!
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Lady Multi
Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:22 am
I love Samurai Pizza Cats~! I've seen few Japanese Episodes and I'm indifferent between the two.
I think I have all but 4 of the episodes somewhere.
It was a little kids' show anyway. In all truth, I never really hated the Sailor Moon dub; I take things as separate entities. Sure, I like the Japanese version of Sailor Moon better, but comparative, I also like the manga better than the Anime.
There was also a Samurai Pizza Cats game. Gameboy, I believe. It was cute.
Truly I think SPC was one of the best remix dubs of what I've seen (I have Sailor Moon tapes, Pokemon, and Cardcaptors; I've seen One Piece and Yugioh.)
I hope SPCats come out on DvD (I doubt it, but I want it, English Only or NOT). Course, I'd also love to have the Unico Movies on DvD (yeah, right; in a million years!)
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:34 am
For the thinpaks....i can understand why people ask. I buy singles for the most part. However, there have been two or three shows that i've just thrown to the: "When the thinpak gets around pile". why? these are shows i'd like to own but its not pressing. I'd rather get them in a small box all at once instead of waiting. That way I can have an anime weekend.
I loved Samurai Pizza Cats. And it did have a good dub. Hopefully they get around to making a set for it. I'd love to see it again.
The rant....well. I see where he's coming from. I think its about get older. You grow older and get new tastes. Fanserivce tho pointless still serves a purpose :its there to appese the fans who want it.
Society is f-ed up. There not much we can do about that.
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Joined: 15 Sep 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:39 am
I found a website through Gogle that claims Misato is 6'3", and all I can say is "no freakin' way." The same site says that Kaji is 5'9"...but Misato is visibly shorter than he is. Nor is she a foot taller than Ritsuko. Clearly the heights on the site weren't reality checked (some of the other women are given improbable heights of over 6 feet as well).
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:52 am
Looks like another case of getting last week's column when you click on the picture.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2005
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:56 am
@rant: I'm pretty sure most of us guys are intelligent enough to know that most girls portrayed in anime do not exist naturally in reality. And I do not like unnatural girls. Unnatural being having implants or plastic surgery, since it makes me feel like I've been lied to. lol
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:01 am
With boxsets, I've become spoiled over the past few years. I used to buy the individual discs, shelling out the dreaded "30 bucks for an anime DVD, ZOMG" for each inidividual disc, as I usually lacked money to buy boxsets. But then slowly, the number of shows I just had to watch immediatly grew shorter, or at least, the ones I needed on DVD right away did, because nowadays you can find a lot of decent anime on television, and thanks to VOD services, they can be watched again and again. I mostly buy boxsets of old favorites, or else I wait and wait for new shows to come out in boxsets because I've spoiled myself so much with having a bulk about of anime all at once, my patience has worn itself out.
I remember asking at this year's Funimation panel at Otakon about a possible Fullmetal Alchemist boxset in the future. I didn't understand until later how wrong I was to expect one so soon - the show was sitll finishing up its individual release! It would be unfair for the people who collected the individual discs if the full boxset, which would probably be discounted from the sum of the prices of all the individual discs, just popped up as they were reaching the last volume. I have changed my position on the subject entirely. It's not a matter of patience, but of supporting the market.
Still, knowing me, I'll be waiting for FMA boxset(s). What can I say? I'm spoiled.
When it comes to evolving tastes, I think I still have love for the old anime programs and movies that got me into anime, such as Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, Ronin Warriors (which is the first anime series I was ever a fan of), Venus Wars, Akira, Dominion Tank Police, Serial Experiments Lain, and others - and I still see geniune value in many of them. I'm less enchanted with some of them after developing my tastes, and I'm certainly less inclined to be impressed with shows now that I would probably have loved back when I was a kid watching Goku power up for two to three episodes (an obvious exaggeration - Goku never actually took more than an episode to "power up" - at least, never all at once). Maybe Tenchi Muyo remains a show I enjoy because feelings of nostalgia, rather than genuine affinity - I doubt it, as I find Tenchi Muyo to still be quite good compared to its rogue spawn.
