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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:14 am Reply with quote
I've always been of the opinion that the Kirby series is secretly Nintendo's best franchise. Some Kirby games are altogether too easy (like Squeak Squad), but there's never been a bad Kirby Game. Every other Nintendo franchise has at least one contemptible title (Mario: Sticker Star Story, Metroid Other M, Skyward Sword, Star Fox Command Mission).

Kirby, Kirby is always fun.

Also, I hope I'm not being rude, but I'm surprised there was no reporting on Catgirl Without Salad coming out in the Humble Monthly. An April Fool's joke come to life after three years, from WayForward? I figured Todd would be all over that. Oh, well. I already reserved my copy.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:24 am Reply with quote
The Kirby puzzle games are too easy but they never seemed bad, but you can beat them on the hardest difficulty easily. If you think Kirby is too easy like i say, then always get them when they go down in price, they are good games but paying full price is not always the best idea. I do want another Kirby Block Ball on 3DS or maybe smartphones, if they don't fill it with tons of IAPs, just have one IAP for unlimited credits.

I just got Dragon Quest Heroes II yesterday and it is phenomenal, and it's runs well on the Vita just like Builders. Hopefully XI runs good on the 3DS and NX because DQ hasn't had a bad game this year.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:24 am Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:
I've always been of the opinion that the Kirby series is secretly Nintendo's best franchise. Some Kirby games are altogether too easy (like Squeak Squad), but there's never been a bad Kirby Game. Every other Nintendo franchise has at least one contemptible title (Mario: Sticker Star Story, Metroid Other M, Skyward Sword, Star Fox Command Mission)
Kirby, Kirby is always fun.

Kirby 64 and Kirby's Air Ride were not good games. Kirby's Dreamland 3 was also pretty lackluster after the fantastic Kirby's Super Star. The series in general is solid,and this new one looks pretty fun.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:35 am Reply with quote
My sister and I loved watching Happily Ever After when we were kids. Definitely not one of the best movies ever, but I thought it was entertaining. Scowl is the best part of the movie though. Anyway, I had no idea they made a game for it. I'll never play it, but it's still an interesting fact.

I'm really liking the image for Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap.
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Joined: 07 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:40 am Reply with quote
Some Kirby games (The Shinomura directed ones and Adventure, Amazing Mirror, and possibly Return to Dreamland given spoiler[Magolor and Sectonia in Triple Deluxe is tame]) have some of the creepiest bosses in a E for Everyone rated game, but in the end they are fun.

And... I want that Guilty Gear game, is my most awaited one of the year (even moreso than Western Triple A titles).
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:11 pm Reply with quote
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap: First of all, I have to say the artwork for this is absolutely amazing. Second, I need to go back and finish the Turbografx-16 version I still have downloaded on the Wii before I even dare to get this (I'm at the near end, just need to finish the final boss). Monster World IV is definitely my favorite title with its Arabian Nights theme and music, but Dragon's Curse comes second on my list.

Kirby Planet Robobot: I can't wait to play this. The new powers (Doctor is definitely paying homage to Dr. Mario and ESP couldn't be a bigger nod to Ness if you tried), the return of Mirror (my favorite power) after having not been in anything since its debut in Super Star, the robot armor and its mechanics, the whole mechanical environment theme; if there's one thing that can be said about Kirby's games, it's that they always manage to outdo their predecessors while staying true to the formula that's always worked for the pink hero. Next Friday can't come soon enough for me!

The next Kirby title needs to be an RPG. I know this title comes with an extra game where you play as a party of Kirbys going on a 2D level up quest similar to Cadash, but it's not quite the "Kirby RPG" I had envisioned. Please do a classic JRPG adventure for Kirby HAL Labs, I'm begging you on this one. It's the one genre Kirby has not yet immersed himself in, and if it worked for Mario then it can work for him. Especially since Kirby has a gigantic cast of allies, and plenty of powers to function as spells and techniques in battles.

