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Joined: 18 Jun 2018
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:05 am
Haruhiro Tsujimoto is a greedy greedy frog.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2021
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:22 am
Imo, the PS5's biggest selling point is that significantly more people have a digital library on PS4 than on XBO.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:31 pm
Console prices make me miss handhelds.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:18 pm
I'm not worried about Platinum to be honest; Kamiya hasn't directed a game in over a decade and he didn't have that much input on their titles. We'll see how things go, but anchoring an entire studio to one guy isn't a good thing. I also have a very complicated view of Kamiya as a designer as he had his high point but also low points.
As for Jim Ryan, whatever. I would just recommend Sony stop being so obsessed with the Oscar bait crap and diversify. It's worked out pretty well for Nintendo
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:07 pm
AQuin1904 wrote: | Imo, the PS5's biggest selling point is that significantly more people have a digital library on PS4 than on XBO. |
A digital library of only PS4 stuff. The Xbox One and (presumably the series) let’s you re-download and purchase stuff from the Xbox 360, Classic, hell some of the stuff you purchase on the One can even be carried over to your PC and vice versa.
Sony’s answer to that?
“Let’s put all that stuff on specific tiers of PS Plus some of which are more expensive than the standard tier…..let’s then raise prices a year and a half after introducing this new system”.
Quote: | Nobody is necessarily complaining about the quality of recent CAPCOM hits like Street Fighter 6 or the Resident Evil IV remake, |
I guarantee you there are people complaining about certain elements of SF6 by virtue of people loving to complain about arbitrary stuff specifically “iT’s NoT 2D sPrItEs. RE4 Remake has been getting complaints pre and post release most of which is from people who need to take off their rose tinted glasses.
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Blue Senpai
Joined: 30 Aug 2023
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:37 pm
BadNewsBlues wrote: | I guarantee you there are people complaining about certain elements of SF6 by virtue of people loving to complain about arbitrary stuff specifically “iT’s NoT 2D sPrItEs. RE4 Remake has been getting complaints pre and post release most of which is from people who need to take off their rose tinted glasses. |
Uh.. sorry that I like the original RE4 over the new one, I guess?
The Capcom CEO is kind of right. Video games have had pretty static pricing compared to everything else in the world for the past few decades now. Restaurant and food prices have gone insane these past few years alone, let alone compared to the prices they were when 60 dollars became the standard for a new video game. The days of 5 dollar foot longs at Subway are long gone, so games still being the same price as they were back then is kind of amazing in itself if you ask me. So really, 70$ being the new normal is whatever to me and I'm surprised video games haven't had a price hike since the early 2000s again already.
Of course, personally, I don't play many modern games so I really don't care one way or the other. Not much new stuff interests me, perhaps because of how much they focus on the 'cinematic experience' and graphic styles and other changing trends in games. If I buy newer games I usually wait until they're on a Steam sale for few dollars a year or two later. I don't really care about Street Fighter 6 much and will always prefer to play 2 or Alpha, but I'll probably pick it up for 5 dollars like I did with SFV after all the DLC comes out and stuff just to mess around with it. Likewise, the RE4 remake does not interest me at all and I will always prefer the original which can also be gotten for a few bucks as well. I picked up Resident Evil 2 remake for like 7 bucks awhile ago, played it, and went 'Yeah, it's alright' The original is still better. But I felt my time with it was worth the 7 bucks.