As for the ranter - if an anime program has too much fanservice, just don't watch it. End of discomfort. I have a feeling discussion of this is going to dip into "lolicon", The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (which is erroneously seen as a largely "fan service" program), and the words "prude" and "feminazi" may occur.
Seriously though, how can one NOT watch the hot springs episode of Outlaw Star? It's hilarious!
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Joined: 03 Dec 2004
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:07 am
When it come to the thinpacks. I personally have collected a few titles as singles. To later (not so much later at times) find that they are seeling with boxes, extras, and cheaper. So most of time you will actually lose out when a better edition comes out. Maybe the companies should not have ever started with the thinpaks/better limited editions, because with they gave the fans a taste of something better if they wait even if that was not their intention. Companied should just put out one edition and stay with that, but things do not work that way naturally. Now I prefer to wait out for something special unless it's a title I'm really looking forward to, and I feel it's release is a good one not one they can and perhaps will be made better later on.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:07 am
Quote: | I'm actually starting to get a little tired of hearing every single anime fan on the internet go on and on about how they're always going to "wait for the box set". |
I've been getting quite sick of this as well. And what's even worse is when people start asking about box sets when the first volume comes out. Obviously, not everyone can afford to buy the singles of every series they like. Sometimes I wait for boxsets for series as well, but I'm also collecting a ton of manga series and about 10 different anime series.
Quote: | (not to mention send a legion of Tenchi and Love Hina fans screaming for my blood) |
I think most of the people that were fans of Love Hina have moved on at this point and most probably realize that Love Hina isn't that great.
The Rant
Quote: | As I grow older, I have more and more difficulty watching anime. I still enjoy the animation, the themes and the way the Japanese tell their tales; however, I've become unnerved at the amount of fanservice, and because of that, have stopped watching some of my favorite series. |
Then stop watching the ones with all that fanservice. There are plenty of anime out there with little to no fanservice.
Quote: | I believe that fanservice has no positive function in anime. |
It most definitely does, at least for the producers: it gets more viewers.
Quote: | Here's the biggest difference – fanservice normally objectifies minors. |
Perhaps, but usually most of the viewers are also minors. It's more of a general objectification issue, which is hardly limited to anime or Japan. Try watching today's popular TV shows and movies. Hell, one of the longest running franchises in the U.S. excels at this. I'm talking about the James Bond movies. No matter how good a female agent may be, she is almost guaranteed to sleep with Bond, or at least show a good deal of skin (usually both). This is hardly limited to that particular franchise, of course.
Last edited by HitokiriShadow on Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:11 am
Zac wrote
Quote: | Plus, it's a lot healthier for the industry. Besides which, if you paid attention to Geneon's box set strategy, generally they only do boxes for popular shows like Trigun or Samurai Champloo or even Texhnolyze that are collected versions of the singles releases and you don't save much. Hell, the Champloo box was what, $200? Gankutsuou - which just now barely finished its release here in the US - would more than likely be collected like that. You're not going to get the cheapskate thinpak for at least another year.
Damn! Just use logic and common sense against those of us who want to be a cheapskate but have no will-power. But you are right, it supports the industry and lets the various companies know what titles are "floating our boats." If we all waited for the thinpaks we probably will stop getting quality anime.
penguintruth wrote: | It would be unfair for the people who collected the individual discs if the full boxset, which would probably be discounted from the sum of the prices of all the individual discs, just popped up as they were reaching the last volume. |
I would have driven all the way to Funi headquarters and started a picketline and or riot if that had happened!
EDIT: Thought of something else. While I agreed with Zac about supporting the industry, I am absolutely, positively NOT going to buy Bleach until it comes out with a box set(s). I made that mistake with Inu Yasha and I am not going to do that again with a series of sizable length.
