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Moonlight Mile.

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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:20 pm Reply with quote
Moonlight Mile
So I finally got a chance to see Moonlight Mile, the first episode been out for a while but since it's only been available for .mkv currently and I watch a lot of anime on Media player which doesn't support mkv.

Remember as always spoiler through episode one.

Anyways so onto this show. I love the start of this episode with the details of how fast one could move on the moon. I really like when a show give some sort of reasoning behind how something works or why that works like that....it really makes it so you buy into there world.

Opening theme, epic that how I would describe the music it's really give this sense that your going to watch something bigger then life. I really liked the visuals of the White house and really thought that the navy carrier looked real slick. Ok so the start of this episode has some hentai....so beware don't get with this at work. Well let me qualify that last statement, you see someone having sex but it's not very graphic....but I happened to hit the pause button right at the critical moment. Wink

Hey cool it's the paramount mountain that there climbing, hehe. That was kind of weird With Lostman and his friend climbing the mountain, an avalanche occurs and there pretty casual about. Well since I know little to nothing about climbing perhaps you just get use to avalanche. Gross spitting up blood from your internal organs, part of reason I don't do any snow climbing....not the way I want to die frozen to death....my lungs filling with water.

As a big fan of the wind instruments, I thoroughly enjoyed that piece that plays during snow white death. What an anticlimactic ending they just sort of arrive at the peak, and then decide hey were going into space now.....?

Alright F4, this show got my attention now, and damn do those visual look slick with the afterburners on. Although the planes look great the ocean and clouds should look boring, I guess when you spend more time on the planes and space ships back grounds don't look as good.

And so it looks like the moon is going to be powering the earth, I hope this doesn't turn into one of those show will the earth vs the colonies Wink . Well that episode leaves plenty open, I wonder when were going to space.....

Closing song didn't work for me, but I am sure there are plenty of folks who would enjoy it. It just sounded like everything you hear nowadays.

Definitely can't wait to see how this show turns out especially with that great foreshadowing at the start of the show.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:54 pm Reply with quote
I kind of browsed through the episode a bit when I first got it. I noticed that Helium 3 was mentioned. Wasn't that also in Planetes? are the 2 shows in any way related? I looked it up on Anidb for any kind of relation but it didn't indicate any.
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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:47 pm Reply with quote
Moonlight Mile is the show I'm enjoying the most right now and is one I truly hope gets licensed one day. I haven't seen enough yet to understand what's going on scientific wise (other then a basic synopsis) so thus far it's been about characterization for me. Jack/Lostman and Gorou (or 'Goro' if you like) are great characters IMO. Both of them are the 'everyman' yet have the ambition and the abilities to fulfill what seem like impossible goals. Jack is something of a mystery right now. He's quiet and IMHO not quite as interesting. Gorou on the other hand is pretty damn entertaining. The man can apparently do everything and anything while still reminding me of a person I could actually know (if that makes any sense). The supporting cast is interesting as well. Everyone has their own motives and I can't wait to find out what they are.

Deltakiral wrote:
Ok so the start of this episode has some hentai....

And episode 2 has another great scene of random sex along with a tamer bathtub scene.

Closing song didn't work for me, but I am sure there are plenty of folks who would enjoy it. It just sounded like everything you hear nowadays.

ED song isn't that special for me either but I do enjoy the end of the animation with the footprint. Epic.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:57 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, does anyone know the relationship between Planetes and Moonlight Mile? Not only does the main character look like a younger Goro from Planetes, his name...is Goro. Just saw the 2nd episode, hopefully they won't all start with gratuitous sex scenes Wink . I love how Goro's screwing the chick on top of the construction crane "for the view." I really can't take this series seriously anymore. spoiler[These 500kg pillars fell on top of a construction worker and not only do they not call the paramedics, they wait for hours to find Goro in town.]

end theme~disappointed with the pillows. much too mellow.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:14 pm Reply with quote
I am going to check it out as soon as I am done with two other ones.
But the premise sounds very intriguing and this could be a sleeper hit in the making IMO.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:36 pm Reply with quote
slickwataris wrote:
spoiler[These 500kg pillars fell on top of a construction worker and not only do they not call the paramedics, they wait for hours to find Goro in town.]

But we all know it's common sense that you'd need a drunk man to save him Wink . I personally liked how all the other workers acted towards him (Goro is apparently spelled g-a-r). They all trusted him even when he changed the calculations despite the fact that he had just been brought over from a bar. Rolling Eyes Perhaps it was... ridiculous, but we needed that to know how awesome and loved by everyone he is... right?
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Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:42 am Reply with quote
slickwataris wrote:
Yeah, does anyone know the relationship between Planetes and Moonlight Mile? Not only does the main character look like a younger Goro from Planetes, his name...is Goro. Just saw the 2nd episode, hopefully they won't all start with gratuitous sex scenes Wink . I love how Goro's screwing the chick on top of the construction crane "for the view." I really can't take this series seriously anymore. spoiler[These 500kg pillars fell on top of a construction worker and not only do they not call the paramedics, they wait for hours to find Goro in town.]

end theme~disappointed with the pillows. much too mellow.