Of course, it probably doesn't help Capcom in particular is all about the remakes and sequels these days so you have older (and imo better) games to compare these ones to by comparison so it's very easy for me to write their newer stuff off compared to other companies output and not value paying full price for games or see them as a day-one must buy. Now, if they made a new Breath of Fire game and it looked like Dragon Quest XI with beautiful cel-shaded anime graphics and a full length story? I'd gladly pay 70 bucks for that day one.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:23 pm
Blue Senpai wrote: | Uh.. sorry that I like the original RE4 over the new one, I guess? |
Nothing wrong with that but thinking certain elements of the original game such as the castle or Ada’s dress were better (as some parts of the fanbase does) and that Capcom ruined the remake by excising/scaling back on them is a bit too much
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ANN Reviewer
Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:25 pm
FilthyCasual wrote: | Console prices make me miss handhelds. |
Tell me about it. Sticking to the DS while the PS3 and Xbox360 were around really spoiled me since all the games I was buying were still retailing for $40. Even when the 3DS rolled around, most everything still ran me about $50--not too bad for an impulse buy, if you're responsible.
The Switch really showed me just how much that extra $10 for a current game can add up. I just can't afford to go to Amazon or a local GameStop and pick up a Switch game on a lark anymore. $60 just isn't impulse-buy money--let alone $70.
BadNewsBlues wrote: | I guarantee you there are people complaining about certain elements of SF6 by virtue of people loving to complain about arbitrary stuff specifically “iT’s NoT 2D sPrItEs. RE4 Remake has been getting complaints pre and post release most of which is from people who need to take off their rose tinted glasses. |
You're missing my point entirely. Heck, you even cut off half of the sentence. The point isn't whether or not people are complaining about the current games or not, the point is that many fans are in agreement that having something be on the highest end of graphical fidelity is unnecessary, and an increasing amount of gamers are subscribing to the "I want games to look worse and do less" philosphy. And I'm in agreement, I don't need to see John Tripleagame's pores, especially if the gameplay is just the same open-world stuff we've been getting for years now. That expense has no business being passed onto us.
Blue Senpai wrote: | The Capcom CEO is kind of right. Video games have had pretty static pricing compared to everything else in the world for the past few decades now. Restaurant and food prices have gone insane these past few years alone, let alone compared to the prices they were when 60 dollars became the standard for a new video game. The days of 5 dollar foot longs at Subway are long gone, so games still being the same price as they were back then is kind of amazing in itself if you ask me. So really, 70$ being the new normal is whatever to me and I'm surprised video games haven't had a price hike since the early 2000s again already. |
But again, many games have already circumvented all of this with add-ons like season passes, day 1 dlc, and digital deluxe preorders. The other side of the equation is that executives aren't going to just take the price hike and keep doing business as usual--when the game gets more expensive, they start factoring for a higher profit margin. And these profits are not going back to the devs, if the news of Epic's massive layoffs are of any indication.
It's not need, it's greed.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:06 am
FinalVentCard wrote: | You're missing my point entirely. Heck, you even cut off half of the sentence. The point isn't whether or not people are complaining about the current games or not, the point is that many fans are in agreement that having something be on the highest end of graphical fidelity is unnecessary |
I felt that was a whole other topic onto itself. One that I’m half in agreement on/on the other side of. I also already gave my two cents on Nintendo perpetually cheaping out on tech for their systems that leads to graphically inferior ports of titles that also can’t run a consistent 60 FPS on their systems.
But my original point was just pointing out that even with those two game you mentioned being perfectly fine games better than their previous entries or their original versions. You’re still going to have people snubbing their noses at those games for being “too new” looking or some other weird BS and I’ve seen some absurd takes being thrown up to argue how these newer titles pale in comparison to their predecessors
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ANN Reviewer
Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:47 am
Speaking bluntly: I don't care. That wasn't anywhere near the point of my statement. That has nothing to do with what I was talking about. The matter was not whether or not there are actual people arguing about whether older games were better. I don't know why you singled this half of a sentence out to make some kind of point because it's nowhere near what I was talking about.
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:45 am
If by gamers were hit hard by sony's prez stepping down u mean cheering LOUDLY and saying good riddance then yes, very true. I'm surprised u barely touched on how the guy single handedly killed the Japanese games on PS consoles due to their Xenophobe beliefs, views and policy going so far as to also treat the Japanese Devs poorly and unfairly. Its why so many of these JP games are now on other consoles instead of JUST PS consoles and why fans (Not all fans, I am talking about the fans like myself who're into it for the Japanese games) have slowly abandoned it. Adding to that, how many Japanese games are on PS5 as just another point to the long list of points that that Prez killed.
