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NEWS: Funimation's Revenues Drive Navarre 2Q Financials

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:18 pm Reply with quote
Well at least someone in the industry is doing well for themselves. And for those of you interested, since the ANN article gives no indication of costs, they are also reporting positive income as well as an increase in income. This isn't a the same thing as profit, but it's a better measure than just looking at sales alone. It should also be noted that they reduced their debt significantly from the last year. This is an extremely positive sign considering all of the new acquisitions. Put all of this together and FUNimations anime and video games division are sitting quite nicely, proving either the economy is quite as bad as many media outlets would have you believe, or that under proper management and precautions it is still possible to make money in a slowing economy.

Anyway now I don't feel at all bad for helping force the company to release the final volumes for all of those ADV shows. Not only was it the right thing to do, but they have the means to do it. FUNimation's the nice grocery store. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:28 pm Reply with quote
They're doing well because they charge so freakin much compared to other people.
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Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:32 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
They're doing well because they charge so freakin much compared to other people.

I suspect it has more to do with the fact that they're STILL riding the DBZ gravy train, with new fighting games seemingly every 6 months despite the fact that the series has been over for years. But hey, whatever pays the bills...
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:36 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
They're doing well because they charge so freakin much compared to other people.
Well, when you actauly release stuff (unlike, say ADV) you kinda have the means to charge what you want.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:46 pm Reply with quote
Conan-san wrote:
Kougeru wrote:
They're doing well because they charge so freakin much compared to other people.
Well, when you actauly release stuff (unlike, say ADV) you kinda have the means to charge what you want.
Plus their prices are still better than the industry's prices of one year ago, two years ago, three years ago...

Cripes people, anything other than free is too much for some.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:24 pm Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
Conan-san wrote:
Kougeru wrote:
They're doing well because they charge so freakin much compared to other people.
Well, when you actauly release stuff (unlike, say ADV) you kinda have the means to charge what you want.
Plus their prices are still better than the industry's prices of one year ago, two years ago, three years ago...

Cripes people, anything other than free is too much for some.
Well, sometimes, they just won't take my money anyway so my arms are tied that way...
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Colonel Wolfe

Joined: 05 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:28 pm Reply with quote
Funimation still sucks, in my opinion. Here, we have a company who releases Tenchi Muyo OVA 3: Ryo-Ohki, Tenchi Muyo: Galaxy Police and has the ability to grab onto Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo Tokyo and the original Tenchi Muyo OVA series yet refuses to do so.

Funimation also has the licensing rights to Love Hina, which they have held since 2006 yet refuses to release the series to DVD.

Funimation also increases the prices on the re-releases of ADV Films titles, claims they are new releases (which they're not since they were previously released by ADV Films) and increases the prices on the boxed sets while cutting the releases in half (Red Garden, Pumpkin Scissors, NHK: $60 for 2 sets with 13 episodes per set).

Acting Aggressively? If I wasn't the conspiracy type I'm starting to think that Sojitz departing ADV Films has Funimation's fingerprints all over it from the start back in January. I suspect that they're going to try going after Bandai Entertainment next, who has seen their titles diminish in recent years while they concentrate on releasing Gundam titles.

Notice how Funimation has been releasing their boxed sets? They're managing to squeeze 26 episode shows onto 4-Disk DVD sets. Can you imagine the horrible video quality on those disks? The more content you place on a DVD the more the video quality suffers. You don't see Funimation releasing their other titles onto four DVD's, do you? Instead, they release their titles across 6-7 disks.

Hey, Funimation, who are you trying to kid? Laughing
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The Ramblin' Wreck

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Do you know how many copies of a Love Hina boxest Funimation would sell?

Literally hundreds........
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Colonel Wolfe, you have heard of something called "dual layer DVD" haven't you? The new releases that have more episodes per disc are using discs with twice the capacity.

Their prices are just fine. I don't know what all this complaining is about. I'm paying little more for Funimation releases than anyone elses releases, and if the rest of the industry is having trouble because they aren't charging 2-3$ more then... maybe Funimation is the one doing things right?