FalconPunch wrote:
Some Kirby games (The Shinomura directed ones and Adventure, Amazing Mirror, and possibly Return to Dreamland given spoiler[Magolor and Sectonia in Triple Deluxe is tame]) have some of the creepiest bosses in a E for Everyone rated game, but in the end they are fun.

That's par the course for Kirby games. Usually everything is super adorable...up until the final boss, which generally contrasts with all the cuteness in a terrifyingly creepy way. It's basically to show that even in Kirby's universe, with all its peaceful and charming characters and worlds, there is darkness lurking around to ruin it. The enemies in some of the final stages and the final stages themselves also start being less cute and more oppressive in some way.

Atelier Sophie: No wonder the character designs looked so familiar: they were done by the guy who designed the cast for Outbreak Company. Since Yuugen worked on them, I wish they had included a lizardman or dragon party member in this Atelier, but I guess I should stop hoping they'll ever have someone like Gray in the series again.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir: Need to get that PS4. The fact the cast has a huge range of special moves and even Tales-style Mystic Artes as well as a lot of other revamped stuff is reason enough to get this. Plus Odin Sphere's story still holds up in an impressive way, so I'll be glad to take the journey to stop the world from ending with the five heroes again.

Last edited by belvadeer on Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:34 am; edited 2 times in total
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Regarding delays: I'm not surprised, but still disappointed, that people react so badly to delays nowadays. Remember how long Ocarina of Time was delayed? Nintendo was, and still is, in a sense, a company strongly associated with delays. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U were delayed for about a year, I believe. I don't mind. I'll wait. I'm used to things not coming out on time.

As for obscure 90's animated movies, I saw a TON of them because that's when I grew up and my father didn't understand why I like cartoons so much. So he'd just have me watch any animated movie that TV would air, and I would gobble them all up. Rock-a-Doodle? I'll take that. A Troll in Central Park? Sure! The Adventures of the American Rabbit? Gimme! I was little and liked them all, and my father considered all children's animation the same anyway, quality-wise (that is, he hated most of them).

I played Twinkle Star Sprites at the 1-Up Barcade in Sherman Oaks, CA. I think the barcade's gone now though. Never had a chance to truly establish itself, as all it really had were sit-down machines with emulated games. But it was a rare chance for me to play Trio the Punch, so that's something.

What's with Arc System Works and making box art that doesn't indicate to the viewer what the game is about? When BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger came out in the UK, Noel was the only character on the cover, and she's pointing her gun at something. As a result, a lot of people in the UK mistook it for a shooter, not a 2-D fighting game. The box art for Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator has sketch-like artwork of a bunch of characters who look like they're in freefall, which tells nothing about the game to someone who has never heard of Guilty Gear before. (But I take it they're not selling this to anyone who's never heard of Guilty Gear.)

Levitz9 wrote:
I've always been of the opinion that the Kirby series is secretly Nintendo's best franchise. Some Kirby games are altogether too easy (like Squeak Squad), but there's never been a bad Kirby Game. Every other Nintendo franchise has at least one contemptible title (Mario: Sticker Star Story, Metroid Other M, Skyward Sword, Star Fox Command Mission).

I remember people were praising Skyward Sword to high heaven when it was new. It must've been hit by the Zelda Cycle the hardest. (I do quite like the dungeons and bosses though.)

Something else to consider is that Paper Mario: Sticker Star was the first financial success for the Paper Mario subseries in Japan, whereas the first three games bombed there. It's pretty reviled outside of Japan, but for some reason I cannot comprehend, Japanese gamers LOVE it. That's why the Paper Mario games are taking Sticker Star's direction from here on out. (Which is a shame because I love the Paper Mario games, at least the first three.)

belvadeer wrote:
That's par the course for Kirby games. Usually everything is super adorable...up until the final boss, which generally contrasts with all the cuteness in a terrifyingly creepy way. It's basically to show that even in Kirby's universe, with all its peaceful and charming characters and worlds, there is darkness lurking around to ruin it. The enemies in some of the final stages and the final stages themselves also start being less cute and more oppressive in some way.