Speaking personally now here, he burned many bridges including mine and I've no interest anymore in getting a sony console ever again. I don't even have the paper weight that is the PS5 and no plans to get it, ever. I'll just get my Japanese games on other consoles. Oh and the kicker? Censoring the games on their consoles, weird how Sony and Nintendo swapped roles on that (Worth pointing out that Nintendo still censors its own games such as FE and SSB but it doesn't censor other companies/dev's games like Sony does) and they're hypocrites too, will censor a panty shot in Neptunia games but leave in their own game a full fledged sex scene only further proving they're Xenophobes.
So yes, I and plenty of others were cheering at his departure. Even if Sony returns to how they were b4 they went Xenophobe, it'll be the PS6 or beyond b4 I bother going back to them, IF I even do. I don't want to rebuild that bridge which they themselves burned, esp when they means I haveta fork out more money to buy another console.
Its a shame though becus Sony has a great Trophy system, I like it, even if I rarely hunt for trophies, it was satisfying being able to lv up and earn Platinum trophies in the occasional game... Nintendo has none of that and am ready for the successor to the Switch to come as the graphics and issues games are having, well, successful as it is fans aren't happy with the performance anymore, myself included. XB consoles I've never owned notr will I so I cannot speak for their trohy system which iirc it does have one. Steam mean while... has it but they make u PAY to lv up which is utter bs and takes any fun out of hunting for "Trophies" (Achievements as they're called, annoyingly) so I have no reason to even Platinum the games anymore thanks to Steam's greed.
AQuin1904 wrote: | Imo, the PS5's biggest selling point is that significantly more people have a digital library on PS4 than on XBO. |
On a console that has LESS storage space and very limited space at that I'll add and no, u shouldn't need to have an external HDD/SSD for it esp when that only another significant cost to that high price tag and sucks more if u bought the disc-less digital only ver of the console
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:41 am
Murder, She wrote: |
Of course, many fans have quickly pointed out the obvious: if game development is so expensive, make cheaper games. Nobody is necessarily complaining about the quality of recent CAPCOM hits like Street Fighter 6 or the Resident Evil IV remake, but many are in agreement that games don't need bleeding-edge graphics. It is a self-evident answer, especially since the decision is at gamers' expense. I agree with this; Vampire Survivor showed the world that if your gameplay loop is good enough, people don't care if your game is (literally) a pile of asset flips. |
Lol, I find it funny when people say this, and then the game comes out, and the first thing they complain about is......... graphics
And ya can lump in Vampire Survivor into that - graphics snobs immediately dismiss it out of hand, without ever even considering gameplay
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Joined: 24 May 2012
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:46 am
One xbox made the Achievement system sony just took it with a twist and two jim is not the sole reson for sonys changes and there is no evidence he hates japan and the "they canged jp underage stuff" is not the damming proof you think it is there is differences between a sex scene and underage Japan fanservice.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2012
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:20 pm
enurtsol wrote: | Lol, I find it funny when people say this, and then the game comes out, and the first thing they complain about is......... graphics |
When most gamers and companies talk about graphics, they mean realism and hyper detail. How many individual beard hairs on a dude's chin or the individual threads on a piece of clothing or a puddle's water surface reflection and other hyper ultra-HD 8000K stuff. And yes, most gamers do care about that stuff. Remember Puddlegate from the original Spider-Man game? Or the fact you have tons of channels dedicated to comparing the graphics of a PS5 and Series X multi-platform release side by side to see which has the 1 pixel better resolution so people can brag about it and dunk on the opposing side. I see videos comparing the newest Mortal Kombat reaching MILLIONS of views. Yeah, we can say graphics don't matter, but most people do infact care about this stuff.