If you don't like the industry having issues you just have to handle paying more sometimes. Funimation isn't ripping anyone off. If you aren't willing to pay then buy from others. But if they fail because that price isn't enough to support them... well then it's obvious you are wrong about Funimation's prices being too high.
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Colonel Wolfe

Joined: 05 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Let's see, Bandai Entertainment, ADV Films, AnimEigo, Media Blasters, Manga Entertainment, CPM .... their prices are all lower than Funimations prices. Where it concerns the boxed set releases for NHK, Red Garden and Pumpkin Scissors ... Almost $100 for the complete series? I'd like to know what kind of crack the idiots over at Funimation have been smoking. The other companies? ADV and Bandai, you can get a complete 26 episode series in a boxed format for around $40-60.

I would think that after Funimations lame attempt at creating an eco-packaged product (their recent boxed sets were hideous looking, their Viridian Collection sets) and just about every anime consumer complained about the new packaging.

You would think that Funimation has learned their lesson. But, apparently they haven't.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:37 pm Reply with quote
I do not have a problem with them, myself. If they release a series and I do not feel like it is worth collecting as single DVD's, I know eventually they will release a collection, and I just wait to buy that, like I did with Tsubasa. I am collecting Claymore disk by disk, as I feel it is worth it, and do not want to wait. So if you think they are to expensive, just bide your time. I am not collecting Darker Than Black disk by disk, as it might not really be my thing, I wait. I like the 13 episode releases, it entices me to buy them, like I did with Ghost Hunt
and School Rumble season 2. Free is good, but not very likely, hah. It's not like they are making you buy stuff, and by now you should know eventually it will come out as a set.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Funimation is still releasing Baccano and Claymore with 4 episodes per disc, which mean Claymore will be 7 discs, and even at a sale prices of $22, that's more than I want to ever pay for an anime.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:33 pm Reply with quote
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Let's see, Bandai Entertainment, ADV Films, AnimEigo, Media Blasters, Manga Entertainment, CPM .... their prices are all lower than Funimations prices.

For initial releases? (ADV's former titles are an odd variable here, so you can't point to them for company policy.) The only real comparisons are Bandai Entertainment and ADV Films, and they've been pricing their releases higher than FUNi's. MB and AE have released a substantial amount of sub-only DVDs. Manga Ent. has only released two television series in recent years. CPM... oh, hey, they went on life-support!

I would think that after Funimations lame attempt at creating an eco-packaged product (their recent boxed sets were hideous looking, their Viridian Collection sets) and just about every anime consumer complained about the new packaging.

"Just about every anime consumer" comprises... who? Ranting fans on an anime forum? That's hardly a representative sample of anime fans in North America. You're also forgetting the upcoming Viridian Collection re-releases that have far sturdier packaging.

You would think that Funimation has learned their lesson. But, apparently they haven't.

Has their business model failed or succeeded?

walw6pK4Alo wrote:
... Claymore will be 7 discs....

Six discs, actually.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:26 pm Reply with quote
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Notice how Funimation has been releasing their boxed sets? They're managing to squeeze 26 episode shows onto 4-Disk DVD sets. Can you imagine the horrible video quality on those disks? The more content you place on a DVD the more the video quality suffers.

now now, give FUNi some credit. their video quality was already horrible so why not cram as many episodes on one disc as they can?

Xanas wrote:
Colonel Wolfe, you have heard of something called "dual layer DVD" haven't you? The new releases that have more episodes per disc are using discs with twice the capacity.

umm, you realize dual layer discs have been around for years now, right? it's not like this is some new technology they've just switched to, so why the sudden switch to putting twice as many episodes on one disc?
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:33 pm Reply with quote
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Let's see, Bandai Entertainment, ADV Films, AnimEigo, Media Blasters, Manga Entertainment, CPM .... their prices are all lower than Funimations prices. Where it concerns the boxed set releases for NHK, Red Garden and Pumpkin Scissors ... Almost $100 for the complete series? I'd like to know what kind of crack the idiots over at Funimation have been smoking. The other companies? ADV and Bandai, you can get a complete 26 episode series in a boxed format for around $40-60.

I would think that after Funimations lame attempt at creating an eco-packaged product (their recent boxed sets were hideous looking, their Viridian Collection sets) and just about every anime consumer complained about the new packaging.

You would think that Funimation has learned their lesson. But, apparently they haven't.

And here I thought me paying $60 for half of Buso Renkin was a steal(heh, maybe not that show). And I'll gladly be doing that for HunterXHunter, those prices seem very similair to FUNimation's pricing scheme. Yet, it's not FUNimation who are releasing those titles. WHOA FUNIMATION MUST OWN VIZ!!!![/sarcasm]
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