Last edited by LydiaDianne on Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Oct 2005
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:15 am
This whole debate over singles vs. collections... really, I think there isn't a definite right answer about it. I mean, back in high school, I possessed a need to watch the latest, greatest shows NOW. After paying off any necessary bills, I then generally sunk most of my paycheck into single discs. Now though, I just don't have that need anymore. Combined with the fact that I'm transferring from a 2-year school to a 4-year school this spring (and quitting my job), almost everything I buy will now be in collections. I know as a fan I should be supporting the shows I watch as best I can, but this is really the only way I have of doing so.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:19 am
NGE1113 wrote: | This whole debate over singles vs. collections... really, I think there isn't a definite right answer about it. I mean, back in high school, I possessed a need to watch the latest, greatest shows NOW. After paying off any necessary bills, I then generally sunk most of my paycheck into single discs. Now though, I just don't have that need anymore. Combined with the fact that I'm transferring from a 2-year school to a 4-year school this spring (and quitting my job), almost everything I buy will now be in collections. I know as a fan I should be supporting the shows I watch as best I can, but this is really the only way I have of doing so. |
There are, of course, justifications for waiting for boxsets. Bills and expenses are damn good reasons. But I somehow doubt that all of the hundreds of people (not just on this forum) constantly asking when boxsets will come out all have these reasons.
And even if someone has reasons for waiting the box sets, doesn't mean they should go around asking "when is the box set going to come out" right after a series ends (or starts, in way too many cases).
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Joined: 19 Jul 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:21 am
Zac forgot the equation of finding boxset at a cheaper cost, which in turn is cheaper than finding all individual discs discounted. I don't feel bad about waiting for the boxset and find it on the discount. At least I know it'll be a long while for the thinpaks. Plus, it's better than keeping the fansub and forgo buying it altogether.
And for the fanservice, of course it objectifies women. Most fanservice in anime occurs with girls in high school. And we must factor the fact that Japan's consent age is 13, which can speak volumes about the fanserive in harem anime. I think that's more harmful of the fanservice (it's not just the pantyshots, y'know) is the attitudes of the girls in the harem anime being so devoted to the main male character. It's like the guy is their sun to their planets. Even in some shounen action manga, the girl nowadays is usually a plot advancement tool (ie. a damsel in distress) or cheesecake.
That find that much more distrubing than a random pantyshot or ripping of clothes.
Maybe that's why I can stand Oh!Great works and some of Ken Akamatsu's to a point because the girls aren't so (if any at all) subservient to the main male character.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:27 am
Dunno about getting over violence, but the latest volume of Jojo from Viz was too much at times. Do I really need to see a rat gutted and blown up? At least when they did it in Cannibal Holocaust, they didn't show any close-ups. (Except for the turtle. *sigh*) Plus there was one chapter of Keiji which bothered me, because two of the guards get their arms amputated, even though they were just frontin'. Hell, even the Riki Oh movie effed me up, the first time I saw it. I think I'm ok with violence, when it serves the story. Hence why the Ichi the Killer movie from Miike was the best ever. But maybe I'll take a chance on Violence Jack one of these days...
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Joined: 01 Dec 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:54 am
In regard to how the age of consent is 13 in Japan, love from a teenage girl's point of view is somewhat accurately reflected in anime. the whole "I'll doing everything for my one love!" deal is how teenagers tend to be.
that is, at least the impression I get from people who write about schoolgirls in Japan.
also, I agree that Suzumiya is incorrectly thought of as a fan service had rather good concepts sprinkled with with Haruhi's...brashness on poor Mikuru-chan. Considering the standard social atmosphere in Japan, its more amusing then perverted. Over here it is, but over there its not...and thats the case for the majority of Far Eastern countries. What may be perverted or "Fanservice" here is, hillarious and relatively innocent there. I mean the anime made me look up what a petabyte was, then made me marvel at Suzumiya's brilliance.
Differences in social standards is all.
on the flip side, I do get turned off by too much "fan service". if its poignant and blatant and have no point to the story whatsoever, then....yes, i agree; id stop watching it then.
and also about the change in tastes. its pretty normal. I was all shonen sci-fi action bout four-five years ago. I wouldn't be caught dead watching something like Ouran High School Host Club. But...that is my favorite anime at the moment. I just feel awkward when I sing the op in front of all my of room mates. >.> haha.
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