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REVIEW: Oreimo Complete Limited Edition DVD Box Sub.DVD

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:31 am Reply with quote
I found Kirino to be so diabolically unlikeable that I could not possibly care one whit about her. She was made out to be this perfect girl - beautiful, sporty, good grades - and yet I liked Kuroneko and even Manami more. What was with her love of little sister games? Hmm? Really creepy if you ask me. Why would a teenage girl be so in love with the idea of a little sister she buys millions of yen worth of Eroge?

Kyousuke didn't act like a real person would, doing outrageous and highly embarrassing things to help his ungrateful, 100% Tsundere bitchy brat of a sister. He's never really talked to her, and suddenly he's doing all that? Why? Do you know how unrealistic that is? If there had been some foundation to his blind loyalty it would have been something, a bone to throw the audience, but the show couldn't even do that.

The series moralised so much I couldn't stand it. And it did so bluntly and without any subtlety whatsoever; I often physically cringed.

Hated this show. I gave it five episodes of my time, it gave me high blood pressure. Hate this show.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:32 am Reply with quote
The only thing I can bring myself to like about this series is watching Kuroneko and Kirino go at it like a pair of old men over their opinions in anime. It kind of makes you wish they would stop now while they still can......
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:55 am Reply with quote
The story gets an A-?

Oh Theron. Thank you for continuing to be so funny.

As for the show... I would buy the 'True Route' if it were separate, but there is no way I would own any part of the show where Kirino is involved. One of the worst leading female characters ever.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:05 am Reply with quote
Megiddo wrote:
The story gets an A-?

Oh Theron. Thank you for continuing to be so funny.

As for the show... I would buy the 'True Route' if it were separate, but there is no way I would own any part of the show where Kirino is involved. One of the worst leading female characters ever.

Have to agree, both with the story and Kirino. Although I dropped the show, I heard that later episodes were really badly done, like when spoiler[some novel Kirino wrote got an Anime adaptation, or something like that.] Lots of fans said they weren't too pleased with that one.

And Kirino, yeah. She is worse than useless, I can easily see how the show would be significantly more tolerable with her gone.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:22 am Reply with quote
I definitely agree with this review, and I did love oreimo it surprised me almost every episode. I kept see the next episode preview and saying and this is where is tanks, and it was always really good. yes the anime episode does strech the credibility of the series to it extremes, but you could tell that some of the demands the writer made and the animation studios initial reaction where in there. so that meta qaulity to that episode made it up to me. I will say that I HATED episode 11 and that I was not a fan of episode 12. the true route made it up to me though. this show is very smart and funny parody, some of the things it pulls off in episode 9 are hilarious if you get the point of the episode.

there are three problems with this series though not mentioned in the review
A) When ever the series goes serious it generally drops the ball
B) Kirino is really as much of a tsundere as she is a outright B word
C) the series has a major plothole that's in the first episode, spoiler[The series starts because kirino dropped her game in the front hallway, but it never once explains why she would ever have that game, and since she is a closet otaku there is no reason for why she would have that game in her bag let alone outside her room, also since when do parents let kids move huge pieces of furniture in frount of closet doors. ]

this is a GREAT show that should be seen by everyone. it has few problems and a ton of laughs
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Joined: 21 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:32 am Reply with quote
I have to respectfully disagree. I saw a few episodes and was far from pleased. Incest-themed audience draw and terrible fanservice aside, I can't stand how the main theme of the show is basically "EVERYONE LOVE AND FEEL SORRY FOR THE POOR ABUSED OTAKU", or the fact that the lead guy ended up an otaku himself as if to further glorify such a lifestyle, and I hate tsundere characters with a passion, Kirino included. This show was thoroughly unenjoyable.

And what's with the one girl who constantly sprouts dog ears and a tail? Were they trying to appeal to furries, or is this some insulting statement about women that only a Japanese person would get?
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:41 am Reply with quote
Let the Kirino bashing begin.

I liked her and found her amusing.. and fairly tragic all things considered. She acted how I expected a young teen year old girl who has her life turned upside down would act. Plus she's hot so she gets a free pass, as all hot girls do with guys

Though I don't get why people keep harping the incest stuff... there's like 1 instance in the whole show, and it's played for laughs/satire given how cliche the 'trip and fall' gag is. Kirino pretty much says in the first episode "don't confuse 2D with 3D!" when Kyousuke wonders if Kirino is into incest. It's about a sister who had a falling out with her brother when they were little and their steps to repair that relationship, not wanting to shag each other or anything. Especially when Kyousuke actively pursues other girls in the series. It's a clear sign people haven't actually seen the show.
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Joined: 21 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:06 am Reply with quote
Y'know, to be fair, they do clearly rope in the potential audience with what seem to be promises of incest. The title itself is proof of this--they knew who'd be attracted to it, don't give me any naive slapstick gestures and say these industry professionals didn't know what they were doing.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:16 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Let the Kirino bashing begin.