On the Planetes comparison... One, they're different creators entirely, and thus probably wouldn't be related. Also, the time-frame is completely off, as this is (I think) roughly 2005 in this particular world. They're just that, two basically different worlds, as we seem to be edging towards a different type of colonization in this particular series.

On realism... spoiler[I think it's a bit difficult indeed to take this series completely seriously. The conversation at the top of Everest seemed odd, as atmospheric pressure drops to roughly one third above 24k feet and the temperatures do the same. You get frostbite almost on contact at the peak, especially in a storm. That little quirk struck me as a bit strange.] Personalities are also a bit of an issue, as are the reactions to situations. spoiler[Yeah, I do get that Gorou is pretty much GAR, but you don't generally give a job requiring surgical precision to even the most graceful of drunks. Even if it does result in heroism, recklessness is almost never rewarded, especially in government and situations involving millions of dollars. The random sex scenes and generally ridiculous character of Mr. GARou are rather strange qualities for a person selected for space travel as well.]

I actually found a lot of this kind of funny, and I do like the characters as they stand. Also, I'm a sucker for any sort of "closer" or hard SF, so this series should keep my interest for a little while. However, I do wish that a series touting "realism" would take itself more seriously. It'll probably get better in episodes to come, so we'll have to see.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:20 am Reply with quote
I saw the first episode last week and I thought it was pretty cool.

Although the entire opening sequence was just a series of the worst luck for that woman. spoiler[First her partner and the ship explodes in her face, she doesn't have time to worry about that when she sees she has 5 hours of air left and it'll take up too 12 hours for help to arrive, but there's hope 120 kilometers away is an old base which should have tanks, so if she can run 20 kilomters an hour straight, she may make it on time, so now her and her heavy suit boots it in a long journey all the way to the base, up the final hill and falls down the cliff and lands in a freaking army of robots with guns, freaks her out gets shot at and her air is starting to stop so she can't breath and just when all hope was lost, a ship lands calling the robots off and one of the guys in the ship comes up and shoots her.........] sucks to be her. Then we're off to see some sexy mountain climbing.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:29 am Reply with quote
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:
I saw the first episode last week and I thought it was pretty cool.

Although the entire opening sequence was just a series of the worst luck for that woman. spoiler[First her partner and the ship explodes in her face, she doesn't have time to worry about that when she sees she has 5 hours of air left and it'll take up too 12 hours for help to arrive, but there's hope 120 kilometers away is an old base which should have tanks, so if she can run 20 kilomters an hour straight, she may make it on time, so now her and her heavy suit boots it in a long journey all the way to the base, up the final hill and falls down the cliff and lands in a freaking army of robots with guns, freaks her out gets shot at and her air is starting to stop so she can't breath and just when all hope was lost, a ship lands calling the robots off and one of the guys in the ship comes up and shoots her.........] sucks to be her. Then we're off to see some sexy mountain climbing.

see...that's exactly what happened in Planetes once. minus the shooting. There's gotta be something here.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:53 pm Reply with quote
O my god, that is a lot like Planetes, I may go on a search on this.
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Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:19 pm Reply with quote
I think Moonlight Mile may have some references to Planetes, but I don't see a direct connection. spoiler[The "lost on the moon" scene is very similar to the one in Planetes, but the circumstances are obviously different, and I believe this one is just paying homage. The abrupt and more violent ending of this scene is an obvious distinction to be made.] I think some of the similarities stem from the fact that they're both supposedly "hard SF," thus being fact-based and somewhat realistic in the frame of our rate of advancement. Planetes is probably the most well-known hard SF series, and some reference is inevitable in a series that touches on the same subject.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Just finally got around to seeing episode 2, and I am quite excited about going to Space. I haven't seen Plantes yet, but I have the thinpack so hopefully I will check that out soon. As for the Moonlight Mile, Goro while strange and interesting he kind of bothers me in that it's as if he can't fail. Perhaps things will be different when we go to Space and Goro isn't in his usual element.

Also the Animation has been amazing especially with the aircraft carriers and the planes. It's nice to see so much detail put into one scene with the water and the setting sun, it was quite a nice touch.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:34 pm Reply with quote
Moonlight Mile is my undisputed favorite for this season. I love the hard sci-fi aspect and Planetes is my number one favorite anime so this show is right up my alley. So far I've only seen the first episode but I'm probabally going to really like this one.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:05 am Reply with quote
How is this show's rating in japan. The manga is up to vol 14 or 15, and the 2 seasons cover up to vol 5 or so, there is so much content they can put in 3rd or 4th season if they are willing to do it. But i donno if show likes this can be sucessful because it is just not the regular hit-anime show.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:46 am Reply with quote
So is anyone following the North American DVD releases?

I'm almost through the second one, which I rented. I love the opening music and most of the CG models ... and the character designs aren't bad ... but geez, is this the most inept space agency of all time or what? Every episode there's some huge technical snafu that leads to a life-threatening calamity. It's like these guys don't actually test the equipment before sending it into space ....
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