Me? I value aesthetic more than anything else. I want an appealing art style. I didn't need Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to be ultra realistic, I just didn't want it to look cheap and awful and ugly. By comparison, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX has a gorgeous water-color/cel-shaded art style and I would have killed to have a mainline Pokemon game done in that style, even if it's technically less impressive than an open world game like Scarlet/Violet. But I accept that I'm in the minority.
FinalVentCard wrote: | But again, many games have already circumvented all of this with add-ons like season passes, day 1 dlc, and digital deluxe preorders. The other side of the equation is that executives aren't going to just take the price hike and keep doing business as usual--when the game gets more expensive, they start factoring for a higher profit margin. And these profits are not going back to the devs, if the news of Epic's massive layoffs are of any indication |
Which I would argue is the scummier and less transparent method. Not only does quality suffer because games need to be designed and created with things like season passes and DLC in mind, it's also less apparent just how much you're spending. I usually don't touch games that have battle/season passes associated with them because they're mostly online games I have no interest in, but even Resident Evil 4 Remake cut Separate Ways and sold it later on to people as DLC, so I guess it would technically be a $70 game at that point -- or $80 if you want the costumes and weapons from the 'deluxe' edition and everything the game has in it. But less people would probably be willing to drop $80 on a game upfront compared to an initial $60 and then presenting the $10 add-ons as more appealing because its far easier to convince people that "it's just 10 bucks" later on down the line after the initial purchase.
I suppose there's an argument to be made that increasing game prices would let them not develop games to revolve around these practices, but obviously the industry is going to do both. Games will cost more money and also nickel and dime you with DLC and battle passes. But in a perfect world, I think I'd rather have an $80 complete game made from the start than a $60 one build around multiple add-ons released down the road or separately.
As far as companies getting the money VS developers. Probably, but I kind of assume it's always been that way. I would not be surprised that the corporate side of Squaresoft got most of the profits from the original FF7 as opposed to Kitase, Sakaguchi or Nomura back then as well so it's probably nothing new.
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ANN Reviewer
Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:40 pm
I'm gonna be honest here, Chief, you're going on a lot of tangents. I hate Sony shutting down their Japanese studios as much as anyone else (in fact, I make direct mention of it in my column), but it's a long line from "Sony shut down their Japanese first-party studio" to "Sony is xenophobic" (that's the word you're looking for, btw).
Also, just putting it out there: you're not winning points with me after the "censorship" junk. There are a lot of reasons to not want to see a kids' panties in a game.
FeelMyBlade wrote: | Me? I value aesthetic more than anything else. I want an appealing art style. I didn't need Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to be ultra realistic, I just didn't want it to look cheap and awful and ugly. By comparison, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX has a gorgeous water-color/cel-shaded art style and I would have killed to have a mainline Pokemon game done in that style, even if it's technically less impressive than an open world game like Scarlet/Violet. But I accept that I'm in the minority. |
You're pretty right when it comes to how much people like to measure the marigolds on graphics in games. It's a lot of technofetishism in gaming because graphics are the easiest cludgeon to wave around when you wanna do the "my console better than yours" stuff. I'll always remember Jennifer Tsao's sage words from EGM: "You can't just decide to have better core gameplay." Which is true. It's hard to figure out how well a gameplay loop will stick with players.
That's how you get "Cyberpunk will revolutionize gaming forever, even though it's just another open-world game with skill trees". I remember when the 360 came out and folks were surprised the graphical leap from the PS2/XB wasn't anything like the jump from the PS1 to the Dreamcast/PS2. Sad truth is, we're hitting diminishing returns on graphical fidelity.
And I also agree with you on the "aesthetic" part. It's kinda wild to look back on Okami and Gears of War because Okami still looks freaking gorgeous and Gears of War is really dated.
I just wonder how many developers would lead better lives if they didn't have to render realistic horse testicles that reacted to temperature in real-time...
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