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REVIEW: Desert Punk DVD 4

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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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Location: Kazune City
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:54 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
The true value of the English dub to a given viewer will largely depend on how much of a stickler the viewer is for a dub script closely following the original. Purists will likely not care for how fast and loose the English script plays with things, including replacing a couple of lines with laughs in one place and significantly altering the meaning of what was said in many other places. The dialogue in the English script is snappy, smooth-flowing, and more laden with colorful slang than the original script, however, and the English performances do such a good job of capturing the attitude of the show that they’re especially fun to listen to. Forgive it for its script accuracy trespasses and it’s one of FUNi’s better recent dub jobs – and certainly an improvement on the bland original dub.
I think I've read things like this in other reviews...is it true that Funi tends to play things loose and go for natural, flowing dubs over accurate ones? I probably need to familiarize myself with more Funimation dubs, as Fruits Basket is the only one I've watched all the way through, and it was mostly accurate. Other than that, I watched a few episodes of Gunslinger Girl dubbed, and they had some but not many changes.
By cosmic coincidence, I also described Negima's dub as playing fast and loose with the dialogue on another post, so I guess I know what to expect with Desert Punk. I just hope that dubs for more serious upcoming series like Rumbling Hearts won't be like this.
Oddly enough, I've always had Desert Punk in my "don't care to watch it"-ignore list, but what I've been reading of the ruthless, amoral main character seems interesting enough to warrant a borrowing and a watch-through in a mix of English & Japanese audio. My friend who has the DVDs owes me Cool
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:00 am Reply with quote
Although they don't go as far as complete rewrites, FUNi's dubs (or at least the ones they've done in the past three years) are almost always more interpretive than accurate, with a priority placed on smooth-flowing dialogue. That's why you'll never hear a clumsy-sounding FUNi dub, even if the voice acting isn't up to par.

On average I think FUNi goes too far with their script adjustments once or twice per volume, but I'd never be called a purist, either. Desert Punk is a much more extreme example than normal because of all of the slang and euphamisms it burns through, but I think even a purist who gave the dub a chance would find it hard to be too upset with the way it comes out. (If any purists are out there and have watched it both ways, I'd be very interested to hear your impressions.)
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