My interpretation of it is that Kirby lives in a "Dream Land," and so it's only appropriate that sources of evil tend to be nightmarish in design.

I wonder if these final bosses traumatize any little kids not yet familiar with Kirby. Kirby games do look like the sort that parents would buy at a store somewhere and throw at their kids to placate them for the time being.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Hahahah the first thing I learned about the game industry is - there's no such thing as a release date, i.e. "Delays? What delays?"

When I was in high school started working for a game company, the very first game I was assigned to, my first question was: "Huh? Isn't this game supposed to be released this month? (So why are we still working on it?)" And they laughed and they told me there's no such thing as a release date. Laughing
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:09 pm Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:
I've always been of the opinion that the Kirby series is secretly Nintendo's best franchise. Some Kirby games are altogether too easy (like Squeak Squad), but there's never been a bad Kirby Game. Every other Nintendo franchise has at least one contemptible title (Mario: Sticker Star Story, Metroid Other M, Skyward Sword, Star Fox Command Mission).

You might wanna either change that to either Adventures, Assault, or Zero.

leafy sea dragon wrote:
Regarding delays: I'm not surprised, but still disappointed, that people react so badly to delays nowadays.

Mighty No.9 is one example I can think of people reacting badly to a delay, The newest Zelda game probably being another. Not that the outrage isn't justified in anyway.

leafy sea dragon wrote:
and my father considered all children's animation the same anyway, quality-wise (that is, he hated most of them).

Your dad sounds like he's apart of our generation.

leafy sea dragon wrote:

What's with Arc System Works and making box art that doesn't indicate to the viewer what the game is about?

Guess they believe in kicking it old school Laughing

leafy sea dragon wrote:

Something else to consider is that Paper Mario: Sticker Star was the first financial success for the Paper Mario subseries in Japan, whereas the first three games bombed there. It's pretty reviled outside of Japan, but for some reason I cannot comprehend, Japanese gamers LOVE it. That's why the Paper Mario games are taking Sticker Star's direction from here on out. (Which is a shame because I love the Paper Mario games, at least the first three.)

And here I thought the direction of the series was blamed on Miyamoto hating what the series was supposedly known for.

Last edited by BadNewsBlues on Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 05 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:13 pm Reply with quote
^Star Fox in general has been pretty bad after the N64.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:17 pm Reply with quote
Luckily for me, the slow down issues were fixed in Odin Sphere's EU release, so I didn't have to deal with any of that. Very much looking forward to Leifthrasir, and I'm hoping for a Dragon's Crown 2 later on.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:27 pm Reply with quote
Good lord, my wallet is going to be begging for mercy after next week.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:33 pm Reply with quote
For me, my first exposure to Twinkle Star Sprites gameplay was actually through Touhou's 9th official game, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantasmagoria_of_Flower_View Phantasmagoria of Flower View

I was just playing through all the touhou games and this one had this radically different gameplay... It was definitely different. Once I got over I found it pretty fun though.
I still have never played the original Twinkle Star Sprites ever.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:43 pm Reply with quote
I'm wondering if Heidi was playing Kirby on an old 3DS vs the new faster 3DS?

Wonderboy has always been a niche game. I hope it can gain new fans, the series had potential. Parts 4, 5 and 6 were great.
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Herald Of JOJO

Joined: 16 Oct 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:00 am Reply with quote
Excuse me for going off topic but I'd just like to know; why do people dislike Skyward Sword? I never actually followed this game or gaming in general at the time of its release. I'm curious as to why people dislike it.

Going back on topic, I can't wait to see Dizzy's design in Revelator. Always a big fan of the Guilty Gear character designs (looking at you, A.B.A. and Elphelt Smile). Again, reeeally can't wait.
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