I liked her and found her amusing.. and fairly tragic all things considered. She acted how I expected a young teen year old girl who has her life turned upside down would act. Plus she's hot so she gets a free pass, as all hot girls do with guys

Though I don't get why people keep harping the incest stuff... there's like 1 instance in the whole show, and it's played for laughs/satire given how cliche the 'trip and fall' gag is. Kirino pretty much says in the first episode "don't confuse 2D with 3D!" when Kyousuke wonders if Kirino is into incest. It's about a sister who had a falling out with her brother when they were little and their steps to repair that relationship, not wanting to shag each other or anything. Especially when Kyousuke actively pursues other girls in the series. It's a clear sign people haven't actually seen the show.

I now know why I find like your posts.

Another well written review. I liked Oreimo, though I do not think it is a series that I want to own let alone watch again. It was a one and done series for me.

Unlike most people out here, I like Kirino as she does not take anyone's flak.

I do agree with what Kirino said about "don't confuse 2D with 3D!" There is lots of stuff that I like in 2D but I have no interest in 3D.


You should feel sorry to the otaku. Sure they are different but they still are people and should be treated fairly.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:19 am Reply with quote
TheSwedishElf wrote:
I can't stand how the main theme of the show is basically "EVERYONE LOVE AND FEEL SORRY FOR THE POOR ABUSED OTAKU"

Right, but you know this series is made by otaku for otaku, so of course they will just commiserate with each other, because the evil normal people misunderstand them so much, because their opinions are based on false information and prejudice. Blah.

I watched this series because the first episode was funny. I was hoping for a new Genshiken (which pokes fun at otaku and non-otaku alike and simply has some characters you can care about). But it never got really funny again. I thought the Kirino vs Kuroneko scenes were nice sometimes. Kirino is just such a nasty monster, it's nice to see her face some counterattack. Or Kanako's cosplay. That was about it ....
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Joined: 14 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:34 am Reply with quote
This is definitely not a title intended for casual anime viewers - in fact, a high and broad knowledge of otakudom is necessary to fully appreciate it - so why was this deemed necessary?

In this case, with there not being a dub and all I think that adding them in for the assistance of those who aren't as hard into anime and just pick this up from the shelf is fair enough. Its not like they are going to cause an issue or particularly bother anyone. Granted 99% of viewers probably wont need them, but oh well, still no harm done.

Im just glad that they chose that rather than going for the more common practice of attempting to westernize even the most Japanese of references. Particularly annoying when theres a dub (I mean, would I watch the sub if englishy english is what I wanted??).

Kinda sad that they didn't include the animated commentary extra's from the Japanese DVD's though, those things are utterly hilarious and I would have been more than happy to pay the cost of an extra disk for them/
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:47 am Reply with quote
I thought Theron summed it up quite nicely:

+ Kuroneko . . .
- Kirino . . .

Maybe if the titular character had been slightly less obnoxious and didn't lead such a charmed, "everything always works out perfectly for me," life, I could have actually liked the series enough to buy it and watch those OVAs. As it was, paying for the ANN streaming was about as much money as I could stand throwing at this show.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:59 am Reply with quote
What an entertaining review. As I read each sentence, I found myself nodding in agreement, especially of the appreciation of Kuroneko's role in the series. Yet, something seems off from making the review feel complete. I wonder what it is.

I know! Key is an only child, or at least, not a big brother.

A guess on my part, and I say this only because Kyosuke, not Kirino, is the party responsible for ruining this series for me. Aside of my Japanese culture ignorance, I find it difficult to believe any big brother would go through all this trouble, repeatedly, only to receive a "screw you" instead of a "thank you" (though the one scene she does say it was rather touching).

This allows the very extreme undertone of sibling incest to fester in the minds of its viewers as the motive behind the action. It didn't help there were several Point-Of-View camera angles from Kyosuke's position to help enforce the undertone's presence in the series.

I had hoped the introduction of new characters would remove them and it turns out it did help, since Kyosuke is obviously smitten with one of the girls (watch the series to figure out who it is). The balance shifted back to "reality" a bit, but it's still leaning in favor of the undertone, which is a shame as the series deserves more praise for its delivery than its "Yeah, but it's aiming for a specific demographic" discussion-stealing diatribe often seen.

I'm also a bit confused at the "A-" grade when its been stated the discussions of otaku culture seemed to be too overwhelming for the series to handle effectively. I didn't notice it, honestly, but I had other reasons to disagree with the "A-" which were not addressed in the review.

At least I know what people can get Key for the holidays...
"Yes, AmiAmi? I'd like to order a Kuroneko figure, please."
I'd give him mine, but... it's a loli in goth attire. Over my dead body.

Overall, another nice review.
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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:15 am Reply with quote
The only reason why I'm not buying this is because of the lack of a Blu-Ray. I mean seriously Aniplex?

Also, why so much hate for Kirino? Confused Me likes both :3
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Joined: 05 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:17 am Reply with quote
maaya wrote:

Right, but you know this series is made by otaku for otaku, so of course they will just commiserate with each other, because the evil normal people misunderstand them so much, because their opinions are based on false information and prejudice. Blah.

Enjoy a few comparisons to the 'Otaku Murderer' and perhaps you will change your tune.
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