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ANN Aftershow Podcast Series Choices

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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 11:05 am Reply with quote
The problem with committing to a week-by-week coverage of a newly debuting anime is that we don’t know in advance if it’s going to be any good. With Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia, we already knew the tone and quality of those shows in advance. Take a chance on something new that looks interesting, and maybe it’ll work out… or maybe it’ll be like when Zac and Jacob followed along with Darling in the FRANXX to the bitter, bitter end.

Y’all could just hop from show to show and do a taster (kind of like what the Anime Slushie podcast does), though that might just end up treading the same ground as the Preview Guide (or This Week In Anime).
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 11:27 am Reply with quote
I think my issue is the current format. I'm fine with news + anime discussion... but if you only cover Attack on Titan or My Hero Academia, that's all that seems to be covered. Basically if you're not a fan of either of those shows, you're out of luck on the podcast series.

I'd prefer a more loose format where you can talk about several shows, maybe spend 10-15 minutes on Attack on Titan or My Hero... but also talk about what else you're watching. So for example, you could do an episode where you cover what shows are you excited about. Next week talk about what shows you watched, what has kept your interest, etc.

Then alternatively after a series is finished, if you want to dedicate a whole episode to it and talk in depth, that's another option as well. I am specifically interested in learning about new shows, see what people think about them, or hear about underrated gems. I myself personally am less interested in hearing about a blockbuster show like AOT or My Hero in such detail every week.

So I also second hopping around, but maybe spend 15-20 minutes hopping around versus like 2-3 minutes on a show, like some other podcasts do. I'm personally a big fan of theme related episodes and building around that. The Trash Taste podcast is a good example of that on youtube with content creators making their own anime 3x3s or talking about favorite type of X shows.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:10 pm Reply with quote
The poll didn't really have the options I was looking for to explain why I don't listen to the podcast. I do listen to podcasts, but not the ANN Aftershow (and not currently any anime podcasts). A podcast isn't really what I'm looking for when it comes to coverage of a currently airing series. I'm more looking for something I can read in a short amount of time, either to get a good sense of if something is worth watching if I've not started it yet, or to see what other people think if I am watching something. I like reading the weekly reviews and This Week in Anime columns, and those fulfill my needs for coverage of current series. Even a single podcast episode about one series would probably be more in depth than what I want, let alone a series of them. I might be more interested in a podcast if it was not focused on a single series, and covered a variety of topics from week to week.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Darksorrow29 wrote:
I'd prefer a more loose format where you can talk about several shows, maybe spend 10-15 minutes on Attack on Titan or My Hero... but also talk about what else you're watching. So for example, you could do an episode where you cover what shows are you excited about. Next week talk about what shows you watched, what has kept your interest, etc.

I agree that I would appreciate a looser format to the show, even if its half and half give or take. I've been enjoying the MHA aftershow episodes since I do feel like their discussion goes very in depth (sometimes even more so than I feel like the episodes themselves deserve), but even then some talking points can get a bit repetitive. Plus you're right in that it does alienate those who aren't interested in that show at all. So I wouldn't mind if they cover a big-name show to get people interested in checking them out + cover anime in general (other shows they're watching, news, etc...) more than just the first 5-10 minutes of the show.

As far as Winter shows go, I think Demon Slayer is probably the best (i.e. safest) bet. When looking at other even mildly anticipated shows/sequels, the genre itself doesn't really fit this "we need to have stuff to talk about each and every week" format with these hosts (Komi-san, Blue Period), it isn't anticipated enough to maintain viewership (half the shows haha), *or* it might have underlying issues that make it more of a risky commitment (Mushoku Tensei, Platinum End).

My runner-up would probably be 86's second season if I had to choose. Although I'm not familiar with the source material, that first season (11 eps) would have made great podcast material week to week, no matter how you felt about the story. Heike Monogatari might make a good talk later on as well, even if not week to week since its premiere will coincide with MHA finishing up.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:24 pm Reply with quote
I'm also in aggreance that it might be cool to see more than one show covered at at a time for the Aftershow podcast. I have been curious enough to check it out, but while I like MHA, I'm not personally engaged in it enough that I'd be interested in listening to a podcast soley dedicated to it every week (especially since this season in particular covered one of the weakest stretches of the manga) and I kinda feel the same way about Demon Slayer. Might also be cool to see some love for stuff folks might be a little less inclined to check out at large (or roasting something particularly awful).
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:30 pm Reply with quote
I want one episode on Platinum End where you have watched several episodes. I don't want it covered week to week but I would like a single episode.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:47 pm Reply with quote
I'm not a podcast guy at all, but I did at least occasionally check out ANNcast back during the Zac days. I have not checked out a single episode under the current format because I don't follow MHA and that's all that seems to be talked about.

Rather than dedicate the whole thing to a single series, I'd much rather see either a rotating format or perhaps shorter segments on multiple different shows.

And I absolutely agree with another poster that 86 would be a wonderful choice as a discussion title, even if it isn't probably a hot enough title to warrant singular focus. (Though it might work better in YouTube form; I'd be tempted to try that myself if I had any skill at all at making YouTube videos. . .)
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Joined: 08 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:35 am Reply with quote
I'm not big into podcasts, there's a couple I listen to irregularly lately, but I was definitely a regular listener to ANNCast. I really enjoyed many of those. In contrast I have zero interest in AfterShow. I tried a couple in the beginning (AoT, Castlevania) and it didn't seem worth investing my limited time into. Unless there's a radical change or ANN offers another and different type of podcast I wont be tuning in. AfterShow is just not for me. Sad
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Joined: 05 Oct 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:31 am Reply with quote
It has already been said but I agree: The way Zac did it was good. Covering just one specific series for 12 weeks in a row is boring. Talk about what ever: New series, old series, what ever comes up that week or month. I like Hero Aca as much as the next weeb but I'm not going to listen to hours upon hours of discussion on JUST that. More variety please. Also maybe you could invite Jacob once in a while if he's up for it, pretty please.

Short version: I really miss the ANNCast.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:40 am Reply with quote
Thank you to everyone so far for the feedback. I'm feeling pretty confident about switching up the format to something with more variety once this season of MHA wraps up because, even from a host perspective, I'm definitely feeling some of the burnout with talking about one thing every week for six months.

Also, before things veer too far in that direction: I understand folks miss ANNCast. I miss ANNCast too, insomuch as I miss Zac. I was his cohost for the last year of the show.

But, as fans/listeners of the show I'd like to gently, gently remind you all that asking for ANNCast or an imitation of ANNCast to come back is deeply, albeit unintentionally, painful for me. I cannot bring myself to attempt to mirror what that show was or bring it back in some alternate form. That was Zac's show. I still listen to old episodes whenever I want to hear his voice again. Please consider how awkward and sad it would feel for myself to try and bring Jacob on as a guest or something like that (and the feeling would probably be mutual).

It's hard enough trying not to feel like I'm walking around in Zac's shoes every day at work, so asking/reminding me how much this show isn't the same as that show is more than about format for me.

For those who did like the guest/interview format of ANNCast, we are trying to figure out a possible second podcast (I'm not involved in it) but it's still very tentative right now.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:21 pm Reply with quote
I just wanted to say I usually downloaded the show to listen to the news bits (if any), but I usually deleted it once you deep dived into the episode. AOT is a fun show, but deep analysis was not interesting to listen to, and I don't watch MHA.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:09 pm Reply with quote
Yeah I'd also like to echo that, for podcasts in general, I'm not real interested in a "play-by-play of last night's newest episode" format. Even though I was excited for AoT's new season, I often wasn't able to watch it right away to be able to join in to watch the cast. I'm also really bad at watching podcasts weekly. So I felt like, by the time I found time to watch the episode, and found time to watch the podcast, there was already a new episode out and it was outdated.

I'm definitely a fair weather podcast listener that tunes in when I find the topic(s) of the week interesting and have some spare time.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:33 pm Reply with quote
I agree that 86 would be a great choice.
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Joined: 04 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:59 pm Reply with quote
I listen to a lot of podcasts. I've listened to every episode of Anime World Order (more than once, even) and I listened to ANNCast while it was running. I've dabbled in other anime podcasts, but those are the only two that really stuck with me. The other podcasts I listen to are on a variety of topics.

While I don't really expect ANNCast 2.0, the current format of mostly following one or two weekly shows has the effect of pushing out people who aren't following them. I don't really have any interest in Attack on Titan or My Hero Academia, so I didn't listen to the ANN Aftershow. If the next season of ANN Aftershow is on a series that I do want to watch, like Lupin III Part 6, I'll definitely add it to the rotation, but I'll be listening if it's changed to something a little more general, too.
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